It would be nice if there were
STRONG VOICES ON ALL NETWORKS to get in front of all this!!
Education is State controlled
List the red states that have lowest testing!!
Forcing retirements.
There is no money in budget for their severance package!
Republicans will blame democrats!
Of course they will. No matter what anti-American platform Republicans pass, the people blame the Dems. For the GOOD things the Dems do to help the middle class, Republicans take the credit. Look @ the politicians taking credit for Biden’s BBB that they voted against. Our demise is all on the GOP.
Wish we had universal health care like those "great", advanced nations have ... the insurance industry as a whole just feels like legalized extortion. feels parasitical .... but when capitalists without a conscience run things .....
I know someone in Canada and their health care is far from perfect. Everything isn’t just free. Her sister with disabilities needed breathing assistance at home and it wasn’t covered at all. She had to pay $5k for it. The waits to get into specialist as astounding. There are many many issues
the problems in public healthcare systems are caused by budget cuts by right-wing politicians who want to destroy them. For-profit healthcare has waits, claim denials, and financial barriers to access, all due to their need to post higher profits every quarter and pay their CEOs millions a year.
Insurance is an even bigger scam now than it was years ago. They just take your money and God forbid they have to give you any when you have a legitimate need.
and they are very successful of manipulating the working middle class into looking down on and blaming the working poor .... what a waste of energy .. one day maybe ...
The real problem is the residency program. There are not enough spaces. Hence, they keep the number of students admitted to medical school on the low side so they will have residency programs to enter.
Some Residencies like Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Family Medicine and Pediatrics can not be filled. This is because education is so expensive and long and MDs can’t payoff their loans without going into high paying specialties.
My husband is rural family med, no grants or legacy & I can’t even imagine the day we pay off his school debt, plus CME, professional fees, starting out with no nest egg bc he wasn’t allowed to have a job during med school, then residency paid barely anything compared to rent & loans
Then the best option financially becomes working for a big organization where they are stuck supervising 200 NPs and/or doing 15 minute visits. It’s all about volume and good medicine is secondary.
And documentation is out of control. Last job he was supposed to field calls, call insurance companies to beg to cover stuff for his patients, answer inbox messages, so huge volumes of very insurance specific documentation & see 20 patients a day.
Part of it is increased use of computers and shifting of resources from “in the trenches” administration to mid and high level leeches…err… “administrators.” The other part is that as women increasingly take on professional roles, the secretarial tasks that were women’s work remain (1/2)
Even small town hospitals/clinics are turning into this. The first place he worked at post residency had to close & reabsorb a brand new satellite clinic after barely a year, upending everything in a small town. It feels like mysterious faraway investors own everything
I am on a special medication that costs 13000/refill. Even with insurance it costs several thousand. The manufacturer has a program I enrolled on where it only makes me pay 5 dollars per refill…that’s not a typo
If you want to fix healthcare start with the price of medication
The manufacturer is likely being kicked back some $$ in order to offer the program. Let's face charge $13,000 a refill and be able to simultaneously offer a $5.00 refill to "qualified" patients...that $ is being made up somehow. That said, glad you can get your meds at a humane cost. 👍🙏
Calls for? It's great he's asking. But People like him are exactly why. Making 6 figures is barely middle class now. People with the knowledge to teach Dr,s and Rn,s DO IT....not teach. Low-wage jobs are important....especially when "teacher" is included among them.
I wonder if there's an association of doctors out there who might object to the lowered compensation that comes with adding many more doctors and practitioners, yet would find it hard to object to free med school tuition.
It's always been:
high tuition = high student loans = high salary required
Universal Health Care. Increasing medical school capacity and drastic reduction of all higher education costs (free if we can devise a system to avoid University price gouging).
Free medical school likely won’t help much. You become a physician during your residency. It’s expensive training residents and I think it’s subsidized by the government. Increasing the number of residents requires a ton of resources, patient population, faculty to train/supervise. Free is good!
The doctor shortage isn’t about tuition though, it’s about capacity. Med schools reject tons of qualified applicants because there aren’t enough seats. Even grads struggle to find residencies. Making med school free won’t fix the bottleneck, we need more schools and residencies to solve the problem.
Seems like Labour plans for the NHS. Newly qualified nurses being told there is no jobs for them in the NHS in spite of massive staff shortages, I wonder what the nurse patient ration in the UK is compared to Europe.
Maybe consider adding the stipulation that med students get their schooling paid for by the state if they agree to stay in the state they were educated in and work there for 5 or more years, this way states that often see an exodus of medical students can more easily staff hospitals and clinics.
The Veterans Administration has a similar program, and depending on the occupation there are varying lengths of service as the "payback" from 2 to 6 years. BUT location is the VA's decision, and with this shithole administration, who knows if that program will still exist by the time I get to apply.
That's what I see too. I said it from the start...MAGATS are bigots or bigot supporters...regardless of the reason they voted for him. And this includes members of my own family. Truth hurts...but it's the truth. Hitler didn't rise to power by himself...he had power-hungry zealots do the dirty work.
Americans are racist at heart- even well meaning intelligent ppl I think it’s cave man natural. You can hate a race, religion, and the like and still embrace an individual of that race or color.
My husband has been saying this for years! Pay for med school with the agreement that they’ll work in public health of some sort for even just five years, and we would have more, better, and more community-minded doctors. Why should military and athletes get school paid for, but no one else?
One of the problems is that there aren't enough medical schools or slots. I know a few good people that didn't get into school this last year. They would make good docs.
I often think of all the potential out there, people who both want to and are capable of filling needed positions, but who cannot get the training for various reasons. We really need to start breaking down those barriers, or our future will look much like today, or worse.
Just looked on my Google map…they have renamed the Gulf of Mexico the gulf of America.
I have deleted that map, the one I have used for YEARS.
I am so pissed at Trump & his stupid MAGA followers…
Google Gulf of Mexico.”Gulf of America" will be at the head of Google's answer. Click on the three little dots to the right of “Gulf of America" Select” Send Feedback" Click on”Gulf Of America" text. Select "Inaccurate content" Select "Incorrect"and type in the text you want. I did it last night.
If you have a vpn, it still says Gulf of Mexico. The rest of the world still sees it as Mexico 😏
So it was only changed here. Which makes me laugh but jeez…we look so stupid to the rest of the world
Insanity would imply that he has some sort of diagnosable medical condition. I think sociopathy would be more accurate. He's always been a narcissist without any sense of empathy towards others he considers to be lesser than himself, including his supporters. They are just objects to him.
Now just add a sprinkle of Alzheimer's/Dementia in his old age and that is what MAGA voted for. I won't be surprised if he's physically and mentally unable to finish his term and gets ousted by the VP.
Most of us are fully aware of this but we are at a point where we'll take what we can get. Until we can convince the other half of this country to vote for their own best interest, we are stuck. If we ever get to vote again.
I have been asking folks, pleading with them since the election to DO SOMETHING.Anything. I was told by many it was not worth it. Emailing and calling Reps doesn’t work, protests are stupid, and that resistance is LITERALLY TOO HARD. They’ll continue to pray. It’s your country.
Some seniors do receive Medicaid, but Medicaid is mostly directed at poor people and people with disabilities. Pairing this with abortion bands is catastrophic.
Nursing home and Assisted Living facilities are filled with seniors on Medicaid. Home Health Care for seniors that want to STAY in their homes are funded by and large by Medicaid. Only the wealthiest are able to pay for these services. Millions will be displaced and die.
My mom has been rehabbing from a fracture in one of these facilities. She is private pay, 95 percent are Medicaid and they are very frail physically, many have cognitive issues and most have no family. BTW also majority white.
Absolutely it will collapse. It’s only a tiny minority that can afford private pay. Nursing homes would empty and shut down. The Home Healthcare industry would cease to exist and thousands would be out of work.
