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teacher of mathematical habits of mind, medievalist in temperament, reader, he/him insta: zidayastar mastodon: @zidaya tumblr: zidaya
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If universities allow their students to be disappeared in direct contravention of all applicable laws for espousing the principles they have been taught in the classroom, then they have officially abandoned all pretense of mission. Something for those employed by Columbia to take under advisement.

i like that one of the unquestioned assertions made here is that universities in the united states are engaged in "anti-white discrimination"

it is truly wild that, as the authors here note, every argument against the plain text reading of the citizenship clause requires twists, turns, contortions and leaps that would make simone biles look like an amateur

it's literally a fucking core element of DnD

It’s hard to reconcile the “they’ll go after ideologies they don’t like next” talk with the fact they’ve been openly targeting a whole suite of them associated with Black scholarship already. They’ve already threatened to defund any university teaching critical race theory. Why doesn’t that count?

If they outlaw bans on conversion therapy and allow bans on evidence-based medical care, I don't know if you can escape the conclusion that we now live in a theocracy, where what is legal depends not on the constitution but on the narrow conservative Christian interpretation of their religion.

the 15th anniversary remaster cover for the fat of the land just adding more crabs is one of the funniest album covers I’ve ever seen. i think about it all the time

I know this is extremely vulgar idealism, but I do think we should try to aggressively reassert the norm that lying is bad. Not in a "Four Pinnochios" fact-checking kind of way, but in a way that frames this kind of lying as moral degeneracy that is fundamentally corrosive to the human spirit.

Look, folks, this is it. The entire ballgame. Either we're a Republic of laws & the Constitution, or we have a dictator. This is fascism, & the impeachment vote should be happening today. Every single university president in the country should be out, in front of microphones, condemning this.

Dems across the country can stop this in its tracks. but they've only got about 48 hrs to do it. I explain how below.

The failure of Napoleon's invasion of Russia & Hitler's attack on the Soviet Union famously had nothing to do with the weather

Remember that only 20 years ago the President’s office invented a complete legal framework via memos to legitimize horrific tortures at black sites into which innocents disappeared in the name of fighting terrorism, & then made a major player in it head of the CIA. That was just practice.

see, here's the thing. columbia could hold a big press conference tomorrow, saying this is absolutely unacceptable and we will do anything legally possible to protect our students. Or they could shrug and say they had a warrant, maybe, we think, and we didn't like that guy anyway.

"Embrace diversity. Unite— Or be divided, robbed, ruled, killed By those who see you as prey. Embrace diversity Or be destroyed." — Octavia E. Butler, 'Parable of the Sower'

when I read this article in the 90s, I was wholly persuaded that feudalism is not something that was particularly real, moreover, it's not useful. I haven't changed my mind, I'm afraid. And I find the "neofeudalism" etc vexing.

When lawful residents disappear off the streets without being accused of crimes + received due process, it is no longer a democracy. Slippery slope before it happens to citizens. Note: I don't know this person or his history. If he broke a law, he should be prosecuted. That's it (in a democracy).

Democrats voted unanimously to confirm Marco Rubio.

People who think they aren't on the list are quickly finding out we are all in fact on the list.

Let me take this one step further. As a social contract, the law applies between persons. When a society revokes your personhood, or uses the law to do so, not only is that law immoral, but you have a moral obligation not to follow the commands of that law.

This should be read as a regime commitment to systematic First Amendment, Fourth Amendment, and Fifth Amendment violations.

This development is a horrifying and further escalation of the very topic I wrote about yesterday evening: The Trump administration’s move from governmental changes to individual attacks focused on political opponents.

Yes. If DHS can barge in, say your visa was revoked, be told you have a green card, say it's revoked too, and then disappear you so that neither your lawyer nor your family can find you, then all the guardrails are gone. There is no policy, practice, or law protecting anyone.

"Legal status will not protect you from illegal acts by people who do not care about the law."

re the previous repost: if they can disappear permanent residents they can disappear citizens

One particular feature of the NZ constitution - don't think it's a positive or a negative, just a feature - is that its wooly, inchoate nature means we know norms are all we have, push comes to shove. Rules aren't going to come save us. So breaching norms cannot be downplayed as a low stakes action.

This is go to prison forever malfeasance. A guy who is currently a SpaceX employee also serves as an FAA official who cancels a big contract to award instead no-bid to his own employer and starts installing hardware without statutorily required tests and assurances

Columbia grad student with a green card and a pregnant US citizen wife, abducted by ICE because of his political organizing, and now his lawyers can't find him. Hey, This is your constituent. Bring him back home.

This is a terrible, truly disgusting situation that reflects what we see in authoritarian regimes around the world and throughout history: the construction of a brutal apparatus that can disappear individuals and then traffic them through labyrinthine structures, all the while no one is accountable.

This is quite bad. The White House should not be directly involved with specific arrests.

the leap from disappearing the undocumented to disappearing visa holders to disappearing green card holders to disappearing naturalized citizens to disappearing natural born citizens is no leap at all, but a series of tiny steps block the path

This is outrageous and unamerican. It certainly sounds illegal to me, though I need more details on that front. This guy is a green card holder and married to an American citizen.

Con law prof here. That would be *Article II’s* process of advice and consent, it’s literally right there it’s called the appointments clause read it

every single public facing person in this administration is just a different variation on baghdad bob

Excellent summation of a lot of what I've been feeling If the Supreme Court rules that there are three lights, that doesn't suddenly mean that there are three lights. The Supreme Court's insistence that there are three lights doesn't change the underlying fact of there being four lights.

"Because of public skepticism, it is not settled science" is a profoundly anti-scientific view. It's embracing the notion that grifters can overcome truth with sheer volume, that truth itself isn't based in observable reality but in the scope of consensus.

HANG IT IN THE LOUVRE. (President of Mexico on International Women’s Day)

Nothing to see here, just autocorrect suggesting the word "wrong" to autocomplete "Obviously scientists are".... I tried dozens of occupations. Lawyers, bankers, politicians, farmers, accountants, you name it. Only "scientists" and "epidemiologists" get "wrong" as a suggested auto-completion.

A thread of cartoons about sexism and misogyny. Women Need To Be More Warm and Approachable Read more cartoons! ---> #PoliCartoon Help us make more! ----> #internationalwomensday

Disastrous, entirely predictable result of zero Dems in my lifetime saying clearly and consistently that the right is lying to you so they can keep taking all the money for themselves.

The Supreme Court blocked the EPA from setting some limits on sewage in public waters on Tuesday—even though that's literally part of the EPA's job under the Clean Water Act—and I really want folks to understand how shoddy its reasoning was like this is not smart

Yes, & it works: look at Iran or Afghanistan. Men don't have any measurable control of the government in either place, but the state effectively deputizes them to control their families. History shows repeatedly that people will accept their own oppression if they get to oppress someone below them.