I love this joke, so many people interpret it as absurdist, but it’s that people with long hair wrap the towel around their head making it hard to hear.
I just love the serious delivery Homer has when he sees an ice cream truck drive towards him before ranting at the driver of imminent destruction, and the poor guy instead thinks he's being harassed by an obese man trying to score free food.
that or Mister Burns rendition of Brother, Can You Spare A Dime which if I've got my tinfoil hat on? I think that iteration of Mister Burns is a little more self made.
Pretty obscure but Ranier Wolfcastle doing the impression of Woody Allen and the guy in the audience says, "Hey that really SUCKS!" gets me every time. https://youtu.be/llE7wT1BKt8?si=FAbGLzWtH6Y2k2c3
Don't know the episode but when homer thinks he's about to die (hiding from a raging bull in a porta potty) he screams "jesus allah buddha I love you all!"
I remember this scene well and I’ve considered it oddness and the only theory I’ve ever come up with was that Homer & Castellaneta wasn’t the star of the plot -so maybe that’s why his lines are so bizarre
So basically clever
Every word grandpa says here is perfect delivery.
You can remake this gif, as if cut from the DVD itself, on https://Frinkiac.com.
($20 can be used to buy many peanuts)
“Explain how”
(Money can be exchanged for goods and services)
"To the Beemobile!"
"You mean your Chevy?"
- Homer Simpsons impersonating Mister Burns
"What about the bread? Does that have much fish in it?"
"But I wanna!"
Still hate Sony over the whole thing!