I’ll deliver my 95 year old mother, who is in a nursing home, to anyone who defunds Medicaid. And although she is in a weakened state, she’s mean and will kick their asses.
A shortage of doctors is not the problem, it’s the entire healthcare system built to maximize profit. Any facet of healthcare is insanely expensive because the goal isn’t better health, it’s ’how much money can we make’.
A shortage of doctors is in fact part of the problem, especially in rural areas. Why do you think surgeries are booked out months in advance? Availability.
The problem with the high cost of healthcare is far larger than the difficulties experienced by certain communities. You’re not looking at the big picture.
I work in the system so the affordability is definitely an issue, but so is shortages. Granted some doctors may come back if an ethical framework is established. I’d argue the big picture includes all the facets.
There is a shortage of doctors because people don’t want to become doctors. The working conditions are shit because of for-profit health insurance and admins. Most doctors don’t care if they become millionaires, but they do care if they can afford to live and pay off med school.
Intentional not just due to those who profit, but just as much to blame on those who need to be able to spot those poorer than themselves on sight and will construct 'proof' of the lie of their innate physical superiority by making 'wealth is health' an ouroboros.
The first step to fixing the healthcare system is to realize it is not meant to be for profit. United healthcare hade record profits because of their 30 % denial rate. Thousands of people died but the CEOs celebrated their profits. Hi premiums, deductibles, deny delay, and die. That's their motto.
I'm not in the U.S. but Ontario is trying hard to starve the public system to make private palatable. While giving our federal money for Healthcare that the feds give provinces, to private care. Thousands of nurses have left the specialty, because even back when I worked (2 years ago) we had no one
This made patient care highly unsafe. It was already unsafe. And it's even less safe if you're part of a minority. If you're Ontarian and you read this, Vote him out please, Feb 27. I don't care if you don't vote. VOTE for this. It isn't just Healthcare he's gutted
Yes, but part of the design of that maximized healthcare profit is to have a shortage of doctors, so they can be paid more. It's simple supply and demand.
The shortage of doctors is not a planned event meant to increase their salaries. More doctors would mean more patients seen and more procedures billed.
In my opinion, the shortage of doctors is specifically driven by AMA policies, arbitrary med school entry restrictions, an intentional shortage of residency programs. This keeps M.D.s highly valuable, while pushing more and more traditional M.D. work off onto P.A.s, nurses, etc.
Why don’t you promote the expansion of the roles of APCs to help fill the gap. NPs and PAs are more than capable - provided MDs stop clinging to their fragile egos and think that just because they have an MD after their name that no one else could possibly do what they do (and sometimes better).
Mark is trying to say “I am the cool one, one of you” when he’s an oligarch as any other.
I will never forget his words in Shark Tank, when his wife wanted more balance in their lives. His answer? If you’re not happy, you know where’s the door.
Nothing justifies that unhealthy pursuit of wealth
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Not just MD programs but Physician Assistant programs too. They are a step down from an MD and it's a 2-3 year masters program. Faster to get through than medical school.
It's a monopoly. There is actually an agreed upon limit as to how many are allowed to go to medical school in the U.S. each year. The American Medical Association sets the limits.
It is also bottlenecked by the republican congress (1997 Balanced Budget Act); there's a cap on the number of medical residents that Medicare will subsidize. Even if you open up many more medical schools, there won't be more residencies for grads to go to.
How un-American! An actual solution that would involve education and using public resources for public good instead of enriching the 1%? For shame, Mark! For shame!
My smartest friend went to school to become a pediatrician. He was $1.2 million in debt and no one wanted to hire him for more than $55,000 a year. Most places said if he wasn’t black his pay would be higher. He is now in Canada making $670,000 a year. Every American company is offering $70,000.
Canada is hiring in all fields like crazy with very high pay.
The three problems:
(1) harder to get citizenship even with a professional job
(2) cheapest home to buy starts at $850,000
(3) The country is preventing Chinese goods over America goods
His starting pay was $250,000 in Canada 4 years ago. Last year is was finally put on the map of Doctors in the country. He met 3 criteria’s every hospital in the country wanted.
(1)person of color
(2)years of experience
(3) pediatrician
His paid went from $300,000 to $670,000 in a week.
Once he was allowed to be on the market place for Doctors in Canada, every hospital bid for him. The starting bid was $400,000 and the highest bid was $670,000 a year. He took the highest bid and a few benefits he asked me not to discuss.
Your points are the fuel that sent MAGA into Washington. People should not be denied jobs based on color, and that includes any color. People should not get jobs based on color, which means any color. This pediatrician should not get the job because he is black.
The craziest part is that a drop out from my friends class is making $320,000 a year in the old hospital as a lab tech and he only has an associates degree. His family paid for his college and knew people in the hospital to get him this job while my friend did not get the time or day for agood job.
The irony was that America was too racist across the country. He had the experience and ability to make a difference but America’s medical system was against it. Now the American health system needs and wants him but still does not see his true value.
It has nothing to do with the color of his skin. I think racism is seen where there is none. The US medical system is toxic to everyone regardless of skin color, religion, gender identity. It is still wrong to hire someone because they are black
It is the same as hiring someone because they aren't
If 80% of my patients are black and all I have are white dr’s one of my highest priorities would be getting a qualified physician who represents them. This should be standardized.
It should be but sadly it is not how it runs. Case in point, where I currently live 90% of the cops are black but only people of color make up 15% of the area. The city 5 miles down the road is 90% black but all the cops are white there. The representatives blocked a trade of cops and locations.
Sadly black peopke don’t get hired because they are discriminated against by racist people. My friend got fired from her medical job because white patients refused to see her. Illegal but she just got a new job and didn’t sue. Happens more than most realize
If he was hired in Canada, the standard would be so much higher than the US (the pay difference).
Canada is a multicultural country and our healthcare professionals reflect that.
No matter your colour, you have to be qualified. Not sure why Maga doesn't grasp that.
Free medical school will attract people from lower incomes. Often, these are service-oriented people who are drawn to work as doctors in communities that need more physicians or in specialty areas with huge doctor shortages and/or where the pay is low: pediatrics and family medicine, for instance.
There’s been so much research to prove that free medical school actually creates and worsens admission inequality. Free medical school is not the answer. Students from high income families will also see this as an opportunity. It’s better to start with student loan reform.
The VA has a program like that where students can work for one of their hospitals and for every year the VA pays for their tuition they work 1-2 years in return. It would be a nice incentive to have in other public health settings like you mentioned!
Well if they're paying the fair share in taxes beyond the 400k it currently is, wouldn't they be paying for themselves or at least the next generation of doctors? you want healthcare, or do you prefer gathering sticks and mud in the forest, stirring in a bit of grass and calling it a healing potion?
We could appease either option. But which do YOU prefer?
Actually ALPA (the airline pilot union) looked at the AMA model pretty closely. After airline deregulation in 1978, the supply of commercial pilots ballooned and pilot salaries tanked, which helped support lower fares. The AMA has controlled MD numbers very closely and wages are high. Econ 101.
I can see that insurers might be taking bigger cuts, but I can't believe an MD would still not make a generous salary. I have a couple in the family. The older one just told me that nobody goes into family practice anymore. I assume it's a deterrent to the speed at which one gets rich, honestly.🤷♂️
This doesn’t even track. My sis is an RN and they are hiring in the 60k range at most hospitals in our area. No way an MD or DO with a board certified subspecialty is only getting 70k. That sounds like a residency salary.
All I know is that Canada is trying to make the country more diverse anyway possible and America started doing the opposite about 2 weeks ago. Canada has been using the carrot approach and America traded the stick for a gun approach.
