There are a number of reasons for why Ramaswamy's ideas are illegal. (see next post)
But, they are terrible public policy. If you cut 75% of feds it will cripple state capacity, including programs the public values, while doing little to balance the deficit.
But, they are terrible public policy. If you cut 75% of feds it will cripple state capacity, including programs the public values, while doing little to balance the deficit.
seems more appropriate
I'm not even sure I've covered everything, but the intent is there
Too late. Equifax & other data pimps have already leaked the full SSN of every American who ever had a credit card or loan.
I can't see them allowing a bunch of "elite coastal liberals" to retain government positions in the world they'd like to create.
Perfect solution
They’re counting on all the rest of us NOT noticing
But if it were pointed out to him, he'd just say
"Don't be so difficult! It was just a thought experiment! Obviously we'd select something else that really is random!"
The really outrageous part is the suggestion that 3/4 of the federal workforce is doing unnecessary non-work.
The fact that government jobs have been a less*-segregated route up the American Dream ladder has made them a favorite target of the right for DECADES
*non- on paper but of course we don’t live on paper
However, as he states, it is a thought experiment ... until it isn't.
I can foresee them implementing this very tactic, then holding merit boards to keep your job with the cherry on top being signing a loyalty pledge to Trump.
Crippling state capacity is the point, and "illegal" is such a quaint concept anyway.
This approach has worked well for the last four decades or so
I am surprised nobody has pointed this out. or something.
They want to direct cash to private companies
This is about privatisation, not cost cutting
And everyone will get a $1000 check signed by Trump and they will think "wow my taxes are going down"
And by the time anyone does really notice, it will be far too late
Trump's Supreme Court has recently said that agencies don't get to regulate a lot of things they were given the power to regulate, so maybe that affects HIS plans as well?
Meanwhile Musk apparently expects to find a line item titled "waste" in the budget.
The goal is shock, destruction of Democracy, misery and suffering.
Cutting 75% of the federal work force will absolutely achieve those goals.
I have no doubt that lots of programs are on the chopping block. Trump, Ramaswamy, Musk, and RFK have never known one day of want. They have no idea how much they will cripple entire communities.
The whole point of their moves to to break everything as much as possible so that they can rebuild the system in a way that benifits them more and the people less (moreso than it already does).
The Fascists are very clear about the fact that money is a system of laws.
Democrats think money is tax payers and bond holders
ZERO. Ask Grover Norquist.
It’s all a dead letter but they pointlessly cut some stuff in D districts for appearances.
2. The Act expired and its mechanisms are unconstitutional! This is why Bush created DHS through legislation rather than executive action.
From the freakin' Heritage Foundation:
Assertion A: We will fire half of everyone
Assertion B: In order to do the deportations, we're gonna need congress to dramatically increase funding and personnel slots in ICE/CBP.
The Court isn't gonna save us.
I'm waiting to see how the airline industry handles 50% air traffic controllers and TSA staff.
And how the federal prisons operate with reduced staff.
Who is collecting Trump's tariffs with 50% less people in customs?
How is he deporting immigrants with 50% less immigration judges?
a) he is talking out of his ass
b) Congress has signaled a willingness to go along (unlikely)
c) they are planning an unconstitutional set of actions they hope their judges ok
That’s the first and only question.