I am once again screaming at the top of my lungs that absolutely nobody would give a shit about this if Tesla hadn't decided to reinvent the wheel in typical techbro fashion and convinced the public that plug & charge is such a magic benefit compared to putting fucking card readers on the chargers.
Or hell, just go full EZPass and have a unit for chargers. Attach a pin code to punch into the charger to activate. Done.
Don’t reinvent the wheel.
Just accept that what the rest of humanity does is good enough for America.
But a traditional swipe/tap before charging just like gasoline is just fine too.
Also- fuck Elon.
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The Great Destroyer (The Ballad Of Elon Musk)
*without the vertical integration that made it better
But if chargers go car identification only I'll likely be unable to use them 🙃
Or where a fraud prevention hold on your primary card strands you with a wallet of cash and 5 other available cards.
Also: working card readers should be on every charger too. We can do both!
If my local self-service carwash can do it, so can they.
(But a 'solution' that will, itself, create more problems)
This was a no brainer for Tesla。
I mean what else are you going to do? Be normal and make it a fucking pain? PLEASE。 THE ELECTRICALLY CHARGED CYBERTRUCK ETERNAL FRAME (which btw was a real defect they had) IS THERE FOR YOU IF YOU WANT IT
Software has regressed so badly in the consumer space since the smart phone, and hardware solutions honestly haven't fared much better. It's a damn shame.
Now download this 10tb update that changes the background color and requires 10 more gigs of ram for the hell of it. Don’t worry we’ll fix that memory leak in the next 20tb download. Just upgrade your system by next year.
It's also slow as fuck for now particular reason 🤣
Now, if only we had some sort of contact-less chip technology that required a PIN in order to access it. 😩
This is the thing I'm thinking of. Apparently that gate that keeps you from putting the card in the old school way does double duty to lock out card trapping devices.
I'd love to know what the "jitter kit" used to skimproof older motorized readers looks like though...
Yes, activating non-tesla chargers is a stupid awful experience involving too many goddamn apps and failed sessions.
And that's entirely the result of cost-cutting bean counters who couldn't figure out how to reliably build a fucking vending machine.
I need to see a Furious Technology Connections where you let loose and angry-rant.
Your words must be heard.
I know, it's not that simple - but why do we have to reinvent the wheel for everything? Ffs, just take what we have and iterate
Pay-at-pump credit card terminals still work flawlessly at gas stations 🤷♂️
Whatever it is, they're more focused on that than, you know, the obvious benefit of making it easy and painless for your customers to give you money!
When the reality is the user experience is the actual drag because charging infrastructure has been allowed to be 30 different app integrations and subscription services instead of just... reliable card readers?
We have browsers for a reason, and apps seem to just be one trick browsers half the time anyway...
Tesla owners are all about comparing "the experience" between Tesla and the others, and they've created a reality distortion field which continues to make automakers and charge point operators chase features I don't want and make my life harder for it.
Tesla saw an opportunity to both eliminate a part to save a little money and make a flashy experience which suckers fall for as revolutionary rather than the overly complicated solution it is.
I drove from CO to AZ for the holidays. Several ElectrifyAmerica chargers either refused to connect, or failed halfway through charging with “unknown error”. No OBD code.
Kia and EA both blamed the other.
And thank you for that dishwasher video. Seriously. It's saved me soooooo much fucking time.
In other words, more complicated.
I wanted news about EV's, not a dozen articles with muskrat's punchable face talking about how he's gonna save Twitter.
Ok, I'm out.
Your anger I fear is misplaced. The supercharging network was built out of necessity as the cars needed a way to go long distance quickly.
Toyota could have done the same and built out a Hydrogen network but they didn’t want to foot the bill. Tesla Did.
Thanks for all your videos!
but those infrastructures are basically a two-party system and everyone trying to play outside that system ends up losing out