The main concern is stepping in something( assuming you aren't around livestock or birds as part of your normal life) and tracking it in so the easiest thing is to take your shoes off at the door before you come in and keep them stored away where the cats can't get to them.
If you go to the beach similar to the shoe recs but with what you wear to the beach. Change before If you can or as soon as you get home and wash the clothes as soon as possible. If you don't have a washer/dryer keeping them in your laundry basket away from cats until you can go to laundrymat.
Keep things clean, clean off shoes and such before going into the apartment. Same principle as washing your hands after touching surfaces youre worried about. Take a deep breath and be cautious wary but dont let the fear make you panicked.
Avoid any birds acting strangely, and examine your shoes for feathers or bird droppings. Take them off at the door, and wash the soles with bleach and let them dry. That might help.
My cats have not been outside with me in 2 years. And sadly I had to take away all bird feeders too. I have been playing YouTube videos of birds for cats on our tv to give them something to watch. Also don’t feed them any poultry.
Don’t fill bird feeders this year. You don’t want bird droppings on your property for you to track inside your house to your cats. If you have to remove a dead bird from your yard wear a mask & gloves & triple bag the remains.
Haha "cat tax"
My partner and I used to go to the local dog park with a G&T to meet all the dogs who would all come up for a hello and a cuddle.
years went by
we got a rescue greyhound.
we paid our "Dog tax" with this big lovely gentle dog who greets everyone,is inclusive and welcoming.1/2
I don't think there are any cases of Avian or Bovine H5N1 from food, just don't let the cat outside or go around handling wild birds or farm animals and you should be fine.
I hope you go John Wick on Dr. Fauci, because he funded the development of the mutation that allows it to jump species so that he could create vaccines “in case” it ever happened. Like it’s not gonna happen after you genetically engineer it to just that. 🙄
Peace of mind should never be a reason to keep a cat indoors. It's too sociopath-ish to be in good taste. Same with children, despite the walls of group norms having closed in.
It doesn’t sound like a sociopath at all. I don’t give a fuck if it is a fad or what but ppl really need to stop contributing shit to mental illnesses/personality disorders that have nothing to do with the situation. Peace of mind&keeping fur babies healthy has nothing to do with sociopathy.Stop it.
What an incredibly ridiculous thing to say. Housecats are pets and not children and should be contained by the owner at all times not only for the safety of native species, but the cats' safety as well.
For reasons like Avian Flu which has demonstrated human to human transmission for the first time ever, and a nightmare scenario for epidemiologists since 2012ish.
I hate the waste of life, but sometimes sacrifice has to happen for the greater good in very specific circumstances. Like this one.
Okay, this is going to be a reply and a half. Please bear with me.
There was a case of h2h last year, but it's super rare. Link at the end.
My son is a biology student majoring in conservation biology, and by bizarre coincidence, just so happens to be taking 3rd year microbiology right now.
This year, there has been an avian flu case in an adult human male in the states with no identifiable zoonotic contact or plausible mechanism of infection whatsoever.
I don't have access to the information because I'm 1000 km away from home, at work.
Yep, it sounds like I'm mental, but we're a family mix of human services, tradespeople, and scientists. My flavour of human services is remote reserves, so I live 2 weeks in one community, 2 weeks in another. Eclectic bunch, we are.
The dog warden here is wondering if that is what killed our 18 year old dog. There have been several sudden deaths in dogs near where there are geese and ducks. We found some cardinals dead that didn't have a mark on them. We live near a stream that geese frequent.
It’s still so bizarre that you broke all of our necks swinging from (rightfully) scaring the shit out of us writing about the threats of the online far right to running The Onion and posting a bunch of lame jokes like this
You're going after a bunch of blue jays perhaps? My cat died about a week before they noticed avian flue was killing cats and there were also some dead jays in my neighborhood.
Yeah, but the American government not giving it the attention it deserves and not allowing the CDC to communicate with other organizations, and dismantling the NIH doesn’t help. Humans are perpetuating the problem.
