the actual best thing you can do for your mental health the next 4 years is make it a point to not wake up everyday and google the president to see what shit he did while you were asleep. Stay engaged, stay aware stay alert but don't do this, it will not only not help it'll make you feel worse daily
Every day there will be something outrageous, and no one can deal with that.
I was like, “I am not doing this shit again”.
This time ‘round I’m going to avoid any mention of him and declare disinterest and disdain if asked.
No I don't intend to completely unplug, but I'm not opening the WaPo first thing in the morning anymore (my sub is canceled but runs till Sept)
It's what I try to do.
I am really glad I’m not using Twitter any more, because it turned into a horrible toxic addiction of outrage/doomscrolling over those four years.
Nope nope nope not doing that again if I can help it.
I can’t do it, and it won’t change anything, and frankly most of them don’t deserve the traffic after what just happened
It's not up to each of us. But damn we & the internet did so bad at creating a cultural memory.
What are the things from the month previous that you still super strongly are vibing over? What's gotten worse or better about those?
Our internets could and should be helping create structures for longer attention too, not just emersion within the perpetual oh so forever happening now.
This time around I need a different way to watch and stay aware but not let it set the tone of the day.
--TG 💔
Triggered the news to play.
For anyone interested, is publishing a daily digest of things we should know. He's digging around so we don't have to.
I already supported them, but now I am aiming to watch it more.
Like you say, a repeat of constant "Trump says" headlines does not appeal to me at all.
I'll just switch to getting my news weekly instead.
Is depressing 😕
The illegal, unconstitutional, corrupt, self-enriching shitshow that will rob Americans of their civil rights, tax dollars & benefits we've worked for over decades is not something I want to witness
Gonna be a HUGE payoff one day.
...peacefully in his sleep.
I think in 4 years there was one time around Christmas where for a couple days it wasn't utter chaos. It was exhausting.
And yet MAGA fondly remembers his presidency as a time of stability and strength.
Have put myself on a news blackout. Which makes me despise him even more.
And/or any other term or person, of course.
The term-muting options here are better than at Twitter, too, which is great.
The news and the newsmakers can now wait on me.
Headlines, links to stories, in one email at the end of the day.
It’s a good way to stay in the know and also not drown in it.
Glad to see you here.
Don’t feed the counters.
I find it helps enormously to take time out from media, tv, news, social media & go for a long walk, it clears the cobwebs.
Also, find relaxation techniques, watch videos, listen to self meditation & sleep 😴 tapes (iTunes, YouTube)
It all helps to recharge the batteries 😊
Enjoy it often!
No more.
As my brother said “liberals predicting the worst” is just another form of fear mongering
I’ll awaken for Election 2028. Hopefully there will still be a country.
It's a little parasocial of me, but it helps hearing the bad news from like-minded people instead of the cold corporate view from nowhere.
Turn off the double-standard MSM & write some poetry of a song!
we're exhausted. It's enough.
The chopper talking will also restart with the screaming. Nope
Do not care
Do not want