Knew one libertarian who literally believed he knew best in every situation yet lived as a perpetual 19-year-old. No matter what he was always right, if you disagreed with him, you were just emotional.
Used to do graffiti when at 14 & he continues to do so at 35. It's not good graffiti either. Wack
He was also a NIMBY, hated homeless people & honestly believed he earned everything he had despite only making 35K a year living in a house parents bought him to get him out of their house.
His friend is his basement tenant & treats him like shit, loves the power. Wannabe pirate is so freaking right
Never met a libertarian who wasn’t one of the following
1) emotionally immature
2) clearly on the spectrum with low social-relational skills specifically trait empathy
3) a linear thinker (to a fault)
4) (somewhat) sociopathic
Well, you’re a bit young to have met Milton Friedman, John Locke, Ayn Rand, and Thomas Jefferson. They seem a bit more than toddlers to me but course your station in life I’m sure will earn you an equal spot in history.
Nice obsequious bunch you got here.
Not only Democracies but Meritocracies! You actually had to help! And no one cared what your ethnicity or gender was as long as you could sail and fight.
I don't feel that is how it started - It was highjacked by the Tea Party - which was highjacked by the right. Being socially liberal, fiscally conservative isn't such a bad thing.
Instead of "let's be really thoughtful and tactical about our government spending" it pretty much always boils down to "fvck you, got mine."
Like someone else said. So long as the infrastructure directly affecting them is working, they'll fight like rabid dogs against anyone else getting a cent.
Pretty much. I was philosophically a Libertarian for about six weeks my senior year of high school, but I got over it. Today, Libertarians are just Republicans who want to smoke dope and have maybe one gay friend.
there is a lineage: The John Birch Society was funded the the Kock (h) family who started their fortune working for Stalin and then switched to the NAZI Party; when this failed. they started the libertarian Party, then the Tea Party, Then MAGA.. Free read On Why:
We went to a all parties election panel. The candidate for the Libertarian party just kept the same answer for all the questions. He was just planning on asking people what they wanted. Every action was going to be a referendum.
Libertarians are much like clueless morons -- because they are at their core clueless morons -- who do not understand that homo sapians are not and never have been self-suffient creatures. And if we were self-sufficient creatures, there would be no one to debate self-sufficiency with...
Libertarians are dumbass lepers: they believe the only taxes they should pay are for the upkeep of street & sidewalk directly in front of their shanty.
They can forever fvkkoff with their toddler IQ & intellect: man babies.
For me personally it is about not having freedom eroded or taken for granted for that matter. Again, for me personally, it is about smaller, less intrusive control structures in our personal lives that allow us to navigate through a system to decide what is ultimately best for ourselves.......
I am aggressively sharing my experience/opinions/knowledge because I believe we need to talk to each other, and repair our communication systems, and chains of command, because only then can we have a voice back.
If your response to an impending apocalypse is to explain how you'll do great in a survival scenario, I implore you to spend a weekend camping. Alone. Without looking anything up online.
You haven't met me. Most who claim to be Libertarians fail the first, most basic test: they don't care about other people's property rights. They don't object to government until it restricts their activities.
Government is a necessary evil, as such it must be carefully watched.
Hahaha! I went with a friend (a lowly admin) to a wine mixer @ SB’s Reason Foundation in my leggy, insouciant 20s. Their parking lot had slots marked ‘editor’ etc. Said it seemed kind of ironic for libertarians: I was disappointed they even had stalls. Humorless fucks. Had to leave pronto.
Libertarian Toddlerism is REAL. Every one of these Whine-Rand Warriors thinks freedom means doing whatever THEY want while riding on roads they didn’t build, protected by rights they don’t defend. Total Moocher Mentality.
I would trust every toddler I’ve ever met (including the smelly ones and annoying ones) to run this country better and more fairly than the current Republican Party.
We should be able to do a lot of cool and new things that will solve all the problems in the world - very simply.
I can spend the next few hours outlining about 40-50 after 2-3 nights spent in freshman dorms at elite schools.
How do you fund and implement them?
Not a clue.
I once tried to organize a local party chapter with Libertarians, but the very first official party action involved two men realizing they'd made a mistake and scapegoating onto me, the only woman present. I walked away right there.
I was gonna get mad at you at first because I misread libertarian as “librarian”. WS gonna have some words for ya. lol. But seriously libertarians are soooo fucking annoying. It’s all about them. Toddler is right.
I think skepticism of government coercion isn't a bad thing. For example I support immigration, gay marriage, the presumption of innocence and due process, free speech, and I oppose the death penalty. These are typically libertarian arguments but I don't see them as juvenile.