That’s “all you know”? So you’re admitting you’re lying? Also, Donald Trump isn’t “America” and if you’re paying any attention think whatsoever you’d know Canada’s conservatives are trying to make it more “MAGA” and have been polling well.
Exactly. That was a BS lie. I live in a rural area and every doctor makes 6 figures & still leaves to make bigger bucks. Few care about patients - they care about making money.
Surely he’s referring to a resident and just mining social media rage. American Dr’s get paid LOTS of $$. 30% more than European Drs largely because they carry so much debt and our private healthcare system.
If we had free universal healthcare, we would have doctors who really want to practice medicine instead of a bunch of smart people who are more interested in their bank accounts and lifestyle than in helping people. Free medical school would go hand and hand with that.
If you think people right now go to medical school for money and lifestyle, you know nothing about medicine. No one is going through 4 yrs undergrad, 4 yrs med school for $200,000-400,000 in debt, and 7-12 years of working 100 hrs a week for $6/hr for “bank accounts and lifestyle.”
Other countries also have shorter training than the US, such as combined undergrad + med school programs. In the US, at a minimum, you are looking at 4 yrs undergrad, 4 yrs med school, 3-10 yrs of residency and fellowship. At a minimum, that’s 11 years of no income or minimum wage income.
Med school doesn’t cost $200,000-$400,000 in Britain. In the US, most physicians have debt from undergrad AND med school. I have colleagues with $500,000+ in debt that will end up being $700k after interest.
You literally could not afford to live and pay back that debt without an aggressive salary
The doctors are in a similar position as the farmers - both have to put out a heavy investment in themselves upfront and pray the returns are equitable to make payments and afford a life.
things are also very bad with insurance & private firms buying clinics & hospitals & changing quality of care to how many patients they can move through in a day like docs are factory workers. Plus the sheer amount of documentation now
Locally, mental health professionals are refusing to see military clients due to lag in payments from Tricare. This is a huge military area with the world's largest naval base, an air force base, etc. Seal team 6 is stationed here.
Prior authorization & documentation is off the wall now, too. It’s huge effort and a lot of messages and calls to beg insurance or Medicare to cover anything & insurance now dictate exactly how docs have to phrase things in charts
As a doctor use to tell us. Aren't you worth more? Without a doubt, money is a driving factor to becoming a doctor. If doctors were paid what nurses make would they have come to the profession? I did long hours with a pager caring for post-op patients and answering ER doctors questions.
11 years is below the average. 20% have an additional graduate degree beyond MD. And most residencies are longer than 4 years. Ex: I did 4 yrs undergrad, 1 yr MS, 4 yrs PhD, 4 yrs MD, and 4 yrs of residency. That’s 17 yrs total of no income. Insane to think doctors don’t deserve a fair salary
You can be a nurse with 2 years of post-high school education. The absolute minimum education a US doctor has is 11 years. Nurses are important on the team, but they are not the ones diagnosing and treating patients. So, yes, doctors should make a lot more than nurses. That’s a ridiculous comparison
I'll add--doctors are just visible people in medicine who make money. There's many know-nothings, (think admin or drug reps) in medicine making 200k+ with a fraction of the education and training.
Outside of medicine the scale is even more messed up, way disproportionate compensation.
EXACTLY. If you look at the most expensive aspects of healthcare, administration and drug costs are at the top of the list. We need to cut out the know-nothings.
No but as a Canadian what i will say is that many doctors go to school here and then leave for the U.S. And it isn't just our cold winters making them leave. It's that higher ups make more money. We need to regulate CEOs' pay, and anyone sitting on a board of directors and such.
I'm not saying the surgeon who did my mother's knee replacement shouldn't drive a Maserati, but maybe park it in the back and not right out front in a reserved space with his name on it.
I don’t think anyone goes into medicine for the money - they give up a huge percentage of their youth in school and making nothing. They have tons of debt. If you want to make a ton of money become a finance bro.
I believe the vast majority of people who go to medical school do so because of the deep desire to help people. Unfortunately the system we have makes it almost impossible for them to do that. There's a huge burnout problem with doctors. Don't blame them for a bad system.
And some go bc it promises a very nice lifestyle and $$$. Imagine if the average pcp only made $75,000/year. How many people would want to go through med school, residency, etc for that kind of $$?
Friend tried to get into specialized pediatric dentistry, traveled to Florida to apply (80’s) only to discover university limited admissions to five students. Five. Everything we touch here is a pyramid scheme.
Education up to undergrad should be free. Free special programs should be set up there is a shortage (like free medical school to have more doctors). While at it, personal wealth should be capped at $5B. Anything more than that should go to help maintain critical society needs.
Like infrastructure, free education, free universal health care, communications, research, and other basic needs. But improving society goes against the GOP because they need an uneducated population to take advantage and continue to build their endless wealth. When is enough money, enough to them?
Anyone that says they are a hedge fund manager only pays 14 % on all wages not just from hedge fund. This has been known to Congress for years but nobody wants to change that
The US wanted a government ran like a business. A business cuts costs and chrages more for those costs for the benefit of the share holders, namely Musk, Mark, Jeff, etal, so they will get a bigger return. So our current system is functioning as intended.
expand Medicare to everyone and provide full coverage
do foreign businesses get stuck paying for health insurance? I don't think so, that monstrosity grew out of WWII wage & price controls. Inflicting the cost of insurance on businesses burdens them and helps their competitors.
"My advice to voters: if #politicians tell you they oppose reforming the #healthcare system bcuz they want to preserve your 'choice' as a consumer, they don't know what they're talking about or they're willfully ignoring the truth."
Wendell Potter (f) VP #Cigna
While great idea in theory, until healthcare changes from “How much money can we make” to “How many lives can we save” this won’t mean anything. Healthcare shouldn’t be for profit, nor should there be any insurance middleman.
hilarious, I had a conservative say all of this to me. He got real quiet when I pointed out that would require more regulations to make that work. He still agreed though.
Idk how we get through to the normal people, but a few of them are still out there.
I have said that the average voter wants the same thing that everyone wants no matter political alignment. The problem is that the media, politicians, and big business are good at rage-baiting people into hating each other. If we are busy hurting each other, we aren't going after them.
Hypernormalization makes it hard to reach some people. They think all of politics is nonsense and tune out completely. And others just don't care because they don't think it affects them.
One of the reason many doctors don’t go into primary care and also work in more rural areas is because they can’t afford to. The debt is so high they see a faster route to paying debt and living a better lifestyle by going into specialities.
Our country is heading to become a 4th world country. Hopefully, we will dig ourselves back from this BS. Biden had us in the right direction. The other guy, not at all.
If you are replying to me then it's possible we have more. It ruined a lot of folks work, but don't worry the orange turd will create a lot more unemployed folks. he needs to line his pockets and his billionaire's friends. I hope we can make it through the next 4 yrs.
wasn't up to him. Blame Garland and SCOTUS. Or blame the system itself which allows appeal after appeal after appeal if you have the moolah.
Biden came out of retirement to save the soul of the country and got no thanks for it.
Biden did his best for being old. He did turn our country around for the better, but the orange guy is now turning it around to go the other way. Not good for us.
Definitely something wrong. Brazil managed it, even S. Korea managed it.
Bottom line: US says “all equal under the law” but not true. If you have money you can buy a president, you can buy a SCOTUS and you can buy your freedom.
Biden also did the usual neoliberal DEM corporate welfare giveaways too.. I’m sorry but the Dems are not a party of the people - there isn’t one in the US anymore.
It's up to the young folks of our country to get involved. 1st get rid of the GOPs through voting if that even works anymore. Helps the Dems get back on their feet and fill their seats with younger folks that want to help America and not be fascist.
