Sownds laik mee an Franciepancie was bofe mutch niser too an vetineriner teckh todaye than theye desserv. The one I mett allso survivered unscaithed dispite connsiderible provercayshun.
She was actually quite sweet but the neighbors dog came over for a cookie every night and she came into the kitchen. Usually Amanda wasn't there but she was this evening
Love the shot.
What a considerate people-climber! I occasionally suspect I'm balding asymmetrically because I was once climbed by a pair of cats who felt they needed ice axes and pitons to make the ascent. 😁
Quanto mais inocentes parecem pior se comportam! Violeta, que é uma santa, teve que tomar um remédio para a pele e foi um inferno! Mesmo enrolada numa toalha cuspia os pílula como um canhão e tentava arrancar meus olhos....
There is a picture of my older cat at the vet's office. He's not allowed to be seen unless he's had two doses of gabapentin an hour or so before a vet visit. It's that bad.
My wife is the veterinarian and both of our cats are notorious bastards with the staff. Whenever they have to go in for something apologies are made in advance.
We had a white cat, very similar. Our vet and vet tech were deathly afraid of her. They'd be like no stand back she's going to claw you. I'd be like meh, she climbs me all the time.
Mine got away from the tech. I sat in the waiting room wondering what all the noise was. The vet came out sweating bullets and said they finally caught him and had to “put him in the tank”… other words, sedate him. He was also an angel 😇
Look at nature. What is most beautiful is also the most deadly.
Can you imagine if capybaras were both adorable AND beautiful?!?
I shudder to think....
My own little funny thought whenever I see an absolute angelic purrsian with a tidbit about the hell cat they are, I think of the movie Everafter, where a step sis throws a tantrum and then gets a grip and tells the queen, innocently, "there was a bee."
My now-departed little sweetie used to love to sit on peoples' shoulders, especially when standing up. Cats like a safe, high perch.
So, I would be talking to a friend, only for them to go "AH" and for a little black cat who had leapt onto, then climbed up their back to appear on their shoulder.
Our departed Milli had to wear a “Special Care”collar at the vet. Initially I thought it was because they really liked her but apparently it was a warning about her Ultra-violence.
Lmao what a reality check to have about your own precious kitty!
“Oh wow, they gave our cat a special collar to treat her with care, they must really like Milli! 😌
…Oh, nvm, I think that’s for the vet’s protection…😳😬”
She was also innocent the day she bit me when I took her to the vet and I had to spend 3 days in hospital on IV antibiotics. It was wholly my own fault….
We had a stray we watched over named Hazel. She got a chunk bitten out of her so we had to catch her and take her to the vet. When we opened the carrier, I swear she ran up the wall across the top edge of the wall and then jumped a mile like a mini ninja! I have never seen anything like it.
First Hazel the skinny stray who decided she lived at our apt. Next, in the patio eating. Other cats would bully her & take her food (very bad at being feral). On her back haunch you can see where another cat chomped her so we had to take her to the vet & adopt her. Last, is our happy indoor cat now
My late Bela wasn't much better than that. The vet, an older gent, was freaked out and sent us out a side door from the surgery....two days later a young fella had her practically purring 🤷🏼
*with scratches all over my face* Thanks for coming in today! I love you! See you next time!🖤🥹
(I’m a Veterinary Assistant & a cat could slice me to ribbons & I’d still love them.)
Love the shot.
Additional: Did the face survive the climb?
Why are you writing lies about Miss Francie? 🥺💔
Francie IS a Perfect Tiny Baby Angel™️ ♥️🐾♥️
*would absolutely but will also be forgiven instantly
Cat: 😾💥🐈🐯💢⚡✨💫
Can you imagine if capybaras were both adorable AND beautiful?!?
I shudder to think....
"oh i'll just deal with it, she's so damn cute" to "oh god OW okay this needs to stop" in under 3 seconds
Still I hope that the vet is okay. 😅
* - OW!
So, I would be talking to a friend, only for them to go "AH" and for a little black cat who had leapt onto, then climbed up their back to appear on their shoulder.
“Oh wow, they gave our cat a special collar to treat her with care, they must really like Milli! 😌
…Oh, nvm, I think that’s for the vet’s protection…😳😬”
Cats are all different and they do their best. 💯🥰
perfect preternaturally-PRECIOUS tiny baby angel.
Oh wow,😲 she’s so darling😍, the picture is really smooth, it could have been AI and I wouldn’t be able to tell-
Me seeing the other half of the sentence:
WHAT?! 💀 Nooooooo😭
(I’m a Veterinary Assistant & a cat could slice me to ribbons & I’d still love them.)
(Somewhere the thread Molly said she didn’t injure the vet tech, so yay!)