The unsought-by-Greenland visit by Second Lady Usha Vane feels like a Trump administration project to goad Greenlanders into protest - after which the administration can demand apologies. If/when the apologies are deemed unsatisfactory, next step may be reprisals.
On a visit to Iceland once I looked at the menu posted outside a restaurant which listed whale blubber, seal meat & puffin. I walked on. No way I'm eating puffins.
That's actually where I pulled the menu from, I've never been to Greenland but I've been to Iceland a few times. The fermented shark is the worst smell I've ever smelled.
Hahaha! Apologies!!! Hilarious! This idiot group is invading their country, Greenland,with their arrogance and incompetence! This narcissist group from this country should apologize to the people of Greenland!
Yeah, I think you're on to something. This regime is all about baiting, trolling, and entrapment. It might be good for Greenland and Denmark to try not reacting.
I say this with uttmost respect, you clearly don't know the Greenlanders nor the Danes - - - these are the original global adventurers, they know how to fight and believe me they will. I guess old Usha will pay a few people via a meal and get some sound bytes of goodwill.
They should just close everything down that day. They wander empty streets and find out that all the stores and shops and offices are somehow closed, everybody is hunkered down in their homes and won't answer the door. No protests, just nothing.
I agree she’s bought in 💯 percent and the recent provocative statements by #VancyPants is a lil’ obvious…don’t take the bait Greenland..ignore the *red meat*
The depth of dishonor of the current POTUS, VP and minions has no bottom. A stain on their honor, their families, their party, their communities and our nation. What does it say about us that we elected a convicted felon with a lifetime record of dishonor, bankruptcies and failed relationships. sad!
The Danes should send their army to Greenland to meet them at the airport (if they land) and give them the welcome they deserve. Which should be, refuel the plane and leave.
Show her the sights. Suggest she also visit Denmark to better explain to her husband and his bosses why Greenland has absolutely no desire to become part of the United States.
I really think that he just doesn't understand etiquette or diplomacy at all. Like his wives always handled parties and his assistants meetings and just clueless and of course thoughtless about learning anything.
Another bright shiny object Donald wants us to chase.
Ignore it.
Compile a list of Trump’s enablers and make sure we all know how to tell them what we think of them.
I’ll start: Thomas Shedd.
They need to show that the U.S. is not needed for anything. The current US administration is under the delusion that the rest of the world wants all that the U.S. has to offer. That’s just not true.
From Philip Borggren Levin:
🇩🇰 Dane here. PM has already stated that they have not been invited. High ranking politicians in my country are talking about closing the US consulate in Greenland. 100 armed Danish police just arrived on the island. US soldiers have landed in Nuuk. This is not normal.
Spill some more tea on Vance, David. What was his deal when he wrote columns for you? For some good bits we can use to shame him, or use for more calls to his hypocrisy?
Vance has such extreme "sniveling sidekick to the school bully" energy. without the enabling structure of this fascist regime he is nothing but a vaguely man-shaped wobbling gelatin.
Here is an idea, Mr Vance. Leave your daughter out of the fray. She isn’t the issue and you are using her as your shield and excuse. And weird- do ppl walk their 3 yr olds in prams? My kid walked by then if we were out for fresh air.
Is this visit by the Second Lady a step toward an intentionally manufactured international incident? It does look like a pretext-in-the-making for Trump administration aggression against Greenland and Denmark.
So, they're not invited? They're just going to show up and expect to be treated as dignitaries? Have previous administrations done this? Some sort of soft invasion?
She is not a submissive simp. Her relationship with Roberts is concerning. Her relationship with Kavanaugh is sus. She is more believable in her role than her husband is in his.
"Trump has no more territorial demands to make." Yes, we are going in that direction; indeed we're almost there. It's insane. Putin, of course, loves it; NATO/the EU is in shock.
The Stepford Wife has received and accepted her orders.
Taking the child along is undoubtedly a ploy to rachet up any drama while limiting the consequences.
Greenlanders better cover oosha moosha in bubble wrap. Who knows what lie is being cooked up. Also she should be “guarded” by two females at all times. Maybe with body cams.
Very interesting thought. It never occurred to me, but something is awfully odd about the timing of this visit. They just had protests last week in one of the towns Usha plans to visit.
Greenland should welcome the Second Lady effusively. Invite Usha to a school to enjoy a DEI presentation on anti-colonialism. Then to a clinic where universal healthcare and liberal reproductive rights are practiced. Then to a LGBT pride event. Showcase Greenland's progressivism in all its glory.