No one has their hands clean, but the Dems are far better than the GOPs. Dems are the party of the people. They just can't get their act together, but I'd vote out all the old folks in gov including the Dems. Of course Senator Warren does her part to help us.
Well- they were the party of the people: at the moment that are definitely the party of corporate power and corporate welfare. So no, it’s not up to the youth. It’s up to everyone that’s been keeping these antique 3rs way neoliberal Dems in power since Clinton.
I passed the MCAT, and would have gone to med school, but I couldn't stand the idea of taking on more debt. Glad I didn't though, since me dealing with insurance companies all day would have ended badly for everyone.
Hey, if the rich have their own dedicated doctors, it’ll still free up the many overworked doctors for us. The rich horde houses too, doesn’t mean I don’t think we should build more.
Spot on, Mark... free med school is a must. But how do we ensure it empowers doctors, not profit models? Without deeper reform, it just feeds hospital monopolies & insurers. What if we tied free tuition to public service, broke pharma price gouging, & cut insurers' grip on care? 💙🌱
As a graduate of both a U.S. medical school and residency program, what needs to happen first is increase the number of residency programs — as it is, the number of med school grads is significantly greater than the number of residency positions. Residency is vital and required post-grad training.
Exactly—free med school without more residencies is a bottleneck, not a solution. The system thrives on artificial scarcity—too few residency slots, too many gatekeepers. What if we federally funded residencies tied to public service? More doctors where they’re needed most. 💙🌱
I incorporated the doctor’s insight above and appreciate your perspective as well. These considerations will shape follow-up discussions...this conversation is meant to grow as we build toward real solutions.
Resident physicians do receive a yearly salary, but, after factoring in that residents work 16-18+ hour days (even though they’re not supposed to), it equates to about minimum wage. Residents generate huge revenue for hospital systems, so they are essentially exploited laborers.
I’m sure there are sine relevant points but DA posted an article behind a ‘
paywall so his post is worthless. I’m putting my girl through med school rn & am well aware of the costs. Does his post say how that will be paid or just assume ‘gov paid’? I swear the more Cuban posts, the dumber he looks.
What you need is free healthcare. Stop the hospital owners and pharmaceutical owners from enriching themselves on others suffering. It’s not ethical at all. It would save so much money for the government to do so. It’s stupid that people think it will add a lot of tax. What it will do is make 1/2
2/2 sure that people can work longer before retiring. Getting quicker back to work after accidents, injury or sickness. Or getting back to work at all. So many just don’t go the doctors at all because they can’t afford it. They die. What’s the economy in that for the government? Loss of tax money.
Department of government extinction is more like it. No o e would deny we need more efficient government but this is exploding the government because they simply can! Isn’t this illegal?
True! The old and disabled were disposable for the greater good to them. It might not bother you if you are 30. But, the younger ones need to remember EVERY ONE AGES. They will be the disposable pieces of trash before they know it. And, their children are disposable when Republicans need soldiers!
Yeah that sounds stupid. Tho we also have occasionally some advertising for simple pain medication. Any other medicine is health food ppl that sell, not pharmaceutical. Like the stuff acupuncture and homeopathy ppl give you. Not proven it does anything but promises to move mountains. 😂
We should have done this so long ago. When I visited Cuba we visited the free medical school there & met students from around the world attending…many from the U.S. The students said they had to learn Spanish first & the equipment they learned on wasn’t always the most modern.
To get into medical school, you need a perfect gpa, volunteer hours in something related, a full slate of extra curriculars +about $200K & if you get in, it takes about 10 years to really do medicine.
We have a daughter that has the drive & brains to be a doctor, we can’t afford that, she’s instead in nursing school which is fantastic (we need nurses too) It’s sad when a kid that has the ability cannot take on the financial burden of medical school, at least nursing is only 4 yrs of debt.
Great start, Mark. Gotta fix liability insurance, let doctors doctor, and make insurance companies pay for what the doctor orders; then maybe we can get to “affordable”
It not a doctor shortage! It is healthcare insurance companies denying coverage and/or cutting coverage for most of their clients.
I have gone from 100% coverage in the 80s and early 90s to "no" coverage including office visits for my Multiple Sclerosis!
This is a problem in existence everywhere, and as someone who's tried to get into medical school in a country where it is free: the shortage is in the spaces on medical programmes. Most Medicine degrees here measure spaces in the dozens with thousands of applicants.
It is horrific, mainly because it is a money-making business. There should be no "for-profit" hospital systems, insurers, etc. When money is the driver, the staff and patients suffer. No money, no care.
In some states, the only incentive is to NOT work in that state, e.g., TX, AL, etc.
It's like immigration. So many ways to fix that one starting with employers and pivotingthe emphasisof 'the war on drugs'. But clearly nobody wants to control immigration as it's a convenient divisive issue.
It's too bad that bill was garbage with most of the funds going to Ukraine. And allowing 5,000 people to enter illegally per day. It's almost like the Democrats and 1 or 2 Republicans thought is was a good bill. They clearly did not have the backing of most voters.
Still a garbage bill. Why do Senate/House committees always put other spending into bills? It's like the Inflation Reduction Act spending billions on climate change projects. $60B to Ukraine in a USA border bill? WTF? It's our border, not Ukraine's.
And it was the most conservative thing you could have gotten out of the left.
It put new equipment in that can better detect fentanyl and increased boarder patrol and would have significantly sped up the process for people seeking asylum… seeking asylum is not illegal.
Don’t let the noise of others distract you from real opportunities. Trust the process, focus on growth, and move with those who see the vision.
Why wait until you're 60 to enjoy life? By 30, you shouldn’t be stuck in a 9-5 for pennies.
Offering to you for betterment
Mark Cuban. Goal: increase patient access! Please promote free CRNP education. 385,000 CRNPs have the same organizational/legal/medical responsibilities as docs. Studies show NPs have similar quality clinical outcomes, less unnecessary hospital readmissions than docs & can save healthcare costs!
Well let's see. we take a CUBAN - KLOBUCHAR ticket to the White House, get the HOUSE and SENATE back. We will be able to do a lot of things. Time to pull the trigger Mr. C. Visit IOWA this spring, and NEW HAMPSHIRE this summer.
College debt is not as big a deal when graduating from med school.
Also, that’s not why more students aren’t going to med school. It’s f-ng hard to get in! It’s extremely competitive!
Build more schools. Accept more students with lower MCAT scores without lowering the curriculum.
Stop for-profit health insurance. Heath care's mission is to heal, not make money. Right now, insurance companies are running our health care industry.
More specifically. Getting rid of insurance cos > making med school free. Why? Insurers pull ~90K+ providers (MDs, NPs, PAs) out of patient care to pad their pockets. They siphon talent away from helping ppl.
Uh, not the American way. Haven’t private equity groups got into the health care racket too in this country? Not about care, about profits. It’s the American way!
The "Modern Monetary Theory" (google it), can also make sure great doctors are paid properly AND provide cost free healthcare in the richest country on earth for the love of all that's holy....
Great idea. Maybe we could use it to cross-train all of the people who will be jobless once the health insurance industry is (hopefully one day) deleted.
Most countries don’t have a tort system like US has, which allows anybody to sue for anything. We really need to buckle down on pharma & medical equipment cos. Hospitals need more transparency in billing . Fraud, major issue, some make living from fraudulent claims - “serial claimants”. Many issues.
Agree, but also believe US citizens should be given priority in the admissions process, if they are up to snuff. We have the best schools & so many from around the world attend & leave for home country. Also, Medical Mal Ins. for Drs. & hospitals obscene due to scams, “ambulance chasers”, etc. 1.
This is a interesting idea, but it's expensive teaching medicine as well. Also National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Scholarship Program provides free education for students pursuing medical, dental, or nursing degrees in exchange for a service commitment in underserved communities.
