We must shut down this country until the orange buffoon is removed by participating in the following work stop: 12am 3/25-12am 3/28. Call in sick, go to work late, take long lunches, leave early, take 1/2 days. We must stop: slow down transportation, airline industry, manufacturing, agriculture.
This normally would be great news, but Elon Musk and Trump have been heel bent on destroying all federal agencies with the purpose of elimination outright or the privatization of them.
Me either. I remember reading some convoluted explanation of how it was impossible to fire him except during a blood moon when Dems control all branches of government and make a ritual sacrifice to the mighty lord of post offices using the blood of rare 17 year cicadas
Just throwing this out there..
Especially for the govt and legal folks that I follow
Is sending classified information on a non-secured digital device app under the jurisdiction of the DOD & DOJ only?
Or does the USPS play a role ?
It was mail
Just curious
Everyone saying something worse is coming is probably right. And MAYBE, when prices go up and service goes down for people in "the heartland rural areas" just MAYBE Trump voters will BEGIN to see.
It’s pretty awesome. Biden nominated enough pro-DeJoy Dems to the governors’ board to allow DeJoy to stay in as postmaster general when they had the numbers to replace him.
Another bad decision from Biden and Team that will now allow Trump to shove whatever psycho in that will privatize it.
How nice for him, having successfully helped destroy Western democracy as well as the postal system, DeJoy can now enjoy a long, obscenely well-funded retirement.
I doubt it. Think he just held on long enough for Trump to be elected and now a new person gets appointed for 5 years. Bet the next guy resigns at 3 years so Trump gets postmaster for next 8 years plus
Only a couple of days after DOGE fired 10k USPS employees. Like a rat off a sinking ship, wants nothing to do with potential breakdown of mail services across the country.
I wanted that a year ago, but now I'm not sure it's a good thing. He didn't destroy it like we thought he would, but I'm sure whoever Trump appoints to replace him will be more than willing.
Exactly this. At first I was pissed when I got no mail for two weeks but then it stabilized and USPS even started to be more financially fiscal without firing a bunch of people. Now I'm worried because this administration is such a shitstorm.
"Sorry everyone, Hitler was just so disgusted by what you're asking him to do here at USPS he resigned. Anyway here's your new post master general, Super Hitler."
Yeah, like if Trump's doing something that even DeJoy disagrees with related to the postal service then we are in for it. Possible there's another reason for his abrupt resignation but the suddenness isn't exactly encouraging in that regard.
Its very possible that DeJoy doesn't want to be in charge when the shit hits the fan. It's a no win situation for him. It's one thing to sabotage and institution and bleed it, it's another to be there when the time comes to actually try to land a killing blow. Theres really only two scenarios.
Whoever follows him is going to spend the rest of their lives either looking over their shoulder or having pissed off everyone in the nation only to preside over the biggest union victory in living memory.
Option C: Dejoy takes a nice position on the board of whichever private corporation wins the bid to take over all USPS operations, mail delivery is replaced with opening your mail and emailing you scans of it, unreported data breaches result in cartoonish amounts of theft and fraud
Weird to announce the resignation in advance and still have it be effective immediately when it happens, no?
Like, if planned, I would have expected a transition period?
This was a response to one of my posts this morning: "The post office is embedded into the Constitution. They would have to put it through Congress to make a new amendment."
Biden appointed the majority of the Governors who had the power to replace DeJoy. DeJoy also could've been fired for cause considering his many documented conflicts of interest including buying $305,000 bonds from one of the Governor's investment firms.
You are correct. It use to be when it was a cabinet position but when we stop taking taxpayer $ in the 70’s, it became an appointed position.There’s never been a post master general forced to retire in my memory or research.
Biden appointed several governors to the USPS that failed to replace DeJoy in the four years he was in office. And then Biden passed a 2022 Postal Reform Act that codified into law changes DeJoy pushed.
Biden dead-enders trying to pretend Biden and Dems were powerless.
DeJoy was appointed during Trump’s first term and lasted the entirety of Biden’s presidency. The USPS board had the power to remove him, and Biden appointed a majority of the board during his Presidency. Obviously he appointed people who approved of the work DeJoy was doing.
Nah, he wasn't a saboteur. That's what comes next, and it's why even a generally conservative "efficiency" guy doesn't want to have anything to do with it.