I’ve said for years that I might be able to get down with *some* libertarianism . . . if every libertarian I’d ever met weren’t such an insufferable douchebag.
Libertarians are the political equivalent of house cats. They prattle on about independence and freedumb, but are utterly dependent on others for their basic needs.
Never met libertarian who
wasn’t an autocrat at heart.
All talk about peeps should be able to do anything as long as it didn’t harm others but they want to ban stuff they don’t like ie. abortions
Libertarianism is the political ideology of privileged white dudes. They don’t care if the government is “drowned in a bathtub” because no one is coming for them and their rights.
And usually, that argument is racist, pedophillic, or in some other way resistant only to laws that directly impede their own desires. That or hopelessly naive.
Somewhere between toddler and preteen, but yeah. This. Aggressive ones are closer to preteen; tantrum-prone ones are closer to toddler. They're both mouthy.
100% they are mostly white guys that peaked in sophomore year in high school after reading Ayn Rand and thinking they had it all figured out and how libertarianism makes so much sense.
This kind of shit is why one of my core guiding principles is that if any ideology seems simple yet solves complex, human problems, it's probably bullshit. I also try to be vigilant about obvious contradictions within, while understanding my own biases will make some of them invisible.
I find Libertarianism is usually for people who can't have mature, nuanced political views, but they desperately want to hang in a political discussion.
Curious, has anyone ever met a libertarian who came from a poor country? All the ones I have met, young and old, male and female, were either Americans or from West/North/Central Europe. I wonder if they are but a case of fish who can’t see water.
Every one I met thinks he (yes, he, always) would be god-tier if not held back by the constraints of society. Y’know, he’d be The Man, if it weren’t for The Man. 🙄
Yup. Most of the ones I know have that "both sides suck" view, but not in a thoughtful or smart way. Always in the "down with rules" way that reminds me of a toddler throwing a tantrum because they don't want to eat their broccoli.
Libertarianism is, at root, a deep fear of vulnerability and dependence. By rejecting anything that can’t be fully transactional, it limits or eliminates vulnerability and allows for a pretense of anti-dependence.
That mindset should crumble around parenthood, but alas, does not.
There are times when I think that there aren't any people that could possibly be any less intelligent than the MAGA crowd...And then a libertarian says something...😃😅
The ones who actually follow the belief system tend to call themselves ancaps over libertarian. The ones that call themselves libertarians are just GOP but still reddit atheist and want to distance themselves from the evangelicals
I read a post awhile back that compared Libertarians to housecats, self-important but completely unaware of how they’re supported. They said it way better
Libertarians are a gift to the GOP. All the bitching about government just gives the hard right all the power by convincing people that government can’t work. Somehow that system works great for rich assholes.
This is pretty wide spectrum political abuse. The term "libertarian" (like the term "liberal") covers a wide range of political positions, and means different things in different cultures. Much better to be concrete. Resist bad government - yes! Celebrate inequality? Greed is good? NO!
Insofar as the Silicon Valley wunderkinde are concerned, "toddler" seems quite polite. There is no right to buy New Zealand to retreat to you after you have trashed the rest of the planet. But the issue is not "libertarianism". It's curbing the power of the rich.
I mean...certainly no libertarian over the age of 23-24. I always attribute teenagers identifying as libertarian as a sign that they're still developing cognitively.
Once they're in their mid 20s and still calling themselves libertarian? Yeah, they're stunted.
Libertarians are basically people with massive self entitlement and zero empathy or caring for the rights of others. Just so long as they enjoy all the rights but take zero responsibility. They sponge off the toil and achievements of others while contributing nothing. They make me bloody angry.
Just checked out libertarian and the definition is:
Libertarians tend to embrace individual responsibility, oppose government bureaucracy and taxes, promote private charity, tolerate diverse lifestyles, support the free market, and defend civil liberties".
So if that's a bad thing then call me bad!
you fucking said it, and it almost comes down to the name itself. because no "libertarian" I have ever met hasn't been, at heart, an authoritarian. they all constantly scream for the abrogation of liberty, and they haven't one single good excuse for it. so they just snivel, endlessly.
But yeah, he's interesting. Married to my ex-wife. Nice guy, but can't hold a job at all, so good thing she has a good paying job. And believe me the way she is, she's not poor. But he is.😄
Never met a libertarian who was actually a libertarian. None of them that I've ever met want less government. All of them want less government for them and more for everyone else
I'll answer that with a question on my own. Do you really think cities should be able to tell people they can't collect rainwater? It's not what I would cut, as far as services. I wouldn't. It's the ridiculous regulations. Those I would cut.
