Hey, remember the Elian Gonzalez saga?
Remember how much righteous anger there was in Republican circles over this image of one (1) armed federal agent taking custody of (1) undocumented minor in order to reunite him with his father?
These are the images Republicans will soon be celebrating.
Remember how much righteous anger there was in Republican circles over this image of one (1) armed federal agent taking custody of (1) undocumented minor in order to reunite him with his father?
These are the images Republicans will soon be celebrating.
I'm no longer a Republican by any stretch of the imagination. That saga is appalling then as it would be now. Yet it's fine, apparently
It was just horrible.
I think if they did it again, most of our country would watch and enjoy it, like it was an episode of "Cops".
That saddens me greatly.
Seems like a million years ago.
Elian is why I support Cuba's right to opt out of Democracy
Only *Democrats* are ever asked to square previously held positions that are diametrically opposed to current ones
If that was Jesus from Guadalajara the only anger from Republicans is why the guy with the gun isn't shooting first.
“May you live in interesting times”was the best backhanded curse ever spoken with apologies to “bless his heart”
The suffering about to come to so many America families, will it be a red line for any GOP? I doubt it, they want this.
Lets not spread false information.
Four years after Tiananmen square...let's add a tank to a volatile situation. Then after the disaster, Clinton *doesn't* fire Reno, nor accept her resignation.
OKC happens as a result.
Agents covered up for six years the fact that they fired pyrotechnic rounds that day.
I wonder what he’s up to now. Hope he’s doing ok
Reno got not only optics wrong, but tactics as well. Of course GQPmaga are all for this because Donald is a Clinton-era Democrat.
(here BLM = Bureau of Land Management)
"How Dare the Clinton/Gore regime do such a thing!"
(so, yeah, I remember...).
And because previously Clinton & Reno & federal cops had done some stuff against far-right extremists & the Branch Davidian heavily armed cult
Sad his mother died during the journey in the tire tube
Sad what happened to the child
Sadder that he became Castro’s poster child and a good communist
djt will be USA’s castro
On the other... There are lessons to be learned for the other side here....maybe try to obtain power instead of often pointless bickering, infighting and purity tests
They are the most hypocritical cult ever.
Because the Elian Gonzalez situation was not even a deportation situation, it was a custody dispute between family members.
Extremely dark days ahead.
They’re going to be hysterical when they see the bill and economic impact.
Good ole’ fiscally conservative GOP. Always refusing to spending $ except when they’re in charge.
“Heck no, he won’t go
Janet Reno is a hoe
Elian! Elian!”
But when the Elian Gonzales incident went down back in 2000, dad sent me that image with an unhinged “NOW I SEE WHY THE CLINTONS WANT TO TAKE AWAY ALL OUR GUNS THIS IS TYRANNY” rant.
My folks didn't have any guns to take.
(Yes, that was meant as a joke.)
They were saving Elian from "El Tirano Fidel"
"The Miami relatives" sure were a cast of characters.
will soon realize
"Wait - How are We Included? I Voted for Trump".