What are you thinking of, specifically? I used to wanted him fired ASAP, too, but then I started talking to my mailman (not a right wing guy) and was surprised to find that he really liked him so I looked into him more.
The biggest impact of his plan they set forth in 21 was consolidating sorting into regional facilities. It had negatively impacted delivery times across the country
My understanding of the changes he put in was that he was trying to improve reliability (at the expense of speed in some cases). It would be better to be both reliable and fast, obviously, but making tradeoffs with limited resources doesn't count as "sabotage" to me.
After 2020, which was a cluster but I don't think was *sabotage,* he's been sort of a basic business guy. Plus he lobbied to get that crippling pre-funding requirement reversed and collaborated w/the Biden admin to get an electric fleet in place.
Currently, only the Postal Service Board of Governors has the power to appoint or fire the postmaster general, who may serve an unlimited term. The Board of Governors is composed of nine presidential appointees that must be confirmed by the Senate.
Yeah and Biden waited until mid-late 2024 to nominate *anyone* to fill 3 vacancies on the Board that would have allowed it to oust DeJoy. He chose to keep him as Postmaster General.
Jared, it would have been up to the board to fire DeJoy. Not sure why he was not terminated after Biden appointed the new board members. I believe the there has to be a majority of board members to fire the postmaster general, they probably did not have enough votes.
They don’t have enough votes because Biden waited FOUR YEARS to nominate new members. This isn’t even debatable, Biden obviously knew the consequence of waiting and he dragged his feet anyway.
I still remember when the Libs were screaming about how his nomination would rig the election, and then I heard nothing about him the entire time Biden was in office...
Yeah, funny how the issue was so simple when Trump was president, the mysteriously became more complicated when Biden won. Much like how the kids in cages became more complicated too.
Well, he should have never been Postmaster General. The frightening thing is what sort of even more of an unscrupulous monster will trumptyDumpty replace him with?
And if you live in rural America, 10 miles down the dirt road, waiting for your meds to arrive by mail, you'll be out of luck. Oh wait, you can't afford meds anyway.
Instead of having them shipped for free or maybe $5, it will be $15-20 for delivery by a third party company...and those prices will only keep going up.
This came almost immediately after the awarding of a new binding NALC contract by an arbitrator, which is not substantially different than the one rejected by the union by a 70% majority
DeJoy had to leave so he could join a private company bidding to take over the USPS. And reinstall him as head of a privatized Postal Service. Mark my words.
DeJoy's job is done. He has successfully degraded the Post office services to the point that the next Postmaster General can preside over its final dismantling. DeJoy's shipping companies will pick up all that business.
If you were a voodoo specialist, ‘witch’ would you choose?
What and when does the next shoe drop?
I'm super worried.
Under Trump, it’s ominous.
Especially for the govt and legal folks that I follow
Is sending classified information on a non-secured digital device app under the jurisdiction of the DOD & DOJ only?
Or does the USPS play a role ?
It was mail
Just curious
I don't think that'll make things different. Just paused? maybe?
Another bad decision from Biden and Team that will now allow Trump to shove whatever psycho in that will privatize it.
DeJoy would not have resigned effective immediately without orders from Trump.
Watch for Trump to try moving the agency and privatizing it.
Also watch all the pensions of USPS employees and if they maneuver those funds.
Use @5calls.org to easily leave a message for your representatives and senators.🗣️🤳💪💙
Use @5calls.org to easily leave a message for your representatives and senators.🗣️🤳💪💙
Fun times.
Option B: USPS doesn't go down and it's because the Postmaster blinked in the face of what will almost certainly be sabotage and strikes.
Like, if planned, I would have expected a transition period?
I have questions.
You're talking out of your ass.
Not Biden.
This is on Biden.
Removing the Postmaster General requires an absolute majority vote of the governors in office.
Biden didn't require an oath.
Nine members with a max of 5 from any single party.
Biden dead-enders trying to pretend Biden and Dems were powerless.
Most likely DeJoys company.
Him resigning is an absolutely terrible sign imo.
Part 2. Dejoy’s fault right?
And don’t come back now ya hear!
What else can he do, honestly?
It won't be Eric.
It'll be someone else with millions in stock from FedEx, UPS, etc.
Holy smokes.