These Billionaires live in a bubble of their own making. Their homes clustered together in various States and Countries, extended families stick together Following Putin & Orban’s playbook but haven’t a clue what might go wrong b/c this ain’t Russia or Hungary. #Resistance #ProtestLoudly
Hope Denmark kicks this Howery clown straight to the curb and puts him on the first flight back to the U.S., saying, "We won't host any of your stinking, corrupt ambassadors, Trump, until you get Greenland out of your fucking mouth."
I mentioned something like this earlier. They want Mrs. Vance & child treated poorly to make Americans mad so we won’t object when Trump invades Greenland. Does she have any idea the danger she’s thrusting herself & child into? Maybe Putin or Trump kill them, make it look like Greenland did it?
I genuinely wonder why Greenland would allow any government official, especially of her level, into their country. If a country was threatening to take us over, we wouldn't welcome them in with a 'welcome home' party - hell no. I'm surprised they didn't say, "no thank you"
Those rules only apply to folks from Palestine or Iran or wherever. Rules we can’t talk about till the fascist are pushed back. There are norms that still hold.
The G7 this year is in Canada. Our new Prime Minister, Mark Carney, invited Zelenskyy. It should be interesting when Trump shows up (even though we don't allow felons in)!
Senator Josh Hawley aka….‘running man’….aka….’kinda stands with fist’ commented - “now we’re griping about whose on a text message, - I mean, c’mon.” -.-.
But Hilary’s emails???
If they 🐘 didn’t have DOUBLE STANDARDS, they’d 🐘 have NO STANDARDS AT ALL!
One thing I think the Trump administration is counting on—erroneously, in my opinion—is that they will be able to drum up some measure of public support for some of this crazy Canada/Greenland shit, and I just do not think it's there. It's among the worst-polled stuff he's doing.
Oh, I have no doubt they would try to justify whatever they're trying to do, I just don't think anything they say will provoke any measure of real support of it by Americans
When on a diplomatic mission, generally one presents their destined country with intentions. Greenland has every right to request the intentions behind this visit before the visit takes place. Assuming that this is a diplomatic mission. If it isn’t, then arrange wonderful tours for the duration.
We’re feeling these same tension here in Canada. Trump now is ‘scolding’ us for being a “terrible” and “nasty” country (kind of like he complains about women he doesn’t like). He does, however, admire our “big, beautiful *landmass*”.
As a Canadian I’m proud to be in the company of Mariann Edgar Budde, Hillary Clinton, Meghan Markle, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, April Ryan, Carmen Yulin Cruz, Elizabeth Warren, Mette Frederiksen, & Mazie Hirono. He seems to confuse the adjective with strength and justice.
Like Trump needs an excuse to attack? Amazing how he calls people in the military suckers and losers, yet he has no problem sending people in service into combat!
If the Trump administration pressures Greenland to hold a referendum for independence from Denmark or U.S. annexation, Greenland might respond by demanding the U.S. hold referendums in all 50 states for independence from the U. S. or annexation by Canada (led by Calif. and NY.)
JD is perfectly comfortable using his wife as bait. Normally he could not complain since she was never welcomed anyway and is pushing her way in but he will lie
You're likely right. The goal on the part of the Trump Administration is to contrive a "Kristallnacht" style "incident" in which "the Second Lady's safety was 'put at risk' by 'terrorist elements' of the Greenland government", thereby "forcing America" to "come to her rescue" by occupying Greenland.
My brother-in-law who voted for Trump. better join the army. I hate him. He once told me, in front of my sister that he'd like to see me naked. I have no idea why she didn't dump him that day. I hope it's not because she also supported Trump. I can't even ask her if she did. It would break my heart.
I would hope that ALL Greenlanders--citizens & government--would simply IGNORE her & her entourage.
Treat them like ordinary tourists.
Fine them for any transgressions.
Make them wait in lines, pay for everything, use the busses, etc.
She has the ability to play correct roles and seem sympathetic. Go back and watch the tape at the church. She put on sympathetic face and ignored JD. She never broke. She is the smartest of the group and there will be paid adoring crowds.
So, if the US does invade Greenland as JD Vance has hinted at, will any state or member of Congress do anything? Will we just go along with American imperialism or will it trigger a civil war?
Why are American taxpayers paying for this international family vacation?
If the Vance's want their kids to see dog-sledding, book a trip to the Iditarod next winter.
This agressive action absolutely makes me sick to my stomach. I am a big fan of Q’s Greenland on YouTube. The Greenlanders are wonderful people. For God’s sake, stay out and leave them be!😠
Remember when your Mom told you that invites were required to visit someone? Yeah, Trump, JV and Usha never got that lesson from their Moms--raised by wolves.
