when an american electronic appliance chirps at me: I did not invite you to speak. I despise you. I wish to destroy you
when a japanese appliance chirps at me: You are my little friend. You are my companion in the journey of life
when a japanese appliance chirps at me: You are my little friend. You are my companion in the journey of life
(wow, this breaks Blue Sky chracter limits. Didn't think it was over 280)
Whereas American appliances range from "Klaxon alarm" to "noise so heinous it actually does a great job signalling you that something is going wrong and you need to get up and freak out"
Happy little rice maker
Is please to tell you
Your happy rice is ready!
It immediately bursts into flames like a malfunctioning Tesla.
the american appliance ones kinda feel aggressive and hostile, asian appliances have a more friendly gentle tone
and european ones in my experience usually just don't chirp at all
Japanese machines are designed and made by those who take mild joy in little devices and doodads
My horrible air fryer: remember the physical bell old timers had? Want to hear a horribly compressed and noise-reduced, tremble-boosted version?
I find the insistent beeping combined with misplaced confidence of, “your food is ready” on the display screen are insanely offensive.
My LG washer *plays charming little jingle*
My Whirlpool/Kenmore dryer: *BZZRRRRRRT*
the zojirushi sings for itself. the pure pleasure of it
I love that my rice cooker plays a minuet
japanese appliances: beep bing bonggg binggg
American exceptionalism has failed.
bosch dishwasher is worse though because it's Just quiet enough that you can only half hear it, once, every 10 minutes
Maybe it's the gen Xer in me that wants to put custom sounds on all my appliances. Like ringtones for my dryer.
Tamagatchi Ive had since 1995: *gasp*
Also Me: aww not you little buddy, here, forgot to feed you this morning.
The kettle on the other hand has a super obnoxious beep when you start it and when it reaches temperature. Not delightful in the slightest.
"I require your *immediate* attention, or the task I am performing shall be *ruined*!
Japanese appliance chirp:
"Here's a happy tune while I work"