And don’t pick up dead birds or feathers without wearing a mask & gloves and triple bag the remains before placing in your outdoor trash can. (We’ve had a lot of crows die in my neighborhood. I remove them if they are in my yard because my dog would grab them & try to bring them inside.)
Every vet, wildlife rehabilitator, wildlife conservationist, zoologist, wildlife biologist, and any other profession that knows/cares for animal health and well-being will tell you: Cats are indoor only pets. Letting them outside is cruel. Yes, even if they cry at the door.
Why? What part about releasing an invasive species of animals into the outdoors could possibly be cruel? It's not like they decimated local bird populations or get wild parasites that can kill them because their system isn't adapted to them?
Same - I have three and if they go down I’m gonna start swinging. They’re getting no raw food of any kind, we’ve stopped eating eggs, and we’re storing our shoes in enclosed bins with lids. Also washing the dog’s paws thoroughly every time he goes outside.
Also, I think my cat may have gotten this. He was really unwell for a few days, stopped eating, we were worried he wouldn't make it tbh. He did bounce back, thankfully.
Unfortunately, there's really no choice on letting him outside. He just doesn't have the temperament to stay in. Black cats...
Yeah, mine are on lockdown and it is not going well. They do not understand why the doorman is not slavishly opening doors anymore. They may well do away with me in my sleep but I still operate the can opener so I’m safe for now. 🫣
I’ve been warning friends. Try to pay attention to any human infections in your area. If you receive any reporting of avian flu transmitted to humans in your area, take extra precautions. Back to masks etc. 60% mortality rate in felines.
I was going to build a catio for mine to safely admire the outdoors, but not now! They get window perches and that is IT. Zero chance of close contact with a bird.
I agree! However, if things go sideways, we will find that Pet Cemetery, wait for the resurrection, and then unleash our revenge on these idiots! Cat lovers unite!
Shit. Thanks for the new fear. My sweet boy got FIP at 2 years old, and just got his leg lopped off (exactly two years later) due to osteosarcoma. If any indoor cat can find a way to get bird flu, it’s my guy.
Keep pet cat inside; take off shoes at door, wear slippers or different shoes around the house; wash hands immediately when you come in, before pets or touching anything. Feed cat proper cat food, no raw anything.
Not much. We have voles and rabbits around our property and don’t do much to keep em out of the garden. They eat a little but we still harvest much more than we can eat ourselves.
i liked his movies
boycott listed now
We was called the "Social worker of Marks park"
My partner and I used to go to the local dog park with a G&T to meet all the dogs who would all come up for a hello and a cuddle.
years went by
we got a rescue greyhound.
we paid our "Dog tax" with this big lovely gentle dog who greets everyone,is inclusive and welcoming.1/2
Makes it to easy to track em down.
For reasons.
I hate the waste of life, but sometimes sacrifice has to happen for the greater good in very specific circumstances. Like this one.
There was a case of h2h last year, but it's super rare. Link at the end.
My son is a biology student majoring in conservation biology, and by bizarre coincidence, just so happens to be taking 3rd year microbiology right now.
I don't have access to the information because I'm 1000 km away from home, at work.
I can help you there.
(For the uninitiated, cat tax is the price you pay for posting about your cat. You must immediately follow up with a photo of said cat).
Good thing humans would never have an over reaction like that... O... Wait... NEVERMIND.
It's not people spreading it.
So don’t let it outside
200,000 signatures - Let's make it MILLIONS!!!
REPOST!!! Spread the word!!!
200,000 signatures - Let's make it MILLIONS!!!
REPOST!!! Spread the word!!!
Unfortunately, there's really no choice on letting him outside. He just doesn't have the temperament to stay in. Black cats...
it almost rhymes
"No raw food or milk" doesn't fit as well....
I'll bring snacks.
Honestly they seem fine with it.
He drinks out of a spot when he's outside that birds visit too. He was pretty sick for about a week. Shook it off though.
Hopefully he will get the virus and die.
That’s what we’re doing.
but, I will be Luigi Wick