Kevin Hassett suggests Canadian authorities are covering up major fentanyl operations: "I can tell you that in the situation room I've seen photographs of fentanyl labs in Canada that the law enforcement folks were leaving alone. Canada's got a big drug problem."
That’s the spirit!
I admire that you do
I am so disappointed with the pearl clutching liberals
And I am a liberal
I also tend to get the vibe that they mostly don't care if homeless people OD on the stuff...
Fix mental health issues and the drug problem will fade away
once we ban political contributions and have publicly funded elections when can get back to slow progress.
until then, the coalition of fringe, single-issue voting blocks corralled by rich people will continue to strip-mine america.
I can confirm, hearty Canadian gravy, along with massive amounts of luxury maple syrup is the biggest black market export.
The Pancakes shall be soaked in thick, flavorful Syrup!
Who does this type of gaslighting work on? This is nonsensical.
Revenge may be stupid, but it is addictive.
This Hasset guy is WHO?
Most Americans fact check all their lies anymore.
We're getting PTSD from the daily sh.t
he can not without a threat to national security.
nothing to do with fentanyl.
just a excuse
Build a big beautiful wall and make America pay for it.
Not even good fiction writers
All he does is lie and attempt to make it appear like all is best ever.
DT is greedy, selfish, liar, cruel, ignorant, devoid of empathy for anyone or anything.
Any Ross Ulbricht questions to the Trump Admin would be appreciated. Drugs are bad except when they pay for a pardon 🤔
It was BC and the photos would have been from RCMP busts
The LIE is we are complicit. The RCMP are taking them down faster than the States are taking theirs down
Drug labs are in the US too
Manufacturing is in country for domestic demand. The US has labs too
Why smuggle when you can manufacture in country?
he can not without a threat to national security.
nothing to do with fentanyl.
just a excuse
Just like in the States - we have a drug problem- We are actively fighting it and have had some big wins reported in the media
The RCMP have shut down a few major labs. There are labs - it’s true
What’s not true is that the RCMP isn’t doing something about it - They are and have been for years
and those guns, are smuggled from the states
he can not without a threat to national security.
nothing to do with fentanyl.
just a excuse
Same as russia invaded Ukraine to “denazify”, Canada will be invaded to shut down these “superlabs”.
With all of these benefits, why aren't the states lining up to be part of Canada?
They make it sound so pleasing.
Like medical bankruptcy is pleasing.
It won't take long for most Americans to warm up to this invasion of Canada once they decide our resources are worth it.
There is no real news here anymore.
History’s confirmed that these stupid, fragile, gaslighting, SADISTIC PERVERTS will grow HORRIFICALLY worse until stopped.
Why would a single story slow them down?
And Vance the Shape,, Shifter he takes on the ideology's,mannerism, everything of those he's around.
That's who he becomes.
I would make a list of names but would EXCEED the character count allowed. 🤣
Sounds like a fake pretext for military action. US propaganda in action. But it's actually the US that is the problem not Canada.
#TrumpUnfit #TrumpRussia
Tell me again how CBSA is supposed to stop drugs from leaving Canada?
#TrumpUnfit #TrumpRussia #MuskyCoup
Gotta pay to be at marlagogo to see that stuff.
Canada, like America, does have drug labs.
The lie is we aren’t doing anything about it
The photos came from RCMP drug busts in BC from last year
We have a drug problem- but we are NOT complicit
Have no doubt it's occurring in our WH again.
They needs drugs just to be there.
Trump is actually looking for bulk discount from smugglers .
It'd be a new, interesting twist of international relations.
I'll prepare a charcuterie board and start some popcorn. Seriously think this tactic has legs, if the Canadians and Mexicans push it.
We can all join in on a class action against him.
Ketamine Kermit probably has more drugs in his bloodstream than the average DEA bust.
They'll never find the fentanyl they think is from here, but they will conveniently find the water, oil & minerals they need for the US economy.
Passive annexation threats.
More at the desk in the oval office.
#slavaUkraine too!
it's sickening 😑
Squelched 😃
he can not without a threat to national security.
nothing to do with fentanyl.
just a excuse
Sidebar:Doesn't Kevin Hassett kinda make your skin crawl?
Seriously! He is the most skin crawly man..YYIIKKEESS!
P.S. They will never shut up, it is fashion here to just lie, lie, lie. Their base never demands evidence and has no memory.
LOL ing
at the whole fucked up country to the south of you.
They don't care about Americans
nothing to do with fentanyl.
Propaganda, pure & simple.
Thanks for speaking truths, Amir. We need it right now.
