we don’t talk enough about the daily, weekly, monthly trauma of dreaming about your deceased loved ones and reliving their death all over again upon awaking
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…she was more visible than most the ghosts, yet no one else could see her, which was really weird.
For context, we(this is where she lived for the past 20y) live in a haunted house, and both of us can see ghosts. She has seen angels several times, I only once.
I periodically have dreams about my dad who passed on almost 10 years ago, to the point now where it sorta wakes me up in dream I'll be like "I know this is dream cause you died" and he's like "well that's rude"
my mom says she sees my dad in her dreams from time to time and saw him at the beach shore (across from where we live) once and I also see him too when I dream periodically. if that’s how we get to see them, I’ll take it
my dad died last year and while we were all in town for his funeral a number of us independently reported someone opening the door a crack as we were falling asleep, and the feeling of being watched, all around the same time. Only experience I've had like that but .. man.
exactly! but hey, I’m grateful for all the days he was here and how he influenced me and everyone else he knew, especially my mom. also grateful that your brother made such a lasting impact on you and I’m sure he was damn lucky you are his sister too I HAVE SPOKEN AGAIN
also I follow (duh) a lot of death accounts (from murder to grief and death doulas) on IG and that helps give insight on things - you always learn something helpful even though it never gets 100% better, but hopefully you find a small chunk of peace when you need it
I don’t know you but I lost my brother in 2017 and it was like that for so long. I hated how the dreams would stick with me all day, and at the same time I didn’t want to forget them. Grief is a bitch. There will be a day where there are more easy days than hard ones.
oh D, I’m so sorry that you are dealing with this - grief varies for us all, but we carry both the loss and their memory with us always. be good and kind to yourself and it’s okay to cry and be sad because that means they mean so much to us. it’s not easy and never will be but TEAM D I HAVE SPOKEN
I think Billy Bob Thornton once said that he was never going to be the same after his brother died and that he was equal parts happy and equal parts sad at any given time and I think that’s the best way to put it
oh boy do I get it. I have had (& sometimes still do)a series of dreams where my dad is alive, but then dies suddenly & in that hazy state midway between dream & waking, as my eyes open, I'm not sure how he died, & have to piece together the real narrative of cancer & the logistics of the last day 💔
I'm not a believer in the supernatural or an afterlife, but I like to think of stuff like that as a 'visit' and leave it at that. Love transcending the laws of space and time, all that sappy stuff.
Im so sorry, this is one of the hardest things about losing people you love. I have tried and failed to save my parents more times than I can count and they're still gone when I wake up. It's new again every time 💜🫂
For months after my mom passed, I had a recurring dream where the family was over and she was there and I'd be trying to convince everyone she had died, we had a funeral! Everyone looking at me like I was crazy, then I would wake up with real confusion over whether she had really died.
When I was a kid, and Mum died, I’d dream that she elaborately faked her death to start a new, better life away from us. Then when I was awake I’d look for signs that she still watched us from afar to make sure we were OK.
i see my dad and my sister almost every night and i ... kind like it? we get to have a relationship that extends beyond the mortal? i've made friends with it and it's like watching a movie they star in?
this is one of the worst parts of dealing, for me. but like then again is our grief shit any more excruciating to hear than some of the other shit people talk about? I’mma say no
I'm sorry, I know exactly what you're talking about. It's so hard. I dream about my getting into dumb fights with my brother. It's been almost 4 years.
Happened to me once when my brother passed away, we were never really close as he moved out when I was little but the night we got the news I dreamt that he was found safe and alive which unfortunately wasn't the case IRL.
I know they are gone, but sometimes the realization will hit me out of nowhere. I'll realize again that I will never see, talk, or anything with them again.
I am jealous of those that believe that they will see their loved ones again, because I truly don't. Haunted by goodbyes and lack thereof.
I hope you won't mind my comment.
I speak to spirits Hun and if your dreaming of people all the time they have a message for you or it could mean they want you to know they are with you watching over you in spirit of it could mean it's time to let that person go.
it happens with my dead relatives but it also happens with people who are only dead in the sense that they have become unrecognizable. i see old friends who are no longer the same people anymore, step siblings i haven't talked to since we were 12, etc. i miss them as much as the ones who are gone
2 nights ago, dreamed we brought her home for the 2 days before her death. Was an overestimate.
Last night was her ghost acting like she lived here, but…
For context, we(this is where she lived for the past 20y) live in a haunted house, and both of us can see ghosts. She has seen angels several times, I only once.
Now she’s with them.
It's all OK though. Grief can be a motherfucker. It has no schedule or rules.
Sometimes u have to let it out.
Sometimes u have to keep it in.
Regardless of my reply genuine love (in the non creepy way) sent from my part of the world to yours.
I am jealous of those that believe that they will see their loved ones again, because I truly don't. Haunted by goodbyes and lack thereof.
I speak to spirits Hun and if your dreaming of people all the time they have a message for you or it could mean they want you to know they are with you watching over you in spirit of it could mean it's time to let that person go.