Millennials are a goldilocks generation raised in the narrow window between leaded gasoline and social media and hooooo boy is that showing these days
Reposted from
William B. Fuckley
in this house, we have heckin' doggos, we adult like a boss, we drink IPAs, we listen to Matt and Kim, and we also are apparently the only age cohort meaningfully committed to liberal democracy
Just something I needed to mention.
But for all our similarities when we were kids — plenty of them do have it more together.
Piracy and Shitposting
... Wipes a single tear away from my eye...
"This is it, this is the peak"
We’re (mostly) not lead poisoned, and (mostly) not social media poisoned.
…then spent the second half of my teenage years online lol.
*hasn't had a FB account in close to 10 years.
They're just exactly as detatched as you'd expect a generation to be, staring down the barrel of global warming and fascism. They're the ones who will have to fight the first war on North American soil in centuries.
They also understand solidarity and are willing to dig in and get their hands dirty. So long as we don't belittle them, we have a pretty good thing going.
It’s like living in On Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest for us.
The kids are going to be fine.
"We were promised the world and just watching it burn."
As a gen z kid I have no fucking idea why there's infighting between us.
If y'all haven't noticed, this type of thinking is exactly what every generation says while crapping on the others. I'd rather base my in-group on anti-bigotry, community organization, and actions rather than an accident of birth.
A drowning man will reach for anything to stay afloat.
My mother is MAGA, so she'll be dependent on whatever breadcrumbs the fascists leave her.
Millennials have repeatedly tried to effect change, only for a Gen X to be like "meh, that won't work. Blegh. Childhood ruined by new star wars."
That's okay. Rap it out with your He Man dollies and let the big kids fix your gargantuan poopy diaper.
like anyone younger or older than we are doesn't understand what a directory is and can't change folder permissions or move a fucking file
I guess being into photography, I am well aware of file types and compression schemes.
Many such cases.
EVERYBODY had a problem with it, i promise you