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More people waking up to the realization they voted for the devil because they didn't bother to understand the details. The devil is always in the details.
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Can’t make this up.
People damaging cars are ‘sick terrorist thugs’ per Trump. People trying to kill his vice president and destroying Capitol Hill are patriots deserving of pardons, also per Trump.
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I guess this means no Town Halls for Comer.
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Clarification: He doesn't mean those who assaulted police officers on J6. Only those who are hurting Elon's wealth.
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The people who went with “Sarah McBride will actively collaborate with the destruction of transgender rights” turned out to be right. Incredible that this is our first representation in congress.
Raskin: "There's an absolute attack on the Constitution taking place by an administration which views the Constitution as just inconvenient furniture that's gotta be kicked out of the way."
You get what you vote for.
Fact: They didn’t fear what breaking the Dept of Education would do to their kids. Their kids are in fancy private schools. They are dismantling the Dept of Ed so our kids have no choice but to be undereducated and work for their kids.
If you’re going to talk the talk, you have to walk the walk (Also, I will be speaking in LA on April 5th at the big Indivisible event in Pershing Square, feel free to join us and come say hi!)