Start pushing universal health care like every other first world democracy I’ll pay attention 2 u. Stats show it produces better outcomes w less money spent per patient (economies of mass) & prioritizes preventive health care. No one goes without health care/declares bankruptcy due 2 medical debt.
Imagine if we took all that money spend on insurance and actually invested in patient care and seeing more medical practices open instead of consolidating- how strong we could be, is it too late to go to medical school at nearly 30? Otherwise, a career shift isn't a bad idea as long as the world can wait for the education process.
Go for it. My mother was mid 30s when she started college. It is never too late for education. 7 years from now you'll be a doctor. If you don't, then 7 years from now you will still be wondering if it's too late. It won't be. It never is.
You do know it’s or just med school right? In addition to 4-yr med school, u have to do a minimum 3-year residency getting paid 30/hr afterwards if you wanna practice in any field with patients (other the insurance, etc)
I think that’s an excellent idea. My concern is two things nothing is free so who would pay for it the second thing is people who get things for free don’t usually appreciate it. If they gave themselves service where you could Give yourself in service to the country for a certain number of years.
A free medical degree would still require many years of incredibly hard work, earning top grades and honors from 6th grade through 4 years of college and often 2 years of grad school to qualify for med school, then 4 years of superhuman effort to finish med school. Few have that kind of drive.
Free medical school is a part of the solution. Most hospitals can only afford to pay x amt of residents per specialty. That involves adjusting the Medicare resident physician fee schedule. Matching needs to be simplified. Access to care is more difficult and convoluted than having more physicians.
This true? I’m a nurse practitioner who would love to continue working for and treating immigrants, people of color, LGBTQ+, women, sexual assault and domestic violence survivors. I need to go back to school to do this so that I may broaden my scope and influence. You just tell me when and how!!
Profit-driven healthcare will ALWAYS prioritize having the minimum possible staffing levels, in order to cut overhead. Train all the doctors you want, but there's no profit motive in hiring them if they can meet billing quotas with what they have.
So agree with this! I wish the UC system would convert a whole campus to educating all health care professions and offer free or very low cost tuition for those who will practice in CA. Not just for MDs, also nursing degrees, two year associates degrees and certificates, all of it.
The sense that the US healthcare system is failing us has led to RFK being popular with Dems, Reps, and Independents. The sooner the issues are addressed the better off we will be. Change is SO hard bc there are too many stakeholders with lots to lose if we switch from FFS to value-added care.
I don’t think that will help that much - not until you fix big pharma and the insurance industry. Physicians can’t treat patients when procedures and tests are denied left and right and medications cost more than mortgages.
I know you’re trying with your phar but ins is a big prob w/proc denials
I work for surgeons and there are at least three retiring early because they’re tired of the games and politics - they really just want to help people, and they can’t because insurance companies are out of hand.
He’s making them more affordable. Big pharma is working together to circulate money in their pockets & marks pharmacy has priced medications lower to where it isn’t going through Ins & they’re mostly affordable.
He IS helping. I send orders to him and to Canadian pharmacies. Both cheaper options
Both OOP as well so it’s a shame patients pay for insurance and can’t use it. I wish mark could fix the insurance industry but he has helped a lot of ppl with more affordable meds.
We don't need to fix insurance, we need a completely different system.
Private insurance will always be available but we don't need it for basic health
I don’t disagree at all. However, working in healthcare, it is gut wrenching to have patients with no helpful solution readily available. Mark has created a solution and while I see your point, it’s a working solution at the moment. Some patients can’t wait months or years for the arguments
Just like Amazon was a cheaper, faster alternative.
But, a company is there to make money.
They take the loss at first and then prices go up.
This doesn't happen with socialized medicine.
What looks like "help" today will be tomorrow's cash cow
Could you point out some of the waste? Like, I'm all for dismantling the soft power projects the international wing of our government use to manufacture consent when it comes to invading sovereign nations, but I hope you're not going to bring up something like "$50 billion condoms to Gaza" agitprop
Doge was supposed to find the corruption (not fire people/cut programs) without a House committee(s) publicly, in a transparent, Constitutional manner. Now, review all gov contracts for compliance and waste!
Absolutely! The majority of South American, African, and Middle East migrants are migrants because we decided to depose their leadership and put monsters in power instead to further our own agendas.
Don’t let the noise of others distract you from real opportunities. Trust the process, focus on growth, and move with those who see the vision.
Why wait until you're 60 to enjoy life? By 30, you shouldn’t be stuck in a 9-5 for pennies.
Offering to you for betterment
yeah okay are you actually willing to fund this? because i'd be the first person to apply. the only reason i'm not doing a PA masters is because my school got rid of the program
I certainly hope not. We don't need the billionaire class to solve our problems, because they can't. If he wants to help, great, continue to roll up his sleeves, but the last thing we need is another billionaire in office. Billionaires are, root and branch, a part of the problem.
they're not just part of the problem, they're almost the entire problem. Their disproportionate reach in the political sphere is killing us. But this is our reality
I generally agree although Mark is showing intelligence, insight and curiosity. Trump got popular and well known partly from 17+ years on TV, let’s face it. May take another TV guy to get us out of this hole. Many dems are blindsided now. We need a shake up.
He’s gathering ideas for how he can seem more ethical while getting support of the group abandoning the other billionaires. May not be the worst but it’s still to his gain. When they come with something that benefits ALL without profit to him or the top, we can tune in. This isn’t it.
Reminder that Mark Cuban pals around with Trump donor Miriam Adelson and actively collaborates with Trump oligarchs.He may have good ideals but has no skin in the game and actively helps Trump donors make more money.
So another one can keep the profit for the top game going at our expense. Unless he is fighting for something that will not in the end benefit him or the top in some way, he’s not the guy. Healthcare should not be for profit is the only answer and he has done everything but suggest that one.
All I'm going to say is that revolutionary changes usually have to have some arm of the oppressive class to be in line with them to make it happen. Also, the blanket "billionaires bad" sentiment is a part in why they're flocking away from the left. It's dumb, but if you get online and have one group
sucking you off while the other says you are inherently evil.. well, humans are fickle. Not saying we need to suck them off, it's just an unproductive sentiment whether it's true at a societal level or not.
No such thing as a good billionaire - they all trampled a whole lot of folks to bury that much money in their ledgers. Any one person holding that much capital is not someone to be lauded.
Oh, and nice argument trying to say that there is no middle ground between the obscenely rich and the poor.
Do you know about his pharmacy has been? It’s insanely helpful-truly-like life saving in some cases. He’s got good ideas. I hate the Brologarchy, but he’s not one of them. is one of the helpers.
Even the "good" billionaires. I love Mark. I can afford, easily, my two medications due to his Cost Plus site. I couldn't afford them at all through my insurance. But we need a tax structure that invests our tax dollars back to US in healthcare, parental leave, good infrastructure, etc.
“Welcome” being the key word here. Since the sad state of our US education system isn’t likely to change anytime soon, American students (who qualify) might consider foreign education.
No doctor starts with a 6 figure salary lol. And yes, in fact we should give everyone with good enough grades free scholarships for their first diploma or vocational training, education pays for itself trough the extra value it creates over the years for the national economy.
I got a dozen for $3.49…and we re not ignorant. We just don’t feel we need to fund an education for someone who will make millions of dollars. “General Range:
Entry-level positions start at around $114,116 per year, while experienced doctors can make up to $230,000.”
“ costs are significantly lower than they would be in the United States, but they are not “free.” A university education costs money in most European colleges.Feb 12, 2024” Apparently not.
why are you calling for it you could literally make it happen by writing a fucking check why does everyone have to do everything for you fucking guys give back to the people you fucking stolen from or shut the fuck up
It’s very Oprah and the Rock starting a charity for Lahaina so the sad poors can donate. We’ve got fewer than a dozen folks in this country alone who could afford to fix all our issues and still have $ leftover to live like kings. The wealth hoarding is obscene.
