me: idk what to do while sick
youtube: do you want to watch an hour long professionally animated deep dive into explaining what makes the lockheed sr-71 blackbird so cool
me: wellllllllll shucks i reckon i could be inclined
youtube: do you want to watch an hour long professionally animated deep dive into explaining what makes the lockheed sr-71 blackbird so cool
me: wellllllllll shucks i reckon i could be inclined
I like that they noticed later like "oh shit wait the plane fell apart, dang" lmao
(Highlight of the trip was the Enterprise shuttle's pavilion)
Honestly, I got all kinds of misty bc the Enterprise pavilion has photos of the TOS actors & Mr Roddenberry in the exhibit & I couldn't find the necessary words to explain to my GS troop why I was so excited.
Planes were a big thing for us. I even went to aviation camp! But that got REALLY militaristic really fast 😬
I'm thinking a Chinook and your callsign could be Miracle. Alternatively, maybe the Viggen, as those are apparently a lot of fun to fly. Yeah.. ace pilot Mara "Miracle" Wilson.
because of some Star Wars-related trolling my crush and I had
pulled in a chat room, and “Mermaid” because… IDK, I liked to swim, maybe?
They made a smaller scale version and mouted it on a pole to test how stealthy it was. It was so stealthy that the pole was throwing off their numbers, so they had to design and build a stealth pole.
(Quite an achievement for the time, and a very useful endeavor!)
Then I delicately put the book back on the pile of stuff the library was deaccessioning
which were an aircraft-industry image handling tech using
punchcards with a cutout for microfilm images.
The indexing info was punched on the non-film side of the card.
Made it possible for a 747 to carry its whole design info :-)
"Our bidders had no idea what they were doing" (it was that), and it had rampant scope-creep which gave us enough slack to fix it.
and no-lose for me bc my dept hadn't caused the problem but if we could help we'd get major thanks, and we knew some people who actually could help fix the mainframe issues.
I’ve long since leaned to walk and chew gum and look at the SR-71 with raw, animal lust at the same time.
"oh it'll leak there, we can't have that"
"shit this can't fly at all"
"this material? we can't find a contractor to work it"
etc, etc.
I like how a lot of the titanium was surreptitiously sourced for the SR-71.
A year of working the Yangtze River Patrol had given Bobby Shaftoe nerves of #titanium… He knew he would see Marines ready to die for him…His dirty
fingernails, passing over the fresh [tattoo] scabs, made a rasping sound in the utterly silent restaurant.
"you literally have to be clinically mad to work here"
have you ever heard of how 'LOL' memory powered Apollo
(LOL being termed for 'Little Old Lady' which was the nickname for core rope memory)
Here's a blog piece discussing it if curious:
the entire computer shit on Apollo is one of those utterly *fascinating* bits when you consider in the efforts to prevent issues and make it precise, it was fundamentally weaved together for it
gonna need to add it on a list of stuff to read
thank you!
The airframe was built to expand under high friction heat so much that it leaked fuel on the ground before the plates heated up and expanded to cover the gaps. This is insane.
I can't imagine doing this work, the sustained effort required intimidates me.
Apparently a lot of the design fiddles were worked out using experience from the A-12, but every part of the blackbird amazes me.
They just piss fuel the entire time they're on the runway, they don't stop leaking fuel until they're at altitude AND at temperature
marvel of engineering
what's not to like!
Also the Exploring the SCP Foundation series, right I have checked in on that in ages.
Every time I hear someone talk about the SR-71 Blackbird, this goes through my head
Military tech videos: not even once
like, there's tech on ships that shoots radar at incoming missiles and makes em think the ship is somewhere else, that's rad as shit, it's just unfortunate that the fuckin Navy is involved lol
Anything the Skunk Works did under Kelly Johnson and then Ben Rich was worth a deep dive.
Also, everything from the A-12 to the last of the Blackbirds is an aeronautical marvel even now.
and no but honestly it could've been
It's such a good one!
For example:
Every time I come across a link I watch or read it because it makes me chuckle.
A great story, well told.
There's also the one about 60,000 feet, of course
But also:
I hope this repost doesn't mean you're sick again.