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Dass in deutsche Talkshows immer noch Menschen sitzen, die behaupten, Trump sei kein Faschist, denn er sei ja von der Mehrheit der Menschen gewählt, ist absoluter Wahnwitz. Was ist denn das für ein Faschismusbegriff?!
🔴 For *four years* officials refused to release names of all companies linked to Conservative donors and party figures put in the 'VIP' lane for bumper Covid contracts Now a judge has ordered them to. Huge win for (and DfS)
“While drug shortages have become a problem globally in recent years, the UK is facing “a worsening situation” compared with the rest of Europe because of Brexit” Excellent work, Brexiters. Absolutely nailing our sovereign right to be self-harmingly idiotic.
In China werden freiflächen Solarzellen mittlerweile durch Roboter gereinigt, die wiederum mit Solarenergie betrieben werden😀
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Yesterday my son set down his fidget spinner in the center of the mosaic floor in the entryway to to National Museum of Ireland, spun it, and then went to watch from his star sign. My Irish friend walked over to his star sign to watch as well and said, “now that’s good craic.”
Jaw dropping ignorance. Witkoff knows nothing. Has no knowledge of the violence that Russians have used to suppress Ukrainians in Occupied Ukraine
Brexit a key factor in worst UK medicine shortages in four years, report says