Listen I understand where you’re coming from. The basic idea is mostly correct imo.
But also: things that allow people to have agency over their own lives and in their own communities so that we do not have to rely on billionaires to do shit for us are Good, Actually.
It's good that a CEO who has zero impact in the greater good or the good of even their community earns 100 million a year flies around poluting the environments while the nurses and doctors who and cleaners who keep us alive barely make a living.?
No one should be allowed to obtain that kind of wealth. Often it’s money being made by scamming innocent people. People who made these individuals so wealthy then suffer at their hands. Instead of using their wealth to help others they use it to make rockets to haul their rich asses into space. SMH
It was awesome when those other means used to exist in an accessible way but they have all been defunded to overfund a heavily militarized police force to keep folks from getting too restless about how shit everything is.
Im not even asking billionaires to bail us out in a Carnegie blood money libraries way. I simply want them to contribute their taxes & those that their businesses evade through various sweetheart breaks to the coffers that would fund good solutions designed by community experts.
In a vacuum I would unequivocally agree with you. Unfortunately the US federal govt is designed to basically exactly the opposite of this, and American culture has evolved to say that’s cool and great.
Because literally none of it is about fixing problems. It's about seeming like the "good one". There are no moral billionaires. They're all greedy pieces of shit. Mark Cuban is nothing but an elite with a teaspoon of conscience, if he was a decent person he would never have that much money
And now we are canceling food for poor kids because “the debt” but adding 4 trillion is cool so billionaires can be bigger billionaires. How about everyone pays the same tax rate? It’s insane and absolutely what they will do next.
Blaming O for your not helping= BS.
O setup a quick,dir suppl fund &didn’t force you to do sht.
Dolly Parton did same&🦗Bezos gave smaller %of his fortune indirectly&again🦗
Y’all 🎯O bc misogynoir/disingenuous.
NGO are broad slow acting. Gofundmes are narrow.This was a stopgap&donothing fools bitched.
Providing free medical school for everybody would be really expensive. Mark Cuban is rich, but he is not that rich. Assuming an average of ~$240k costs per degree and an estimate of ~28k students graduating every year (per Statista), this would cost ~$6.7b per year. The government could do it though
Who says I am defending billionaires? Lol I am trying to find the fix that is actually doable. How do you think you look just looking to insult billionaires without providing any feasible solutions to the actual problem? 🤨
I'm not sure I follow what you mean with that comparison. Can you expand on the question?
I would assume because in high tax nations their education costs are covered by the government. But that's also sort of what I said previously that the government could do it, so not sure what you are asking
Top med i.e. Harvard have endowments large enough to offer free medical school tuition from now till the end of time with out leaving a mark. Its not the responsibility of a single billionaire to fund education in perpetuity- they universities need to step up.
it's their fucking duty to give back to the country they've taken from they've taken the most from this place and given nothing back they offshore their fucking profits and they fucking outsource our fucking jobs they outsourced the fucking middle class ...stfu
they have legislated their (retail theft) crimes legal and if you try to get your shit back they will (charge you with retail theft) throw you in prison faster than you can say "you started it"
I have money my self & I want my taxes to be higher & to have a responsible government that fulfills its duties. I don’t think it’s impossible to at least present the idea it’s everyone’s best interests to go this direction. I don’t think he is unwinnable, he seems to be worried as most people are
Settle down! Cuban is a decent man and you don't know how much he gives of his abundance to make the world a better place Let's zero in on thr s.o.b "Pres. Musk and his evil wish list for us and world granted by the black sharpie pen "In Chief"Mr orange potato head robbing us to give to the rich
they're all the same here's no such thing as an ethical billionaire you don't become a billionaire without ripping millions of people off dude wake the fuck up please and thank you
Not true Mackenzie Scott is multi billionaire ex wife to Bezos and given 19 billion so far to important causes we all care about Check her bio out and George Soros over na y de Ades had given to causes that fight exactly what us going on now Why go you think the Repubs hate him?
In the end that’s not sustainable. This is why Americans can’t get shit done. One half says it’s communism, the other half hates on the people advocating for them. Sometimes you have to understand to make concessions.
If that’s what you got from what I said then that’s on you.
These plans require proper systems, so no, Mark Cuban cannot cut out a cheque for it and it’s all fine and dandy. These plans require calculated budgeting, and public funding.
you don't seem to understand how much $1 billion is... he could pay for top notch 8 yr medical educations educations for the rest of fucking existence with that and Nancy Pelosi's stock broker and still have $4 billion to fuck around with. bet
I perfectly understand how much a billion is. This is not about the monetary requirement. You Americans clearly don’t understand how to operate a social program. You can’t just throw money at it and call it a day.
if you insult someone you need to get precise and accurate and you have no business talking trash to me, soldier juvie-- but you rush forward at will -- I will be blind or dead in 22 months (85 % sure) so I am also reckless
It will eat up your life savings in no time. Work all your life to leave something to your kids just to end up paying for tons of test you probably don't need and pay ridiculous prices for meds
Well,it's just that it can sometimes seem like the doctors just shuffle you around from specialist to specialist because they just don't want to be responsible for diagnosing you wrong. Sorry if I offended you.
evthg is case b case. human med is awful, bt i've alwys been a fan of treating empirically = treat the worst concern, keep the patient comfortable, then look for other causative factors.
workload makes it impossible to follow up usually
wish i could be an intermediary, bt i need to get $, too.
The most recent episode of Freakonomics asked the question: "Is professional licensing a racket?"
We obviously have to maintain competency tests for physicians, nurses, etc. However, AMA tactics of limiting competition and protecting their own bad actors are the definition of a racket. End the AMA.
As I said, "We obviously have to maintain competency tests for physicians, nurses, etc"
The AMA's limits on medical school admissions make it less likely that you'll have access to a professionally licensed neurologist in a timely fashion. The AMA is not a friend to patients.
Agree, critically important, that would include RFK but doesn't. I like Cuban's suggestion about free or moderate tuition for doctors to get wait lists lowered.
I'd love free education for all, but no way to do it all at once. I've thought that we should start by making med school free or at least affordable. Med students are clearly already dedicated and will be virtually guaranteed to contribute to society. And right now we desperately need them
It's a good idea, not an original idea. I've had it myself. Of course I don't have the platform you do, so you would not know I've had it myself. Give qualified, motivated candidates medical school for free, give doctors discounts on housing, but require them to reduce their rates significantly.
Excellent idea! Such a school would draw in people who have the talent and drive to become doctors but who either cannot afford to do so, or would specialize in high-income medical fields to repay their student loans.
It would be a huge benefit to society to have a free medical school!
If you think school free for all wouldn't lead to any shortages I have a bridge to sell you. Especially when you think everyone can get a college education just like that. Free college ain't going to solve anything.
Yeah Cuban is so close but misses the Mark. But don’t we all have sin, I think he will get there, because the world is screaming at us. I don’t think he is bad faith, we just gotta keep pushing him in a smart way. It would not at all hurt us to win a billionaire over in the current environment.
Who is Jesse? Sorry I’m unfamiliar? Blue Sky is a new thing for me and I’m not a social media person until now. I will say as far as I’m aware a follow is not a cosign on all ideas, if Mark has wrong ideas like we all do it can be corrected, he can learn as I can. I don’t want to be harsh on people
there is a special labeling service just to let us know who follows that guy, because there's zero reasons besides collecting evidence to do so. Mark ain't collecting evidence.
