This is absolutely terrifying. I reached out to his attorney to see if there is something in place where we can donate toward his legal costs. If she gets back to me, I will share here (and everywhere).
Does anyone know if he’s been located yet? Or have suggestions for what we can do to call for his release? This is a slippery slope and we need to engage and refuse to back down immediately on allowing this administration to disappear people because you’re absolutely right about this.
Thank you! Still hoping to find suggestions on groups that are focused on tracking this arrest and making sure his rights as a permanent resident are not abused.
Really horrific. I still remember 2003 when ICE was created by Bush… just to remind Americans how recently a task force that exclusively exists to target immigrants was created, and that there was a time in very recent history where they did not. What do we gain from criminalising immigrants?
!: We gain the ability to criminalize any race or tribe of people’s. That is the ultimate goal of the legislation -to open the door for more aggressive actions whenever needed. Demonstrates why #voting & paying attention to legislation is so crucial.
The main mediator for the student protests at Columbia U last year has been disappeared. He has a green card but was arrested in the middle of the night by ICE who ran in as he walked into his apartment with his wife who is 8 months pregnant. No one knows where he is now.
Trumps new Russian/America. If you speak the truth and it threatens trump, Trump will have you picked up and make them disappear! If you know QAnon, Proud Boys, and Oath Keepers, make sure your neighbors know who they are. In fact you should post their pictures for all to see, but do so carefully!
If other countries are anything to go by, the homeless sweeps will happen before each FIFA World Cup game in 2026 - Seattle, San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Miami, Boston, New York, and New Jersey.
No rush on the homeless. The homeless have no voice and most won’t resist. As a Veteran I’m concerned about homeless veterans. Some are just a beat from explosion. Take away their mental healthcare system and 💥.
Here in LA, we just lost two whole cities, plus a few extra homes in random firestorm spots. I don’t know how many of those folks will wind up in their cars or on the sidewalks. It scares the shit out of me.
No rush? You think ICE/Donold won’t claim they’re “illegals” to up their arrest count? They’re defenseless and silent. Just more to count as successes.
Could it not be that ICE agents are just racist and assume anyone who is eg Brown, can't be an American Citizen? They already arrested Puerto Ricans for speaking Spanish being too stupid/racist to understand that all Puerto Ricans are US citizens.
Yup. I said so before the election. They will deport many citizens whether on purpose, through incompetence, by not giving a damn, or because of racism. Why did people vote for this? Why did people sit at home and ensure this?
AND if you’re trans, they’re now going to throw you in with the opposite population than you should be, for some extra cruelty. Eighth Amendment, what’s that?
That’s why the private army of Proud Boys, 3% and others he’s springing from jail, so they can join his DOD militia under Hegseth, who’s chomping at the bit to go to war, to go after civilians. I saw it during Dirty War in Argentina when I lived there.
Elon won't be happy until one of his toys explodes and kills someone. The modern day equivalent of the French nobleman running over a peasant child in Dicken's Tale of Two Cities.
I’m old enough to remember peaceful demonstrators being scooped up off the street into unmarked vans by unidentified “law enforcement” during the George Floyd protests during the Convicted Felon’s first term. That was a training exercise, apparently
Portland summer of 2020 was intense. I was strung out at the time and when I’d go score downtown, the shit started as dusk hit every night. When that dude got taken into an unmarked van, elderly man got beaten up by the cops or national guard… it felt particularly scary.
I remember one video of armored vehicles with national guard in a neighborhood and they scream at the camera person aiming their guns at them. I think that was Minneapolis? I fear it will get worse.
Yes. Esper told the Convicted Felon he could not use the military to “shoot protesters in the leg.” Hegeseth, on the other hand, seems to just be itching to spill some blood
I agree. Last time, Esper told the Convicted Felon he couldn’t use the military to shoot demonstrators. Hegeseth will be at the front with his weapons cosplaying the warrior
I’ve refused to say/write his name for several years now. I do not think words exist that can capture the depth and intensity of the disdain I have for him…so, the Convicted Felon it is.
Biden promised to do anything at all about Khashoggi, and then darted it under the rug as if he were President Lindsay Graham. He knows there's no consequence coming his way, ever, and he's going to behave like that
U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement is being used by the Orange bastard King and his Orange tongued fascist sychophants as a ‘war’ on immigrants, legal & illegal.
