I lost my job at the National Science Foundation yesterday, along with 167 of my colleagues, including some dear friends. This was the best job I've ever had, and I thought it would be my last. The PI community has been sympathetic and supportive, without exception. I will miss working for you.
I've been working with some friends to communicate what is happening so that the public & our representatives in Congress can understand.
If you’re up for it, I’d be grateful if you would contribute your story: https://trumpcostsamerica.com
I know that you got damned depressed on Sunday. You ain't ready for the altar, but you do believe there's times that a woman sure can be a friend of thine.
I love the bird photos. They make me smile.
We must rise!
We need a giant #GoFundMe to help people with rent, utilities, and food.
How can we help you, Matt?
I hate you lost your job and I hope things get better for you and the thousands of others this will happen to.
Just know there's not a damn thing you did to cause this. That may not help. But know it.
So sorry we have corrupt people running our government now.
to you at this moment
may good things come to you in your life soon
Stay true to your core values.
2. Get your state to install transparency software on each 'vote counting machine'
3. Realize the bad guys know social media is a back door into our country and use every dirty trick they can.
I truly wish you good luck.
Thank you for your service.
I am new here and just saw your incredible photos of birds in my neck-of- the-woods but glad that Turkey Vulture isn't in my beachside area!
Keep us updated, please.
The wanton destruction of great research institutions will haunt us with the loss of a better future
Anyways, I send you a hug from Portugal and wish you all the best!
Your works have influenced my school career and my cohort’s research at my university.
Please save your research for posterity…
Like after all those gun mass-massacres
Like all #gaslighting by NRA
The American Freespeech = The #American #SiegHeil
what if #MAGA representative do not obey court orders?
Because it has been OBVIOUS from ABROAD, that almost NONE of the judiciary powers were respected in the #USA by the #GOP and #MAGA
They'll be at war in a few years, and elections will be postponed with leader trump in place until death. Why, oh, why they thought he would be a good idea is beyond me
- I have followed the Robert Mueller investigation about obstruction of jsutice and russia interference and etc...
- I have followed the IMpeachment trial
Your faith is misplaced.
Makes them feel exactly like the losers they’ve always been.
Try to found a job far away of this bullshit administration.
I'm sure that on a lot of countries they needs very good scientist, with a government that don't want destroy scientific organisations.
I hope I'm wrong.
And I'm not American - just a horrified outsider watching the the USA destroy its own hegemony and usher in the end of our shared post-war global order.
Also it's wise to start thinking what else you can do because that's an inevitability at this point. Americans are going to have to organise or accept their new oppressive plutocracy.