Schumer screwed up.
But in the same way that MANY people failed to respond to Trump's grievance claims in 2023-24 bc they were too busy making false claims about Merrick Garland, Dems seem intent on ditching any focus on Elon and Trump to attack Schumer instead.
But in the same way that MANY people failed to respond to Trump's grievance claims in 2023-24 bc they were too busy making false claims about Merrick Garland, Dems seem intent on ditching any focus on Elon and Trump to attack Schumer instead.
I'm not defending Schumer at all--I'm opposing insanely stupid choices.
I am noting that you bozos chased false claims about Merrick Garland and it distracted you from beating Trump.
You prefer Trump?
If we don’t demand better, nothing will change.
We critique Democrats the biggest Democrat presidential win in my lifetime was the massive progressive promising 2008 win but nearly every Dem insists to move to the center and hand the country to pathetic fascists.
You probably don't even know that J6C was proven to have caused the biggest delay? LOLOL. You people STILL think you were running against Garland last year!
And yes, even if Dems were competent, message discipline requires ONE VILLAIN.
There is not just one villian now and I've seen no one ditching any focus on them. If that's what you're seeing, maybe you need to follow a broader selection of accounts.
Trump is a fascist. Elon is a nazi. Every thing they do is awful.
You suck since you do PR for collaborators.
It’s that easy!
Musk/Trump are trying to break into my house. Obviously they're the villains.
Schumer is the neighbor who I trusted with the spare key, and he just handed it to the burglars.
We're screaming at Schumer not because he's the villain, but because he betrayed us to the villain.
There's a reason we critique dems more, it's because Trump and Elon aren't going to fucking listen. Telling them to do better is a fruitless effort.
Giving breathing space to dictators doesn't help fighting against them, neither does negotiating with them.
The dems collaborating with the republicans to destroy all LGBTQ+ rights?
Or maybe collaborating in destroying reproductive rights?
Hell is it if somehow they chose to destroy racial equality to avoid a shutdown?
When does the fuck ups of the dems are allowed criticism
This whole, "why are you attacking Democrats but not Republicans," thing NEEDS TO GO. The reason we're attacking Democrats is that they're not combating Republicans effectively!
I (used to) vote for Democrats. Therefore I’m gonna tell them what I think about their failures to do the job I hired them to do.
Why should they not spend all of their time criticizing him?
We can do both. Criticize Trump and Dems simultaneously.
Dems are enabling Trump. Period. Facts are facts.
We want both change in WH leadership as well as Dem leadership.
Guy he fucked everything up and regretted none of it, fuck off.
And the people who failed to respond to Trump are the same fucking Cheney Democrats who just betrayed their voters. Yes, there were MANY of them.
Why do you believe he'll slow down to let you get distracted by Schumer?
2. Who says I'm not fighting Elon?
3. I'm a fucking pacifist. I believe we need a unified social/pol movement. I'm not going out to shoot Elon.
Ending Schumer's ML run is part of gaining unified messaging. Have you see how Sens are clashing with Reps?
fighting trump requires a Democratic party that's willing to fight. of course people are angry that Schumer stabbed us in the back literally yesterday!
but still!
Good luck trying to compliment her niche legal acumen while disagreeing with her "all-knowing" politics & political movement takes...
Condescension and delusional fabrications using "all you ever do, all you ever focus on" bs takes is all I got.
To me, the Chamberlain comparison is apt, one can understand that Hitler was the real villain while recognizing that Chamberlain had to go.
By "defense" you mean YOU TOO chose to run against Garland, not Trump?
Yes, IMO, Schumer fucked up. BUT we cannot waste precious and fragile energy on fighting Dems instead of fighting MAGA.
There's lots of democrats who aren't but by cosigning their plans Schumer is now a MAGA democrat.
Get it now?
Holding people accountable when they abdicate their power and responsibility and completely capitulate to the opposition in power is spineless fuckwadery.
Blaming Garland for Roberts, focusing on Schumer instead of Trump. CLASSIC liberal impotence.
Stop simping for bad Dems.
Apparently thats a really difficult concept for your NPC brain to handle.
“Chamberlain struggled on as Prime Minister until May 1940 when he resigned and Winston Churchill, a bitter critic of appeasement, took over.”
Its awful this happened, it would be BETTER if we had unity and we were fighting EXCLUSIVELY the Trump regime with all our energy and vigor. I agree on that angle?
But we're not BECAUSE of Schumer and several other traitors.
No. As always, I am adhering to actual facts, facts all the whingers simply ignored. AND ALSO pointing out that Dems treated Garland as their primary adversary last year, leaving Trump's false claims unchallenged.
Median D may not have been distracted.
MANY pundits, including precisely the ones who had the ability to focus on Trump's crimes, instead wailed about Garland (then later got caught getting lots wrong)
“Being mad at the people who are criticizing us for performing poorly” is a popular move for Dem leaders, but it doesn’t play well.
EG, they believe J6C propaganda, even tho J6C caused more delay than FBI.
The Democrats can easily fix this by not being capitulating cowards!
We don't live in the same reality.
You mean you guys COULD have done that during the election but chose not to?
Because, nope. Dems lost the election bc they couldn't even chew gum on messaging during the election. You apparently think you have the luxury of making everything harder!
Yet, he is the leader of the opposition in the midst of a concerted effort to dismantle the foundations of your democracy.
Discussing the type of leader you (don't) want is key.
then he reversed himself. but somehow it's the fault of those he betrayed for noticing the knife in their backs.
That's a superb reason to put off the fight that will be won or lost in the next three months when primaries would be next year anyway.
It's a very luxurious fascism you're fighting, that the fascists will takeover on the schedule you want!
Schumer helped the fascist Nazi coup. He’s a traitor and it’s unforgivable.
I’m always curious about cults.
I try to do self evaluations and maintain good practices to prevent falling into something like that. Sometimes people don’t see their thing is a cult from inside of it.
have a nice day
Incredible you have no ability to answer a very basic question re. your claim.
Obama got the best plan through he could given the senate he had.
Do you ever consider actually learning about why instead of wondering and deciding on a conspiracy theory?
You know it. I know it. Even Obama knows it.
It was a luxurious time when we didn't have about just 3 months to stave off fascism, as it happens.
I promise, just because we are attacking Schumer doesn't mean we aren't attacking others!
Just a PSA for ya.
We can multitask.
Does continually undermining your only lines of defense against the primary offender make sense?
It’s kind of like blaming mom for dad’s abuse of the whole family and killing her.
This is why we’ve regressed.
Ny isn’t going to elect a red senate seat, we can kick dead weight out of the party, being dogmatic for no reason is just dumb.
and you should stop defending him.
If mm's complicit & helps dad abuse the family, she's also to blame & deserves anything she gets.
You're as bad at this as the OP.
Our elected officials are not victims of domestic abuse, they are fully functional adults with jobs, and a mandate from the public to do those jobs.
Create an open senate seat and further weaken the only opposition. Never mind his skills and accomplishments.
I have my complaints & concerns. I really do. I just don’t see the strategy in fracturing.
I don’t see how things would improve.
That's exactly why Schumer needs to resign so that Senate Dems can unify behind a leader.
he openly lied to them. they can't trust him. that seems bad.
Schumer already fractured us. It's not a matter of strategy or even a matter of choice, or even a matter of anyone in this website thread. The *House and Senate Democrats* are fractured. One way for Schumer to make the fracture whole would be to resign.
no credible analyst buys this talking point. it's silliness. it's an excuse.
And Schumer gave it up.
That's interesting, bc the next 3 months are when democracy is won or lost forever. So ... no, it doesn't, not at all.