However the real motive is ethnic cleansing.
Already it’s starting with dividing yellow, black & brown, women, unions, LGBTQ, etc.
Yup, that’s the point behind the El Salvador pitch for sending Americans to prison there. I thought more people would realize that and ring the alarms but ppl on blue sky called it a “distraction”.
We used to be outraged by this when W did it. After he let a planeful of well connected Saudis leave the lcountry. Ppl who had ties to or were members of the RF aided some of the 9/11 hijackers.
do you remember back in MangoMussolini's first regime that they wouldnt issue passports to people who were born in the southwest? (now it's trans people)
also BofA was seizing account from "non-citizens" even though it didn't say you must be a citizen to get an account.
I wish I agreed. Americans are too brainwashed and ignorant to prevent it.
When they have every single branch of government and every check and balance under their thumb, we are powerless. Sure, people could rise up. But not enough will and those that do will be suppressed by the Gestapo state.
Canadians are doing way more than Americans. If it wasn't for them, this administration wouldn't be feeling the pain so much. And it's about to get a lot worse because they ain't backing down from the bully's tariffs.
First they came for the structure of the government systems and we watched helplessly as nobody could stop him AGAIN and people became homeless, moved in with grandkids, ate cat food and had no meds.
I'm sure that people aren't keen on putting a bunch of personally identifying information into an online form when we've got the oligarchs in all of our personal data in the govt, while gitmo is being expanded. I didn't put my info in bcuz of that but I'll still spread word of the strikes
Just spoke with one of the organizers who assured me they have full tech & cybersecurity teams ensure the identities and communications of everyone who joins are secure -and they're working on even more ideas along those lines.
I'm encouraging people to protest, to get accountability, and demand more I promise! Just wanted to try and offer an answer on why the number isn't jumping more. Fight on my friend! I appreciate you doing the reach out- I've signed it under an alias.
I hear that, but there's not much they can do while we still have our 1st amendment rights and it's better to do it now while still do b/c if we don't we're going to lose all of them.
That's why numbers are important.
If there ever was ever a hill to die on - it is this one.
It’s okay, it’s going to eventually gain momentum. People are only just now figuring out we need to take extreme measures. Everyone else is slow to respond but they will eventually step up, I have to believe they will.
It’s like a hit & miss. Different sites for different protests & boycotts. I call my congressional legislators & senator.Constituents lack representation; the GOP majority in both chambers have capitulated their power. Cowards. I wait for someone to speak out or act… but silence is deafening.
I just signed up. I couldn’t get the link to the Instagram to work, but I will find the official Instagram today at some point and I’ll follow it. I shared it with the three people so far. You’re not yelling into the void.
Americans are not prepared or even really aware of the danger, discomfort, & going without that they face.
Completely unaware.
Americans need catastrophe before they demand relief, recovery, and reform. To ever get those 3 Rs, it is catastrophe and bloodshed first because Americans are slow + lazy.
I don't think it's so much because they're lazy.
Aside from those not on social media seeing the MSM normalizing this, those who are aware are suffering from #Copium and/or #Hopium
It's kinda interesting to see from a nation wide perspective how we all believed that the rule of law was there to protect us only to watch the very people who's existence is to enforce those laws be the ones who ignore them. Thus the question becomes "who enforces the rules on the enforcers"?
It did go over my head. But given the stakes, I thought it was important you knew what the latin meant. Seeing how the state is throwing out law & all. I know you get it b/c I see you posted the Constitution. Good on you. Sure hope it's still available next week.
Exactly. I have bern saying this. Its also something the Nazis did. And - Russia either poison them or they “fall” out of a window.
A glimpse to the future if we don’t act.
Our ignorant new WH Press Secretary, is UNINFORMED on actual US immigration law. That must be why they booted all normal reporters, allowing only the propaganda outlets inside.
Random thought. If Trump or the MAGA party (further right than a usual Republican), said to eliminate the opposition. Would those that follow the MAGA party, be willing to kill their fellow countrymen/women et al?
Yes, they already are. Trump should’ve been banned from office off the fact that he inspired multiple massacres perpetrated as hate crimes. It’s like everyone forgot the Buffalo shooting and El Paso shooting. He even had a fan sending out bombs.
