My high school’s shit was worse but at least I didn’t have billions of dollars and think I was the solution and savior for all of humanity. And also, I listened to critiques.
Friend of a friend wrote a silly poem called "Rabbits," with lines like "Rabbits blue, rabbits pink/Rabbits bathing in my sink." It scanned everywhere and was funny. Much better than this.
If the original writer & his 3rd grade teacher step up, Elon will sue them to say He (Elon) wrote it. Because that's what he does. He forced the founders of Tesla to include him as the founder the same way.
Based on the first movie, he's actually Obadiah Stane - his exosuit is bigger, uglier and clunkier than Tony Stark's, and explodes at the end, much like a Cybertruck.
Does he even make any sense?
I’m trans. All religions hate my existence. So I became an Atheist and I’m happier than l was in a religion. Think for yourself, don’t let anyone tell you this is how God wants you to think or who you are.
I loved how in iron man Robert would not shoot the scene with him unless he got to call him a pedo file an HE DID IT! Dude is such a fucking fake an he’s dumping all kinds of crap in Texas waste wise. Like I wish we had a super villain just for him!! I would pay there taxes for this sacred duty
•Inherited generational wealth
•Incredibly petty
•Incapable of admitting he was wrong
•In favor of large scale government surveillance
•Does not care who the American govt kills with his tech
•Unrepentant addict
•Directly responsible for a false flag terror attack
War profiteer with substance use problems who sabotaged every one of his personal relationships and whose most prominent conflicts are with a particularly flagrant racist caricature
I have co-workers who have accused me of being politically biased about this guy and said that if I wasn’t, I’d admit that most of America loved him and it was just My Problem. Their positions has aged like fine wine, I mean milk.
At least Tony Stark had to face the end of the universe to engender an existential crisis. Musk as collapsed into a self pitying sweaty puddle because of a bit of light, and well deserved, ridicule.
On a "words used" basis he's hitting close to the name for a real concept (except he's wrong about it), but I give him NO partial credit, because i don't believe he's familiar with civil/civic religion and referencing it intentionally.
I subbed to the patreon for a month and new Achewood was so fucking unparseable and not interesting that I don't believe Onstad's claims that he's not writing it with AI, I think he meant "I tweak it a little after the AI writes it"
I picked up a book on our household, saw a chapter headed up with some random quote from him "humanity is a boot loader" and shuddered and said NO THANK YOU.
When he was in his lane, he was doing well. REALLY well. I don't know what happened, (money?), but sometime in early 2018 the wheel started wobbling, but there was still hope. Alas, the complete set of wheels appears to have not only fallen off, but have disappeared into the sun.
I was gonna say, after all his bullshit about "I want *MY* pet AI to be like the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy!", and then he goes and writes like a Vogon instead of a Megadodo staff writer.
He is worse than a modern day Henry Ford arguably. Ultimately, Ford put his profits over his ideology. His dealings with the Nazis were more driven by profit (Ford manufactured for both sides) and, when his anti-Semitism got to the point that it might've cost him money, he publicly apologized.
Elon is a true believer far right convert who is fine with burning money (albeit probably because he has so much money) in pursuit of ideological goals.
I got the hell out of some comic discussion boards because I couldn't not see the old goober with his barely-rhymed, hideously un-metric doggerel. Even when he had a good idea, it would come out horribly misshapen and clumsy.
violets are blue
worst shit ive ever read
you are a miserable divorced boomer clown
fuck you
I’m trans. All religions hate my existence. So I became an Atheist and I’m happier than l was in a religion. Think for yourself, don’t let anyone tell you this is how God wants you to think or who you are.
•Incredibly petty
•Incapable of admitting he was wrong
•In favor of large scale government surveillance
•Does not care who the American govt kills with his tech
•Unrepentant addict
•Directly responsible for a false flag terror attack
Seems pretty accurate tbh
“There once was a tool from Pretoria…”
This guy grew up in an apartheid country
From the books that will never make it into a movie.
Even Howard Hughes knew better than to push his weird old self onto our screens around the clock.
To get more stupider
Musk: "Hell yeah! That's the good part of religion!"
Hard to write worse.
I take a gram and only am
To much the same effect.
A complete fraud