Posted this elsewhere… So… sending his wife and kid to do recon for him… I like how these MAGA Republicans use their children as shields… no doubt she’s bringing him so that people aren’t too brutal to her… they should ask her how she feels being a woman of color in a Nazi regime…
They can, but they should let them in on a tourist visa and then just leave them to fend for themselves at the airport. No official meetings or anything. It's not aggressive, it's just ignoring them because they're worthy of being ignored.
Turn the plane around! Greenland doesn't want Usha Vance or any other person from this administration in their county! I can see manufactured imagines coming soon.
When Trump works thus hard at creating another international spectacle, I learned to double check for what he’s distracting us from. Maybe social security?
It is not only a hostile incursion into another country, it is also an absurd expenditure as seniors and disabled people are worrying about their ability to communicate re: Social Security, pilots and passengers are fearful about FAA cuts, and basics like clean air and water are being compromised.
I'm thinking to get all your allies to come with their national flags and confront them. Stare them down. Hundreds of them. Start with ambassadors. They have flags. Even if they all have to fly over from Denmark
Yeah I don't understand. Anyone enters another country at that country's pleasure, and they can deny entry for any reason they wish... So just tell them they are not welcome there, and have the plane sent back?
You're right, so might as well make it as clear as possible to everyone in the world that this is a hostile invasion and subjugation of a people. This would bring more heat on the administration than if the greenlanders roll out the red carpet.
I don’t know. I’m sure we can both agree that it’s up to Greenland to decide whether this is the time for that step. It could have real repercussions and I have no idea whether they are ready to face them at this time (they don’t have a coalition govt formed yet after their recent election).
It's within the country's law to deny entry to anyone it wishes, just like you are within your right to not want someone in your house for any reason you wish.
Greetings from Bad Ally, Denmark.
Can any of you gents please tell me if Usha Vance has any previous records what sled dog races concern?
Or was it just fake news / lies / the usual BS from the clown bus organisation also called the Trump administration?
Everybody needs to watch that old movie that starred Dustin Hoffman and Gene Hackman called ‘Wag the Dog. They want us watching the spectacle of her in Greenland or something else is a foot.
He treats Greenland/Denmark the same way he treats women. Trump doesn't care about "no means no".
"I don't even wait. And when you're the U.S president, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the iceberg. You can do anything."
Danish News is reporting that the US Consulate in Greenland offered to pay ALL transportation expenses for all contestants and their dogs for the dog race. Shortly thereafter, they asked for an invite for Usha Vance according to @danishsuze on X
When they land, Greenland should just declare them undocumented immigrant gang members of the maga terrorist organization and ship them to El Salvador to deal with them.
Let her visit but don’t treat it as an official delegation. The Second Lady is unelected and has no official status other than a marriage to the second man. She is a tourist
The depth of dishonor of the current POTUS, VP and minions has no bottom. A stain on their honor, their families, their party, their communities and our nation. What does it say about us that we elected a convicted felon with a lifetime record of dishonor, bankruptcies and failed relationships. sad!
I mean, who doesn't bring along a National Security Adviser & Energy Secretary when you just want to visit Greenland to take in its' heritage & catch a dog sled race ⁉️
Canada - actually a neighbor with Greenland, they actually (on one island they share) actually have a land border should sent a detachment of soldiers there.
She should be met by the second lady of Greenland, go visit some school children, taken to tea and then given a patriotic Greenland souvenir. And sent back.
Anyone wondering if she is on board with it now knows she fully is. She’s the poster child now. He’s putting her out front and hiding behind her. Not very masculine of him.
This is so infuriating. All the talk of "waste, fraud, and abuse," and they are sending her to watch a dog sled race on the taxpayer's dollar? The hypocrisy, grift, and gaslighting are off the charts.
There's a US military base, the Pituffik Space Base, in Greenland, so I imagine they'll land there. Just guessing. I wonder if the 2nd Lady needs a visa to get in. They could always deny her a visa. 🙂
Unbelievably rude. Were these people raised by wolves?
What’s the computation on how to deal with a citizenry that is opposed to the idea — both in Greenland/Denmark AND the USA?
Hopefully the people of Greenland give her the reception she so richly deserves. Other than her terrible taste in men, I didn't have a problem with this woman. But if she's willing to be Trump's tool, she deserves all the boos Greenland can muster.
Reminder that Mrs. Vance clerked for Kavanaugh (DC appeals court) and Roberts when he wrote the opinion upholding the Muslim travel ban. This is who she is.
If this Greenland trip happens, they need to make her feel at home. You know, search her phone, maybe detain her unlawfully for a few weeks, like they do now in the U.S. under the trump/vance administration. Golden rule!
What if they were just ignored ? They can go just like anybody else with nothing special from the Greenland government. All Greenland citizens should boycott them
Get the word out to everyone!