Yes.Every action we see indicates Republicans will not only pull the trigger but praise God afterward.Look at the number of state sanctioned kills of black and brown people every year.The women who die after being denied healthcare.It’s already happening.All part of their civil war.
Agreed. Did anyone really believe that they *stockpile* guns and ammo to protect themselves from home invasion robberies or to protect themselves from tyranny? Their amount of firepower is absurdly excessive for the former and even more absurdly insufficient for the latter.
Some will, some won't. They're no more a monolith than any other group/tribe. I have newly discovered uncles who are maga but would kill or die to protect my progressive ass. #OppositionCoalition #Patriot
Based on the events of January 6, I’m going to say yes. They’re willing to do anything that Lord Cheeto tells them to
do. They think they are Patriots and I’m sure many, if not most, of them are ready to move given the say-so.
And, this is the real issue w/ news media not adequately covering the Trump years - too little context and not enough reference to what we know about the desensitization that results from dehumanization. It's been a massive 10 year campaign of building tolerance to illegality through dehumanization.
I think it would help you if you looked through some history books. Citizens are deputized by the state. This isn’t the distant past or other countries but you can check both if you want more evidence.
💯!!! BE AWARE!!! April 20th, 2025 - the 90 day deadline from Trump’s 1/20/2025 executive order concerning The Insurrection Act. There is a very good chance that all those speaking out against this administration will be labeled as enemies of the state. Make plans to protect yourself and your family!
Totally agree. We need to protect each other. I have studied Central and South America. The Disappeared are a stain on the History, and we are right in the facts of the story.
2 German white females have been detained even though they had visas and correct paperwork. One was in solitary for 12 days. She’s been in ice hold for a month now.
Indeed, the US has been using horrifying levels of prison "slave" labour, for years. Always odd when I see progressive Americans not aware of this. To be clear, I absolutely hate my own prison system, as a Canadian. It is terrible, but lacks the private, prison wealth-on-the-back-of prisoners.
I mean, he literally told Republican voters they "would not have to vote again", before this election. People should actually watch/listen when people broadcast their intentions. Liars lie, but they also tell you who they are, and what they will do, if GIVEN THE CHANCE.
Here's the leaked video, explains one part of this administration.
He says schools are teaching crt and must be cleansed.
He wants to destroy multiculturalism.
He says he wants a evangelical protestant theocracy.
It's all project 2025.
It's all racism.
Russell vought said in the leaked video he wants to deport all non whites and whites who won't convert to evangelical protestantism. They're spooling up the industrial incarceration complex now.
The same applies to laws in general—if a country is powerful enough, people can evade justice. This is why the next logical step in human evolution is the universal civilization, where all laws apply to all humans. Capitalism can be better handled if the rich can’t just escape accountability.
I was always told by "Capitalists" that Boycotts were the one fair and ethical way for us, as Consumers, to pressure Corporations. So much for that idea.
Anyone who doubts the depths to which Trump will stoop, do a search for Trump executives killed in helicopter crash. Highly suspect. He and Putie Pie share a penchant for offing people.
How long before they do it to Jews who criticize Israel, people who promote abortion and/or trans rights, people who condemn Elon Musk, and how about those of us here who call them out?
And people who support Ukraine, Vance is already lying about that with that cooked up story about being chased by Ukraine supporters. It's going to be anyone who doesn't buy into their endless gaslighting.
Exactly. This is the playbook: you start with the "others" (a Palestinian? no problem. A Latin American immigrant? no problem), and then it becomes normalized...
Trump likely ordered the kidnapping of Mahmoud Khalil. If so, in a just world (or in a just nation where the rule of law still held sway), Trump would be indicted, tried, convicted, and sentenced to prison for the rest of his life for giving that order.
Let me be clear. The fact that Trump and the underlings responsible for Mahmoud Khalil's disappearance are *exceedingly* unlikely to face justice in this way, and they know it, is precisely why they can disappear anyone.
So much this! Targetting black/brown ones first! And, their promise to deport undocumented immigrants? Like pretty sure your economy needs those folks. So, they will just end up doing their current work, but without any pay: farm "labour camps" for rounded up, not removed undocumented labour.
If they once took people, separated them from their families and cultures, looked them in their eyes and called them animals. Prevented them from learning, living, or loving. Raped and worked them to the bone while stealing everything they produced. But never saying sorry? They can do it again.