Smart & necessary. Because we need everyone & the peaceful revolution for freedom & equality needs to be led with love. If we could learn this “Treat other people how you want to be treated” the golden rule, our world could be better. Then Mark & I could argue about capitalism and socialism instead
That’s the far right false interpretation of the New Testament 😂 but in all seriousness you’ll find the golden rule in most religions, I think it’s a human consciousness kind of thing instead a religious thing. But if people are inspired by their religion to be good to people I’m not against them
Don’t let the noise of others distract you from real opportunities. Trust the process, focus on growth, and move with those who see the vision.
Why wait until you're 60 to enjoy life? By 30, you shouldn’t be stuck in a 9-5 for pennies.
Offering to you for betterment
It's hard to comprehend until you face it. I'm the example - had to deal with HC craziness and still not over. Until this point, I knew the problem existed but it was hard to comprehend. It's not just the cost, but the entire process is wild.
The bigger issue is the limitations on the number of medical students and residents. The demand to attend medical is still greater than the supply of medical student positions resulting in a highly competitive admissions process. Residency slots need to increase so med sch admissions can increase
This is the reason for shortages. They’re is no lack of people applying to Med School and residency. There are just no seats. Trump and MAGA have no respect for the field of medicine, education, or anything at all for that matter.
The attitudes need to shift so that the highest paid are the architects, engineers, doctors, teachers, firefighters, and not the athletes or entertainers.
Knock it off. Athletes and entertainers are a negligible number of people in our society. They can make whatever they make, it just should be taxed accordingly.
A lot of people hate their doctor for making good money at a very tough job. They hate teachers' pensions. But they're fine with CEO pay and tax cuts for billionaires. It makes no sense at all. I think all workers deserve respect and a measure of security. Billionaires are the problem. #greed
People who have knowledge, skills, experience, modesty, are put off high paid jobs because they are used to management class wankers, and don’t want to be that.
If only they realised that they are the only ones with any knowledge, skills, experience.
I've been saying that for YEARS! Saw a sign ad for pizza delivery driver's back in the 1980s offering $8/h plus tips. At the time a trained certified nursing assistant who cleaned your dirty butt after a BM and cleaned up your puke got $6/h NO tips. Some really fucked up values in America!
Bizarre take. Of the top 20 highest paid professions in America 19 are doctors and the other is dentist. The issue is a shortage of people willing to do the work and put in the time required to become a doctor. It requires one to spend (waste?) the prime of one's life in med school
My brother, an army vet is now a surgical resident. He is probably in debt 200k. This would be fantastic and hopefully will have more people go into the field!
That's not a limiting factor, to be honest. Medicine is not as glamorous a field as it used to be and people simply don't want to put in the hard work. Your brother will eventually sign a contract making $400k-$600k or more. He will be fine. Cardiologist, been there.
Thank you! He said he took lives in the war and when he got out wanted to save lives. I became a certified phlebotomist and worked in a hospital and i learned i do not want a career in medicine. Funny enough, he wants to be a cardiologist
By law, hospitals have to take care of every emergency that comes in. Urban hospital - more patients have insurance and Medicare. Rural: more patients are Medicaid or no insurance. Same goes for clinics. Just the way it is.
It's a reimbursement issue. Doctors will not work in rural areas because you have lower and zero reimbursement patients. So you end up working harder for less. That's why rural hospitals constantly are closing down. Cuban and folks like him don't get down in the weeds to see what the issues are
If he is a surgical resident, perhaps he wants to be a cardiothoracic surgeon, not a cardiologist. Otherwise, he is a medical resident.
What you said is the case: people don't want to do this. Which is fine. Cuban isn't correct here. Increasing enrollment won't magically fix the problems.
Not sure where you live where this isn’t the case.. but in my community it is. Good to know you’ve got the insight into all the communities in America, Jay.
I’ve heard off the cuff that there are limits to how many docs they let into residency/yr…is that true, and if so why aren’t we starting by getting rid of that?
Says the guy assuming a 400,000-600,000 salary for everyone in his field. You might even be right that people don’t want to be surgeons, but aren’t residencies are the bottleneck for most specialties?
It's not the hard work they don't want. My friend, who is an ob-gyn, works her ass off at 2 hospitals and her own practice. What she hates is being told how to care for patients by insurance companies, down to how long a visit can last.
My daughter is a NP and yes, it is expensive to become a MD or NP. We have plenty of bright people right here in the USA in both rural and urban areas. So lets recruit them and give them some support.
I gotta say, this is a solution that Canada could also adopt to address our shortage of doctors and nurses. Another thing (And I think we're looking at) is taking a closer look at the qualifications of doctors and nurses from other countries to see how we can build on their experience.
I honestly haven't heard that. I think some of the more common reasons are the burnout rate (ironically due to the shortage), the retirements outnumbering the new folks and the retention rate. (I mean, the U.S. quite frankly pays better, for example.)
Absolutely alone with law reform vis-a-vis suits against doctors unless actual malpractice is obvious! Any frivolous attempts must carry with them stiff penalties for all parties involved in launching a suit!
🔍 Larry Ellison's Dystopian Dream? 📷 CIA's secret tech investments 📷The TikTok takeover 📷 Surveillance state in the making. Are we ready for Ellison’s all-seeing digital “utopia”? ⚖️👁️
i can’t tell if this is sarcasm because i know that elon would totally convince trump to replace medicaid and medicare with AI docs if someone suggested it
When people and corporations profit from your illness you will never be well. Because of that system we are all poorer. I do not know one Canadian who has ever gone bankrupt because of medical bills and I want to keep it that way! Taxes are just crowd funding for the things we all need.Tax the rich
STRONG VOICES ON ALL NETWORKS to get in front of all this!!
Education is State controlled
List the red states that have lowest testing!!
Forcing retirements.
There is no money in budget for their severance package!
Republicans will blame democrats!
In 1975, there were approximately 1.5 million hospital beds in the U.S.
Today, there are less than 917,000.
600,000 fewer beds today for 120 million more people.
We’ve been slowly squeezed and profit is the only motive.
If you want to fix healthcare start with the price of medication
Maybe you and some of your very wealthy contacts could chip in and make it happen?
It's always been:
high tuition = high student loans = high salary required
$0 tuition = $0 student loan = still great salary (in line with practitioners in Europe)
It's all about shareholders, not patients
I have deleted that map, the one I have used for YEARS.
I am so pissed at Trump & his stupid MAGA followers…
I vented to my hearts content!!!
So it was only changed here. Which makes me laugh but jeez…we look so stupid to the rest of the world
We need more guys like you.
Or maybe you haven't noticed what's happening in your White House.
And I loathe all billionaires everywhere equally.
If he did he would do more than vaguely post about things he has the money to just *do*.
Those who can cut the course requirements will be judged in the first year. Those who can’t do the science will be taken out of the program
That said, many new docs will come from this program 💙
So you know doctors are massively understaffed, lol.
There's only so many medical school spots, and the number have increased but residency slots have barely grown.
I will never forget his words in Shark Tank, when his wife wanted more balance in their lives. His answer? If you’re not happy, you know where’s the door.
Nothing justifies that unhealthy pursuit of wealth
Not just MD programs but Physician Assistant programs too. They are a step down from an MD and it's a 2-3 year masters program. Faster to get through than medical school.
The three problems:
(1) harder to get citizenship even with a professional job
(2) cheapest home to buy starts at $850,000
(3) The country is preventing Chinese goods over America goods
IV’s made in China fall apart too easily.
(1)person of color
(2)years of experience
(3) pediatrician
His paid went from $300,000 to $670,000 in a week.,How%20Much%20Do%20Laboratory%20Technicians%20Earn?,hour%20(BLS%2C%202023).
It is the same as hiring someone because they aren't
Canada is a multicultural country and our healthcare professionals reflect that.
No matter your colour, you have to be qualified. Not sure why Maga doesn't grasp that.
We could appease either option. But which do YOU prefer?
