Few things make me livid when I see them online seeing parents proudly say they have no regrets after letting their child die of measles, a fully preventable disease, I lose it for a bit.
That’s child neglect.
CPS has taken Black kids for far less, and it’s infuriating to watch this go unchecked.
That’s child neglect.
CPS has taken Black kids for far less, and it’s infuriating to watch this go unchecked.
Murder by negligence.
It would make it easier for his pedo minions and himself to go about unchecked...
Privilege is not simple or basic. It is complex and messy.
Sad mental illness
Jim Jones convinced his followers to mass suicide
This is the same phenomenon
Tragically happening again
And it was Flavor Aid.
I wish people believed in science!
Proud why? That child had no say in the matter. You made a decision without them knowing they were dying bc of some bullshit you’re telling yourself to justify your actions.
You have elected Hitler. Now you have to try to reclaim your freedom because the alternative won’t be safe for anyone not perfect.
From the article: The death of his daughter, Peter told me, was God’s will. God created measles. God allowed the disease to take his daughter’s life. “Everybody has to die.”
Of course, the alternative is admitting that you allowed your child to die through gross negligence.
encephalitis (an infection causing brain swelling and potentially brain damage)
severe diarrhoea and related dehydration
ear infections
severe breathing problems including pneumonia. Not that bad?
Kids are taken that shouldn’t be, and children that should be, are often left behind
There aren’t enough foster parents to care for the number of children that come into the overloaded system.
The real problem. Judges can be good or evil
I too defend it. There are weak links in every system, but you do an absolutely amazing job in such a volatile situation(s)
These are the same people against abortion. Does anybody see the irony in this at all?
BillGates https://tinyurl.com/9cw88wbb
Your either ill, dangerously ignorant or a complete fool.
About 5% of kids develop life threatening symptoms and about ..5% die.
Or about 2000 a year in Canada absent the vaccine. (about 18000 in US).
Fix yourself, be a better person. Learn.
An example for ya:
You are killing children.
Those annual death rates among otherwise health, unvaccinated children.
Why do you want them to die?
"Somewhere along the way we developed a vaccine, so people stopped dying. But now idiots like me are speaking out against it and now people are dying again"
Fuck me. I thought I'd escaped anti-vaxx morons like you when I left Twitter.
Then apologise, « Tiger-Fred »
Then best to get off social media before you do any more harm. Go build some nice model planes or something.
To allow Fox to be called news and Sinclair to hijack local news with their poison.
The gullible are now like zombies doing exactly what was wanted of them to do.
Go full stupid culture war on woke with their brains up their asses .!!!
Plus, never in the history of capitalism has a business followed regulations that did not apply to it.
The anti-vaxx movement is based on the idea that it's better to let a child die than to have a disabled child.
They're determining whether to press charges against the mother.
We have a system that operates on behalf of a disease.
Wealth, power, privilege
Where stupid believes the crime is accountability
Dont give them vaccines. let nature take its course
but OUR choices sometimes have consequences.
I’m pro life!
Also them: I let my child die because vaccines are for LIBS!
1. You’re a kid who needs to be fed @ school.
2. You’re a kid who doesn’t want to die at school b/c of gun violence.
3. You’re a child who has been raped and needs an abortion.
4. You get measles b/c your parent doesn’t “do science”.
5. You are the child of an undoc. parent.
Attend your local event on April 5th! Fight for our freedoms the right way, with non-violent protests and with your wallet!
So yes, delusion.
Nutshell: I'm ok w/ religion that tells how to live, not what is true.
You may find it useful to read some of the news coverage.
You cannot imagine yourself in the position of somebody who is.
Why is it, do you think that? MAGA/P2025 are so keen to dismantle the department of education?
Those fuckwits used a biological weapon to murder their own child for ideological reasons.
Neglect and abuse happened BEFORE they murdered their kid.
But she had a choice. You don't agree with it and neither do I. But she had a choice. It likely directly caused a death.
But if you don't want the gov't telling you what to do, and I hope you don't, then remember, she had a choice
That's all the rest of us are asking for
She has a choice to rob a bank, she goes to jail.
She kills her kid she goes to jail.
she made a choice
The choice to wilfully, knowingly and recklessly endanger her child.
Measles party.
Don’t kid me.
Go make love to the barrel of a shotgun.
None of that means that "everyone deserves forgiveness" - some people never learn, just that people are multifaceted.
I hope the cops are up.
Letting their child die
They don’t regret
Letting their child die
“Because we are
Such faithful Christians”
What a lie
What a lie
But let a black woman leave her kids in the car because she has to attend a job interview and she's going to prison. AND they'll take her kids.
Remember when that DA wanted to prosecute that black woman because her killed
He wanted to impress his fellow racists & position himself for higher office.
So, he figured he'd rip her apart in order to do that. Whilst spouting moralist nonsense.
It was incredible. These 🤡 kill their kids & not a hint of repercussion. Truly incredible.