Who’s this hot-ass extra in the Counting Crows “Hanginaround” video? Anyone have any info about her?
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The coolest dog in movie history !
Patton, you've brought so much joy to me. Thank you, sincerely.
Wait.. she's what?
To who??
What if I guess wrong?
"Hot-ass extra?"
I'm sure you know exactly who it is. Some will, some won't.
Show some couth.
How about instead you grow the f up and stop pretending you get to decide for other people how to have a relationship with their SO?
Got anything else you wanna add to the list?
Is there a reward/ finders/ agent/ pimp fee?
just sayin
with no context, it comes across as creepy.
But every time I hear them lately it’s CVS background music and that says it all!
Also: I have to believe she's a better human than chronic gaslighter Dave Gibbs (who I naively once thought the world of as a big-brother-I-never-had type); also an extra in the video, backing vocals on the song
Damned if she didn't grow up to be fine as hell. Whoever married her is one lucky dude...