"They" are doing it now! Exploiting workers shamelessly. Removing workers rights & the right to bargain collectively. Smashing unions. Pathetic minimum wage. Productivity gains have gone NOT to the people who produced them, but to the richest. The prison industrial complex is practically slavery.
When they took infants from parents at the border, some to never be reunited, they showed they had NO limits. Women die now because of healthcare refusal eg miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.
After the minorities there's still politics and the "wrong" kind of Christians.
They did it in the 1930’s during the Mexican Repatriations. Later, it was determined that roughly 65% of those forcibly removed were indeed American citizens.
You're aware that we're the ones who taught them that stuff, right? Look up School Of The Americas. We literally trained these people how to form death squads, do terrorism, and crush dissent. We taught them torture techniques to use on union members & civil rights activists.
Oh yeah, everything that Americans were ok with being inflicted on Palestinians will be inflicted on all of us, starting with the most vulnerable. ICE has already disappeared a Palestinian student at the behest of Columbia Zionists.
No, I don’t wanna do that. I can imagine I don’t need to see it. Neither one of them are following and Geneva Convention so both of them are doing the same thing two wrongs don’t make a right that’s for sure. This is why I very seldom comment on Israel and Gaza because you’re always wrong so….
"Israel is cashing in – both financially and diplomatically – on systems of control it has developed in the occupied territories. It is exporting its know-how to global elites keen to protect their privileges from both external & internal challengers." - Jeff Halper
We must resist to avoid a Pinochet- like regime under Trump. These regimes begin abducting their perceived enemies, making them disappear and finally killing them. Remember that Henry Kissinger planned and supported the Pinochet regime. A CIA under a nefarious government can be as evil as Nazism.
You betcha! He had ICE pick up Puerto Ricans due to not accepting they're natural-born US citizenship, couldn't hold. He vowed to "deport" Bishop Rev. Budde when her sermon irked him. Navy R.Adm. Belknap is her grandpa, ancestors born 1622 in Plymouth MA <2yr Mayflower! His deport=concentration camp
Jack Posobiec wrote a book calling all leftists aka anyone opposed to him,UnHumans. UnHumans who can be killed or arrested at will.JD Couch wrote the Introduction. Trump will be gone in months so Vance can genocide Americans faster.
It's why the MAGA/Qanon crowd fetishize Gitmo. As originally envisioned by the Cheney/Yoo crowds, it was meant to be a place explicitly exempt from judicial review.
Not to disagree with your general point but its now believed they actually survived on the continent and went on to challenge Henry V as adults in later years. Fascinating book & doc about it last year. Believe it was available on PBS here.
The of Nazis statutes with Jews, but expanded to Homosexuals, “Transvestites”, Communists, Catholics, academics and eventually just anyone who did not support Nazism.
In my home country they have been arresting protestors, even very elderly people, despite over-full prisons. I've been struck so many times here by how civically-minded people are, willing to march or stand outside in the cold. This crackdown on protestors feels very unamerican.
If they do away with birthright citizenship, they can deport anybody at all. What other claim to citizenship do any of us have? The next logical step is to start snatching up folks that disagree with the buffoon in the white house. They can disappear anyone they wish.
And after a while, people will just pretend that those who disappeared never existed. That's the sort of thing Americans will be doing very shortly. It's inevitable when people simply refuse to end it.
If voicing opposition to an invasion of a sovereign nation can make you targeted by the state for supporting terrorism, take a look at the opposition to American invasions of Iraq etc
If you read X, MAGA are asking for exactly they. They cheer deporting people, but just as frightening, they want people who disagree with or criticize them put in jail. And that's a large percentage of what's on X. How dangerous is that?
Trump believes he can deport anyone...anyone.
He hasn't done it to my knowledge, but he has made persons with naturalized citizenship disappear. So those citizens families have no idea where they are after they were snatched up!
you can ask anyone from #gaza about that.
literally having a wall all around their living areas.
or ask anyone in Germany. or China who built the longest wall visible from space. dont ask the mussolini pasta people though, because the Romans just used wooden sticks. and thats a wall that disappear
They plan to disappear millions of people. I remember Trump saying that in the next election we will not have blue states.
I take his threats seriously.
Yup, can’t assume they will moderate their questionable activities, the more they get away with the more they will be emboldened to push the envelope until it’s too late
I keep comparing this to the Fugitive Slave Act authorizing bounty hunters to grab any black man off the streets of a northern town and claim he's an escaped slave with no legal rights.
