Can't believe I have to say this, but what is the good Lakers blog/podcast? Ideally an analytical one and less homerish. I think I'm actually switching teams for the first time in my life. Put a lot of thought into it and can't support the Adelsteins/Nico Harrison admin after the Luka trade.
He’s great at analyzing games
You can be a fan of a player and not an org, see: myself and Damian Lillard, who is not a Blazer anymore. I will love Dame deeply and always but my allegiance is with the Blazers.
Also I don’t blame you ditching the mavs in this.
Mainstream sports media. (the best one)
Lakers Exceptionalism (very analytics-based) (doomer-adjacent) (reportorial)
Luka will eventually join his bestie here anyway.
If we could be Knicks fans through [gestures at the last 30 years], you can handle one bad trade.
But yea I don't switch I root for the name on the front of the jersey not the back. I agree with you.
Homie just wanted pod recommends
And I respect this guy's work otherwise so, you know... Gotta flame this nonsense and hope he sees the error of his ways.
Tbh I have more "hate" for Dallas than I do the Lakers given adelson, Kyrie, etc.
Silver Screen and Roll ( )
Welcome homie, sorry for your loss.
Obv Pete is a Lakers fan but imo
He call it’s like it is.
Whenteam chemistry and construction is bad he calls it. Like actually we got a chance he calls it too.
I still remember him saying this 2020 team is something special.
He knows ball.
just sayin
He chose the Lakers. Smart guy!
28 others teams that aren’t the Yankees or Cowboys of basketball.