That's what didn't work for the election. People already know who trump is. 77m don't care. And more didn't care enough for him or the Dems message to vote at all.
IMO, Dems need to connect to people and find solutions for them. They want to feel seen and heard and hear solutiins
IMO, Dems need to connect to people and find solutions for them. They want to feel seen and heard and hear solutiins
What is the democratic response ? Trump sucks and is bad for the country. The Republican response to that ? We know. We don't care. We want what we want
That's what Dems need to solve
This country has had few painful periods over the last several decades. This one will be epic.
and/or the three parts conversion between the two, starting here (first few minutes provide the beginning of a "why"):
Save BlueSky
Have u seen this?
Until all money is out of politics, the will of the people will never be legislated.
Do that, and mean it, and a lot of this crap solves itself.
The Dems have to stop defending the status quo and craft their own narrative of how *they* would break stuff.
Me, I’d pack the court with like 45 justices. Then I’d overturn corporate personhood.
Then abolish the electoral college, establish national ranked choice voting, and publicly financed campaigns.
And on the 7th day I’d rest.
Educated people with money vote Democrat, but Democrats have made minimal effort to improve education or raise minimum wage.
GOP only have lies, misinformation and racism/sexism.
Who is going to pick up produce for minimum wage?
We need more people to vote.
You have a huge soapbox, money and power. How about advocating for a national election day holiday?
I just wanna know who we need to start backing now....we got 4 years and no candidates yet.
We have very real issues with things Trump's trying to do RIGHT NOW. That's where our focus must be (for the time being). (IMHO) 💙
He understands the assignment. mark
In this effort, can Cuban be to blue state governors vs. what Musk is to T?
I think Dems need to speak more simply and define things better. Not everyone has the skills to infer meaning from speech.
The civilized world sees now the USians as nazis.
Deal with it.
You are Nazis until you are not.
World is watching.
Meanwhile the Unafilliated candidate can turn the tables.
Im not college educated.
Talking about democrats positively anywhere got you a mountain of negs and people generally just weren't willing.
17.) red states do not understand that you can have gun rights AND safety precautions.
There are more…
13.) we cannot require insurance who can decline coverage and not pay. Health, home and more.
14.) wealth disparity and national debt will be the end of America
15.) people do not know how things work! Give education back to states? We have it!
9.) people feel powerless to make change
10.) cooperations rule, we need to stop lobbyists and stock trading. We know Dems do it too
11.) stop AIPAC funding
6.) people are more afraid of socialism than capitalism
7.) the two party system always creates division
1.) social media targeting.
2.) people’s view of white males being oppressed to others
3.) he gave them people to hate, and hate is very powerful.
4.) simple messaging, most Americans read below the 5th grade level.
Stop pushing delusional economic theory, weaponizing govt, war mongering, Marxist and socialist ideas, teaming up with corrupt media/tech & so on. People voted for Trump because you guys are infinitly worse both domestically and on foreign policy. Fix that!
No more money until I hear an actual plan.
I want a plan.
It is American public suffering in total. And R's need to realize that Democratic failure is also their own losses.
This ship isn't going to sink in halves with just one party losing.
What new shit can possibly be said about trump that his voters will care about ? His voters think he is a bad person already.
You need something that voters can connect to that has nothing to do w trump
But if you want to reduce his impact , you create solutions, because none of his will accomplish what he said they would.
As people realize, they will be open to what makes their lives better
Has he hurt the people they hate? Yes
Has he actually improved their bottom line? No
Convince them to stay home next election
Egg .50 a carton not
The voters already new prices weren't coming down. They just hate Democrats.
And Dems aren't changing so we lose.
Cautionary note: I think Will is talking here about positive economic messages not all economic messages.
For example, social media with the Biden "I did that" stickers on gas prices, and R's negative message on Biden economy, broke through big.
Trump and RW relish in being in the limelight. If we take that away, we take away ammunition from them and their base
Policy statements or “connecting” to the Fox viewers was/is literally whitewashing the issue
They forget we are all going to sink on the same ship.
Jokes on them.