Rainwater collection regulations are aimed, in part, at preventing disruption of natural water cycles. It has a purpose. You can debate their need or effectiveness, but just saying "don't tell me what to do" is kinda exactly what we're talking about here.
Yes. Because collecting rainwater at scale, i.e. if most people start doing it, it will cause significant disruption to the water local water system. Which has SOO many knock-on effects.
As someone else stated there is a reason for that. If everyone else collects rainwater there are potentially catastrophic consequences for everyone and every thing in the area.
Should I be able to pour toxic chemicals in the ground at my house knowing it might have negative impacts at your house
every libertarian I have ever met demands we get rid of every program except the ones they depend on. That isn't a political party, that is just a bunch of greedy people who have no EQ.
If you have a 💗 please help me survive while I heal from a violent 🍇
I never ask for anything, I can’t get any help irl. Depending on my community to support 😔🏳️🌈💗
Used to do graffiti when at 14 & he continues to do so at 35. It's not good graffiti either. Wack
His friend is his basement tenant & treats him like shit, loves the power. Wannabe pirate is so freaking right
1) emotionally immature
2) clearly on the spectrum with low social-relational skills specifically trait empathy
3) a linear thinker (to a fault)
4) (somewhat) sociopathic
Nice obsequious bunch you got here.
They specifically want to be Ragnar Danneskjöld
Like someone else said. So long as the infrastructure directly affecting them is working, they'll fight like rabid dogs against anyone else getting a cent.
Taxation keeps the global reserve currency from tanking and is a net good
Regulation keep corps from externalizing all their costs to ppl who may not even use their services
They can forever fvkkoff with their toddler IQ & intellect: man babies.
the idea of not having government oversight of things and maintaining peace and 1st world conditions just does not seem reasonable at all
it seems like a dirty trick to get "conservatives" elected.
it is riddled with fear and propaganda 🤠
We all have direct access to the digital "wild wild west"
the idea of having no structure or regulations with this is utterly preposterous, for example.
government is an attempt to create systems that platform this issue, and to regulate those who are abusive.
I don't think that providing self governing autonomy works in the modern world
it is fantasy
that was the moment that we need to attempt to get serious about how we communicate in government, beyond simply a vote.
I probably mostly agree with you I assume.
Try bribing someone from dire straits to protect you, from themselves, with your MelaniaCoin in a gov collapse and then report back
Government is a necessary evil, as such it must be carefully watched.
After someone suggested to him that climate regulations are the opposite of libertarianism, he changed his mind.
2 year olds are more like militant anarchists...
Actual libertarians hate cooperations.
And calling them toddlers is exactly right
They want everything but don’t want to pay for anything
“Libertarianism: A simple-minded right-wing ideology ideally suited to those unable or unwilling to see past their own sociopathic self-regard.”
Libertarians are legends in their own minds.
…and should have their browser history investigated.
We should be able to do a lot of cool and new things that will solve all the problems in the world - very simply.
I can spend the next few hours outlining about 40-50 after 2-3 nights spent in freshman dorms at elite schools.
How do you fund and implement them?
Not a clue.
What about society?
"But that's stealing my money!"
So, no schools, fd, roads or police?
"No, I want all those!"
How do you pay for it?
"No my money! It's mine!"
The gubment can’t make me stop at a stoplight. I have an unrestricted right to travel.
Stoplights are tyranny!
wasn’t an autocrat at heart.
All talk about peeps should be able to do anything as long as it didn’t harm others but they want to ban stuff they don’t like ie. abortions
I would have preferred toddler, honestly
Libertarian “devils advocates” invariably shift the argument to all else NOT being equal. It’s just a stalking horse for other arguments.
It’s ignorant at its core and lacks even a basic understanding of what a modern government needs to do to run on behalf of the people.
Their words sound nice but then looking at their actions show their true goals.
That mindset should crumble around parenthood, but alas, does not.
Libertarians are just oligarchists cosplaying as anarchists to try and look cool.
Once they're in their mid 20s and still calling themselves libertarian? Yeah, they're stunted.
Libertarians tend to embrace individual responsibility, oppose government bureaucracy and taxes, promote private charity, tolerate diverse lifestyles, support the free market, and defend civil liberties".
So if that's a bad thing then call me bad!
After you do research, you might decide a regulation is unnecessary. But you have to do the research and then make your case.
Should I be able to pour toxic chemicals in the ground at my house knowing it might have negative impacts at your house
Bloody pathetic.