You literally could not afford to live and pay back that debt without an aggressive salary
And it’s hard to understand your rights when the people you trust most are saying you don’t have any.
And yeah. Money is often a motivator for all that.
Outside of medicine the scale is even more messed up, way disproportionate compensation.
*Universal Healthcare
This is the way
*Universal basic income paid for by VAT.
The UBI will increase with spending and the wealthy can't avoid the tax increase without cutting their spending.
A gov takes care of the people.
do foreign businesses get stuck paying for health insurance? I don't think so, that monstrosity grew out of WWII wage & price controls. Inflicting the cost of insurance on businesses burdens them and helps their competitors.
FIX THE #HEALTHCARESYSTEM b4 spending more #money on #doctors who refuse to go to #rural #hospitals causing high volume closures.
It's Still The #Prices, Stupid
Why The #USA Spends So Much On #HealthCare
How Many #Physicians Have OPTED OUT of the #Medicare Program?
2024: The Opaque Industry Secretly #Inflating #Prices for #PrescriptionDrugs
#PharmacyBenefitManagers are driving up #drugcosts for millions of #people, #employers and the #government.
The #PBM market has long been ruled by the “Big Three” PBMs: #UnitedHealth Group’s #OptumRx, #Cigna’s #ExpressScripts, and #CVSHealth’s #Caremark —which control 80% of the PBM market.
US #Healthcare, 2022
US has worst #healthoutcomes of any high-income nation
International #Healthcare Systems Profiles by Country
"My advice to voters: if #politicians tell you they oppose reforming the #healthcare system bcuz they want to preserve your 'choice' as a consumer, they don't know what they're talking about or they're willfully ignoring the truth."
Wendell Potter (f) VP #Cigna
Ex-Cigna Exec: I helped create the #healthinsurance 'choice' talking point, and regret it
#Beckers Healthcare Review, Payer Issues, Jan. 2020
It was always misleading. Now Democrats are repeating it.
Jan. 14, 2020, NYT OpEd
Mr. Wendell Potter is a former #Cigna insurance executive.
Idk how we get through to the normal people, but a few of them are still out there.
Hypernormalization makes it hard to reach some people. They think all of politics is nonsense and tune out completely. And others just don't care because they don't think it affects them.
It's hard to convince some of these people.
Biden came out of retirement to save the soul of the country and got no thanks for it.
Or there was Komoromat or they had his pet rabbit with a gun to its head.
He’ll be remembered as this generations Benedict Arnold
Bottom line: US says “all equal under the law” but not true. If you have money you can buy a president, you can buy a SCOTUS and you can buy your freedom.
paywall so his post is worthless. I’m putting my girl through med school rn & am well aware of the costs. Does his post say how that will be paid or just assume ‘gov paid’? I swear the more Cuban posts, the dumber he looks.
Some leave, to study abroad, get their M.Ds and come back to get certified and practice here.
Why drive away qualified students when we need more doctors?
I have gone from 100% coverage in the 80s and early 90s to "no" coverage including office visits for my Multiple Sclerosis!
Free tuition isn't a complete answer without re-imagining their admission criteria (MCAT in particular).
*also fewer "Family Medicine" graduates.
In some states, the only incentive is to NOT work in that state, e.g., TX, AL, etc.
It put new equipment in that can better detect fentanyl and increased boarder patrol and would have significantly sped up the process for people seeking asylum… seeking asylum is not illegal.
Why wait until you're 60 to enjoy life? By 30, you shouldn’t be stuck in a 9-5 for pennies.
Offering to you for betterment
RFK Jr just got confirmed to head up HHS.
We will need to go to Canada or Mexico for our vaccines!
Also, that’s not why more students aren’t going to med school. It’s f-ng hard to get in! It’s extremely competitive!
Build more schools. Accept more students with lower MCAT scores without lowering the curriculum.
I could talk about his for hours with you.
The sad part is
the clinicians know this to our bones…
& middle Mgr’s do too
The moral distress & injury in from watching people die or become disabled from the inability to properly care for them is unsustainable
Mark is just trying to deflect from this fact.
I know you’re trying with your phar but ins is a big prob w/proc denials
He IS helping. I send orders to him and to Canadian pharmacies. Both cheaper options
Private insurance will always be available but we don't need it for basic health
Just like Amazon was a cheaper, faster alternative.
But, a company is there to make money.
They take the loss at first and then prices go up.
This doesn't happen with socialized medicine.
What looks like "help" today will be tomorrow's cash cow
Why wait until you're 60 to enjoy life? By 30, you shouldn’t be stuck in a 9-5 for pennies.
Offering to you for betterment
A billionaire can only accrue that much by exploitation.
glad to see you've seen a small sunbeam from under the rock you live in, but this still such a shit take.
WOW! 🤦🏼♀️🫠
Oh, and nice argument trying to say that there is no middle ground between the obscenely rich and the poor.
Entry-level positions start at around $114,116 per year, while experienced doctors can make up to $230,000.”
But also: things that allow people to have agency over their own lives and in their own communities so that we do not have to rely on billionaires to do shit for us are Good, Actually.
I do.
In a vacuum I would unequivocally agree with you. Unfortunately the US federal govt is designed to basically exactly the opposite of this, and American culture has evolved to say that’s cool and great.
O setup a quick,dir suppl fund &didn’t force you to do sht.
Dolly Parton did same&🦗Bezos gave smaller %of his fortune indirectly&again🦗
Y’all 🎯O bc misogynoir/disingenuous.
NGO are broad slow acting. Gofundmes are narrow.This was a stopgap&donothing fools bitched.
I would assume because in high tax nations their education costs are covered by the government. But that's also sort of what I said previously that the government could do it, so not sure what you are asking
These plans require proper systems, so no, Mark Cuban cannot cut out a cheque for it and it’s all fine and dandy. These plans require calculated budgeting, and public funding.
Americans showing why they’re decades behind.
it rules out rate diseases and guides us to the correct answer.
i know people are disenchanted about medicine, but that's NOT on the practitioners, nor the science.
workload makes it impossible to follow up usually
wish i could be an intermediary, bt i need to get $, too.
Free schooling for doctors could help, but not as much as free healthcare for all.
We obviously have to maintain competency tests for physicians, nurses, etc. However, AMA tactics of limiting competition and protecting their own bad actors are the definition of a racket. End the AMA.
The AMA's limits on medical school admissions make it less likely that you'll have access to a professionally licensed neurologist in a timely fashion. The AMA is not a friend to patients.
As long as Republicans exist, nothing will be 'free'
Their core belief is that everything in life must be monetized!!
It would be a huge benefit to society to have a free medical school!
The oligarchy has enough
money to put into that idea.
How many right ideas are you expecting that aren't about making money for your business?
He's following the most blocked person on here who is an odious piece of shit I ain't got enough letters here to describe.
Because he agrees with him. On most things.
Why wait until you're 60 to enjoy life? By 30, you shouldn’t be stuck in a 9-5 for pennies.
Offering to you for betterment
Snake oil for everyone!
Problem solved, right?
People who have knowledge, skills, experience, modesty, are put off high paid jobs because they are used to management class wankers, and don’t want to be that.
If only they realised that they are the only ones with any knowledge, skills, experience.
That's not a limiting factor, to be honest. Medicine is not as glamorous a field as it used to be and people simply don't want to put in the hard work. Your brother will eventually sign a contract making $400k-$600k or more. He will be fine. Cardiologist, been there.
What you said is the case: people don't want to do this. Which is fine. Cuban isn't correct here. Increasing enrollment won't magically fix the problems.
Didn't you sell a basketball team for a billion dollars? Endowed, interest alone would be ~$50 mil/yr
That's 15 scholarships
You alone have 5 billion
5 x 15 =