Share it on TikTok!!
We need more pushback!
Signups @ and for protests info
Attend town hall meetings
Harboring grievance is always about free credit. "You owe me" is its point. It's about transaction, not about upset.
Genuinely angry people don't smack of harboring grievance even when spewing complaints.
And people genuinely engaged in constructive stuff don't harbor grievance.
Ignore it.
Compile a list of Trump’s enablers and make sure we all know how to tell them what we think of them.
I’ll start: Thomas Shedd.
These people are vicious, unscrupulous liars.
🇩🇰 Dane here. PM has already stated that they have not been invited. High ranking politicians in my country are talking about closing the US consulate in Greenland. 100 armed Danish police just arrived on the island. US soldiers have landed in Nuuk. This is not normal.
Get the word out to everyone!
Share it on TikTok!!
We need more pushback!
Signups @ and for protests info
Attend town hall meetings
How do we know this?
"What we know is the motherfucker is lying."
I'm on a campaign to leave mothers out of it.
What we know is the ratfucker is lying.
They’ve already lost a home in Vance’s couch, for obvious reasons.
Greenland is not happy with this.
One defense analyst in Denmark says it reminds him of the Russia politicians visiting Crimea before the invasion
and you just know he went over to the protest on purpose, w/his kid, so he could lie about it
But you need a pretty big reason to justify an actual invasion.
Do they have a visum?
Taking the child along is undoubtedly a ploy to rachet up any drama while limiting the consequences.
I hear the airbase US contingent is down to 200 bodies?
And demonizing the intended targets ceaselessly
Is there some kind of law that you need to roll out the red carpet for American douchebags?
Behind every kernel, there are traces of Peter Thiel and Marc Andreessen.
See,, and the thread below 👇👇🧵
of a Russian style false-flag
Or fake her death and escape JD
I love that word "irrelevant".
We need to use it more often.
But Hilary’s emails???
If they 🐘 didn’t have DOUBLE STANDARDS, they’d 🐘 have NO STANDARDS AT ALL!
Always pushing their way in
where they’re not wanted. 🥴😏
Is JD off his meds?
We’re feeling these same tension here in Canada. Trump now is ‘scolding’ us for being a “terrible” and “nasty” country (kind of like he complains about women he doesn’t like). He does, however, admire our “big, beautiful *landmass*”.
We’re honoured to be included in the ‘Nasty Club’ with all of those strong women.
"Huuuge... tracts of land..."
Make up whatever excuse - but stop her ‘visit’
Treat them like ordinary tourists.
Fine them for any transgressions.
Make them wait in lines, pay for everything, use the busses, etc.
If the Vance's want their kids to see dog-sledding, book a trip to the Iditarod next winter.
Hinduism promotes vegetarianism
As a concept of ahimsa
Non-violence+compassion towards
ALL beings
Usha called Kamala DEI hire
Supports husband's violent hatred/acts
MrsV now DEI ambassador
Going to bully another country
Into letting her hillbilly annex them
Holy sht
The arrogance knows no bounds.
Kick them out for being illegal immigrants.
That bitch should not be allowed off the plane, if they even allow it to land, which they should not do.
It's within the country's law to deny entry to anyone it wishes, just like you are within your right to not want someone in your house for any reason you wish.
Can any of you gents please tell me if Usha Vance has any previous records what sled dog races concern?
Or was it just fake news / lies / the usual BS from the clown bus organisation also called the Trump administration?
It's simple. Don't welcome them. Send them back home with no meeting whatsoever. No official program. No official welcome. No protocol.
It's a slap in their faces and it's the only thing they may understand ...
Also, don't believe anything the WH, Karoline Leavitt says about it. She'd lie when the truth would do.
"I don't even wait. And when you're the U.S president, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the iceberg. You can do anything."
Good to remember "When they go low, we (try to) go high."
As this all gets worse and worse, we need reminders like yours.
#Greenland #StandWithGreenland #UshaVance
That seems sad to me.
After all, Trump & DOGE need a foreign conquest o distract Americans from the total destruction they’re wreaking at home 🤷♂️
Normally, visits like this without an invitation are called unwanted territorial incursions.
So Usha is a proxy to a proxy.
Trump is an appalling human being. Smdh.
(That man must be abusing the shit out of his wife)
I hope Denmark kicks out the american bases from Greenland soon.
We will not sit and watch your country invade our NATO allies.
The current US government is absolutely evil. It is incumbent on the US people to restore their nation and its better angels. #elbowsup
What’s the computation on how to deal with a citizenry that is opposed to the idea — both in Greenland/Denmark AND the USA?
Than again, you get away from you-know-who for a few days, so there’s that
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You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
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