"Can you believe he did THIS now?"
I am no longer shocked or surprised.
Tell me what you are doing to stop it.
PS DEI is just code for black. See above.
Also Grump was a typo but doesn’t sound so bad!
Let’s go! We gotchu!
Affirmative action isn’t DEI.
DEI is nothing more than a conscious notification to minimize bias in the work place.
The term DEI is how Republicans are trying to take down affirmative action.
2 Different things Mr. Cuban.
Trump made it so easy for them.
How do Dems fight against that?
- Getting a new car? Only buy from a minority employee.
- Buying new carpet? Use a minority-owned company.
- Research products & companies BEFORE you buy from them.
Seek out minorities for EVERY purchase moving forward!
Hint: Not goddamn thing we can do or say to make them care.
Only thing that will make them care is getting everything they want and then suffering horribly for it and even then only if we kept talking about it.
Talk about how Trump is throwing America into chaos AND talk about how high prices are. He didn't make them go down at all! In fact they're still going up!
Supporters of Trump are scared. They are scared of a danger that does not exist.
Fear when there is no danger can raise to the level of psichosys, in particular when the fear become delusional thinking.
Has anyone in a position to help those people consult with a competent mental health provider?
Trump supporters will not get better by themselves. Ignoring the problem is not a solution.
They knew who Kamala was. They knew who Trump was. They stayed home anyway.
Only way they will learn.
Take away their ACA and revoke their health care.
Increase their insulin prices by 500%
Watch their wives and girlfriends die because procedures are denied them.
Cut veteran benefits and social Security.
With all the misinformation and lies going on during the campaign it seems to me that it got people exhausted and kind of gave up. Trump is very "persuasive" because it lies so often that it requires of people a more thorough search for the truth.
….All do respect, but maybe if you publicly call out the tech oligarchy we can get the attention of the 77 Million to start the conversation and ground swell….AND also help dissuade the MAGA Mafia from creating mayhem & violence in our country.
Just saying 🧐
Go after big pharma, talk abt reducing corp power & giving ppl more control over their own lives.
1. Many who reluctantly voted Trump believed none of these things would happen
2. What is happening and will happen is antithetical to american values, and that must be exposed
It's not clear to me HOW Dems can make people feel seen, or make them "hear" solutions if they're not listening.
No, Stancil is right. Trump owns it all now, need to pin it on him.
The media doesn’t care.
Democrats need to be campaigning every chance they get, and they need to campaign in red and blue districts and bring the voting records for the Republican in that district for a show and tell.
You have the public communication skills and the media pulpit to do it.
I would vote for you.
I speak for myself only when I say I'm tired of hearing how we need to change and somehow coddle people that can't be bothered to pay attention.
People need to start acting like this shit matters, and that the people in charge matter.
Sorry to be wordy. I'm just so frustrated w/apathetic voters, and people happy to blame Dems in general, while saying nothing about why we're actually here
A lot of voters who thought "yeah whatever he's a jerk but he'll get things done" had no idea what he had promised to do, and were appalled to learn.
I am not anti, trans,gay or lesbian. However advancing democracy comes in small steps.
Dems forcing things down Americans throats. They aren't ready for
We've been seeing a lot of sitting down and shutting up
The best thing he could do is funnel money into left-wing think tanks to rebalance the discourse.
But again, I doubt he’d do that bc of the first point.
Trouble is, it takes big money to have that kind of network—and big money is right-wing.
Even the ones that aren’t actually are into stuff like charter schools.
The left: “Our healthcare sucks.”
Cuban: “I’ll invest in a company that gets you cheaper Rx.”
How can he possibly know what real people want and need from his position? He's either echoing what pundits tell him, or he's imagining.
Mostly people want to be seen and heard. After that they want to have a sense of whether you understand what their life and problems are like.
Really? I never heard Democrats mention 2 impeachments. I never heard them talk about any criminal case except the NY felonies. Never heard about the Kushner bailout. Or how much Trump billed U.S. government during his first term.
People just know this stuff?
This professor uses the data and explains how the US is a failing democracy and what we need to do to take it back