Yup. Though not just privatized. CBS Sunday Morning today had a piece on prison labor. Not surprisingly, some states do not pay a penny for inmate labor. They’re quite a familiar grouping. (It was a good piece on Prison Blues jeans.)
What I find fascinating is that they brag about it. Like this is going to make us bow down in fear? I don't think they understand what they're actually telling us we need to do.
This is quite literally why we are witnessing atrocities happening in real time right before our eye and barely doing more than talking about it on social media.
It's not until we ourselves start feeling the pain that actions will be taken to try to stop this. But by then the damage will be done.
That's what I've been saying, people support the government hating who they hate until the attention gets turned on themselves and they become labeled an enemy. These are very dangerous times we live In.
Yup. And since the RusPublican party is now aligned with Moscow they can arrest a student waving a Ukrainian flag with the charge of, "aligning themselves with the terrorist state of Ukraine." See how that works?
Just to be very clear. This has ALWAYS been a problem for permanent residents. There are a LOT of rules attached to having a Green Card and break them at your peril even without a venal regime like this.
I was born outside the US on an Army base, to two US citizens. I now live outside the US and can't imagine going there with the current regime in power. People tell me I'm crazy for thinking that there is any danger for me, but I don't see that we're too far away from that...
A friend of mine left the country with her white husband to raise their mixed race kid. She asked if it was safe to visit here with him during Trump 1.0 and I said no even back then. Now? Nah, you listen to your gut. Stay away.
The billionaires fascists are coming for all of us. All races, all creeds, men, women lbgtq+, maga non maga…everyone. Never in the history of the USA have we have this chance at uniting as one strong block. Let’s not blow it. Unite and resist! That’s the assignment.
Chris Murphy, Bernie Saunders to name two. I have listened to several Democratic phone town halls. They are filing lawsuits and working with their states to try to shield its citizens from where the current regime is headed. Even working with Canada to see what else can be done.
Often thought that if I was in a prominent position (people, the media would actually notice) and was threatened publicly by Trump or the administration, I would just go “Gone Girl”. I would have it all set up ahead of time.
Let them face all the scrutiny and accusations about what happened.
No doubt they'll disappear a few NPCs including some citizens, but mistakes happen, right? It's not like they'd do anything really stupid and dangerous like laying off the folks protecting our nuclear stockpiles.
Happens all day in Russia. And we know who loves Russia. 45-47, (see secret kremlin tapes of trumps exploits when at the Moscow Miss universe visit) & JD: a hitler in training. Snowden, Assad, Xi, Kim Jung, and many others in the GOP
No, they will literally makes slaves of non-White people. White people could band together with everyone else, in support of more marginalized people. Sadly, they have failed to stand up, til now. I want to echo what others screamed at you during your town hall today: these are not normal times. Republicans are not playing by the rules. You need to step up your action game or resign and let someone take your place who isn’t ignoring reality.
Trust me. This administration will come after us. Anyone who disagrees and tries to speak out against them are targets. Look what they are doing with the college campus protests. Trampling our 1st ammendment rights. They are shoving Christian Nationalism down everyones throats. It's evil.
Sure, but the colleges/universities are COMPLICIT. Don't forget, they offered up students, if they dared to protest (mostly peaceful protests). Columbia bent the knee and was told no more funding. Never bend to fascists/narcissists. They claim loyalty will save you, but it won't. You sell your soul.
My permanent resident friend has been working in government for a decade! Her husband and son are citizens. Are they going to deport someone who works in government and whose entire life is in America?! She was right in not denouncing her Japanese citizenship I guess.
“Arrests rolled through the streets like an epidemic… People vanished in the middle of the night, seized in their homes, at their workplaces, on the street. It seemed as if they had never existed at all.”
-The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Recuerda a los desaparecidos!
Who would have thought that the tactics of Latin American tinpot dictators would be a thing in the country that used to be known as the leader of the free world. Not so free anymore.
Who do you think put those dictators into power? Fascism is the empire come home to roost, and that's exactly what's happening here, what we used to do to others is now being done to us
I am counting on the people in districts represented by Republicans to save our democracy. I will help in any way I can. Columbia County, Pennsylvania voted 65% for Trump.