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.
History’s confirmed that these stupid, fragile, gaslighting, SADISTIC PERVERTS will grow HORRIFICALLY worse until stopped.
he can not without a threat to national security.
nothing to do with fentanyl.
just a excuse
And our media is NOT UP TO THIS MOMENT
he can not without a threat to national security.
nothing to do with fentanyl.
just a excuse
#ElbowsUp Canada. This is a profoundly dangerous threat!
its the only legal way for the president to act.
he can not without a threat to national security.
nothing to do with fentanyl.
just a excuse
when only 0.2% of the seized fentanyl come from Canada and the biggest drug dealers are American pharmaceutical companies…
Saddam had actually killed thousands of Iranians and Kurds with poison gas. Canada on the other hand has one of the best human rights records in the world.
Don't pretend there is a precedent for this.
USians are always ready to show how they got where they are in the first place.
We're trying to do reconciliation. They're trying to remove their rights.
BC implemented UNDRIP. More need to do the same.
Leopold two and Congo 😱
Let's not pretend that we annexed Iraq. We eventually left them with a semi-functional democracy and they barely listen to us anymore.
Trump wants to ANNEX Canada, who has not used chemical weapons.
Do you think the people who are mentioning Iraq believe that Canada is some kind of fentanyl menace?
They’re on the same side as you. You’re just not understanding that they’re using sarcasm to make their point.
Lazy propoganda.
Yes, there are drug labs in Canada, just like in the states
Lie - the RCMP is complicit
The photos probably came from the RCMP from recent busts in BC
He claims it's for eyes only in Situation Room where no journalist is allowed
The right question is who are you protecting by not making the pictures public?
Can't Google "show me RCMP tipping off fentanyl manufacturers"
Love that the bust was prior to our election, so Cheeto can't say he nudged it
The lie is he saw photos in situation room that no one else knows about
That is a lie
The proof is the many RCMP investigations resulting in shut downs and arrests
to reach everyone
I refuse to believe his surname can be pronounced any other way 😂
It's not going to end well.
The entire US administration is a Volkswagen Beetle filled with clowns, being driven by Bozo, who has never driven anything above a golf cart, and has no license. Putin is giving Bozo directions, and Phony Stark is paying for the gas.
They believe their lies better when they smile at them.
It’s like a cross necklace.
Tons of drugs & firearms entering Canada from US, though.
Now, that's a big problem.
Fools who are hate-filled bigots believe the bull that Trump and his craven minions spread.
We believe in Science and know Canada is innocent in this barrage of propaganda against your country.
Canada, throw everything you have at this lying, pathetic, Moron.
We stand with you!
The fact he had trouble finding anything wrong with Canada shows how good we are.
he can not without a threat to national security.
nothing to do with fentanyl.
just a excuse
Classic "accuse your opponent of what you're doing".
This is because he seems to think it'll be easy to take Canada
Sure, taking Canada might be easy, but they'll never be able to hold us
The insurgency will be astronomical
Canada is legally bilingual, not "English speaking".
"The big lie is a central tenet of fascism." – Madeleine Albright
"The press is our chief ideological weapon." – Khrushchev
Hassett just spreads the BS that Trump tells him to spread.
its the only legal way for the president to legally act.
nothing to do with fentanyl.
the US government runs on Ketamine now
The quality of their coverage would be so much better if they just... stopped
You don't have to interview someone from the White House. You really don't.
I was wrong to have that idea in my head.
But it is one that was inculcated by right-wing pressure.
Same with DEI and Trans being everything else reasoned in house.
They have nothing but fantasies to fearmonger.
It’s where they do cold weather training and joint arctic security patrol
This is ridiculous.
Magats rotten, evil, weak, cowardly, liars, heartless.. On and on!
And every now and again, if they can spare it, Canada sends a pound down to the Excited States.
News is a way to sell ads
That’s it
he can not without a threat to national security.
nothing to do with fentanyl.
just a excuse
On the more factual side ...
he can not without a threat to national security.
nothing to do with fentanyl.
just a excuse
They exist to be mocked.
Russia falsely claimed there were illegal biolabs in Ukraine as an excuse to attack them.
US falsely claims there were illegal fentanly labs in Canada.
Where the f*ck are we shipping these drugs in these labs? Mexico so they can be shipped north again? They aren't here in Canada, they aren't crossing the border into the US. Who are they making them for?
The photos he saw probably came from a bust last year of an illegal Cartel lab in BC.
The LIE is that we aren’t doing anything about it …
The RCMP busted a number of labs and continue to investigate
We are NOT complicit