Not careening; they are there already. GOP Republicans are 100% responsible for the travesty. For every firing, death from measles, plane crash, rocket explosion, decimation of our national forests and parks, etc. until they stand up and speak out, and follow established law.
to american 30 trill and what is russia 2 trillion
ya thats a winner lolol
They also claimed online that she was a child sex offender for shits and gigs.
the Patriot Act is something that shockingly and openly completely allows citizens to be disappeared
(they also captured photographs for facial recognition in that encounter.)
However the real motive is ethnic cleansing.
Already it’s starting with dividing yellow, black & brown, women, unions, LGBTQ, etc.
9/11 basically upended American democracy.
also BofA was seizing account from "non-citizens" even though it didn't say you must be a citizen to get an account.
it's always projection
I think it's fair to say our Democracy has been broken and we are moving into Gestapo stage.
When they have every single branch of government and every check and balance under their thumb, we are powerless. Sure, people could rise up. But not enough will and those that do will be suppressed by the Gestapo state.
If people don't know the reference to that poem..
they're part of the problem.
It is time to amass in unprecedented numbers if you want any semblance of liberty & justice for all.
I state this not for myself. I have lived a reasonably decent life & I am old.
But, I am willing to die for your right to do the same.
It's only reason I'm on here and I feel like I'm screaming into void.
I have assumed surveillance for over 40 years.
We do the best we can in an entirely gamed reality. Micro actions are the way to build what is necessary.
Do the right thing.
That's why numbers are important.
If there ever was ever a hill to die on - it is this one.
They're planning to 'disappear' all the Dems in congress this this time around in the midterms and make their hold on our gov't complete.
Most of what I see at establishment level is surrender.
They intend to cut programs that the most vulnerable Americans count on. We need to keep the pressure on in hopes of minimizing the suffering.
Announce a game of possum & expect + results?
Completely unaware.
Americans need catastrophe before they demand relief, recovery, and reform. To ever get those 3 Rs, it is catastrophe and bloodshed first because Americans are slow + lazy.
Aside from those not on social media seeing the MSM normalizing this, those who are aware are suffering from #Copium and/or #Hopium
When an immigrant comes to America the constitution becomes law
No one should be removed without courts approval
A glimpse to the future if we don’t act.
do. They think they are Patriots and I’m sure many, if not most, of them are ready to move given the say-so.
He says schools are teaching crt and must be cleansed.
He wants to destroy multiculturalism.
He says he wants a evangelical protestant theocracy.
It's all project 2025.
It's all racism.
This is the beginning of Gestapo terror.
trump obeys putin.
Trump likely ordered the kidnapping of Mahmoud Khalil. If so, in a just world (or in a just nation where the rule of law still held sway), Trump would be indicted, tried, convicted, and sentenced to prison for the rest of his life for giving that order.
After the minorities there's still politics and the "wrong" kind of Christians.
Resist all of it.
It's only been 6 weeks. FFS
prolly prepping a plane right now with a trap door
Move fast and break things.
And there's no difference between the two.
"Global Pacification Industry"
"Global Pacification Industry"
Right to an attorney or even know who is being held there?Where's your American flag lapel pin?
When I’m stressed out I’m a real laugh a minute to myself. I can’t even stand to think about my country right now.
1984, V for Vendetta, Handmaid’s Tale, Player Piano, and countless other books and movies.
they can destroy the enemy within.
And you're it.
He hasn't done it to my knowledge, but he has made persons with naturalized citizenship disappear. So those citizens families have no idea where they are after they were snatched up!
When will folks realize that fences KEEP PEOPLE IN as much as they keep people out?
literally having a wall all around their living areas.
or ask anyone in Germany. or China who built the longest wall visible from space. dont ask the mussolini pasta people though, because the Romans just used wooden sticks. and thats a wall that disappear
I take his threats seriously.
It's not until we ourselves start feeling the pain that actions will be taken to try to stop this. But by then the damage will be done.
last year I renounced citizenship bc I knew I'd never return.
Let them face all the scrutiny and accusations about what happened.
Oh wait.
Until they are stopped.
Revolution is now!
So the question becomes what will you risk vs what's at risk?
Trump voter, too.
-The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Who would have thought that the tactics of Latin American tinpot dictators would be a thing in the country that used to be known as the leader of the free world. Not so free anymore.
#resist #uspol
Our government is careening toward pure evil.