I fucking hate that they can't say anything actually good about him so they cop out and say "he's strong and a fighter" and let people fill in the blanks.
He fought allegations of abuse, he didn't take on any political project and fight for it.
We're going to need non-New Yorkers from opining about how entertaining and reassuring he was during Covid. He's a slime bag; you wouldn't know it unless you lived here.
The whole party has become a caricature for corruption and only exists to protect the wealthy from the left. They are just as responsible as Republicans for the current state of America.
4th most populous state in the country, and they've churned out (1) good politician recently (AOC), and she is consistently getting knifed and hindered by her own party. not great!
She is quite possibly the best elected New Yorker in decades. On my scoresheet, I have Clinton-era Congressman Schumer and Bush 41-era Mayor Dinkins. Then Senator Moynihan. And way, way behind them I have Mario. We just don't elect good people.
Yeah. I moved from MA-8 to NY-9 in 1995. Seeing how accessible Schumer compared to the rep I left behind, he seemed like an upgrade at the time. Okay, he's removed from my list.
There are a lot of great elected members of the state assembly/Senate, but they likely won't find themselves in federal races until the old people resign. Velázquez will likely be replaced with @juliasalazar.bsky.social for example.
Gillibrand once had a future, but liberals hung her out to dry for being too hard on Cuomo and Franken. So now she's trying to backtrack. But she was right the first time! Curse all you Cuomo stans for convincing her this is prudent.
Wait. The woman who ran Al Franken out of the Senate because of a 'racy' photo from the 70s is okay with serial sexual predator Cuomo running? It's almost like her strong moral objections to Franken were complete BS designed to improve her own political ambitions or something.
No, Franken and Cuomo did about the same thing. The people who give Franken a pass are the people who punished Gillibrand for speaking out, and they won. She'll never speak out again.
Fuck @kirstengillibrands.bsky.social. She is a coward and a loser. She should have been forced to resign for attacking her fellow DEMOCRAT @alfranken.bsky.social. She was one of the first Ds to roll over and kiss trump's ass.
She sure had a different take when it was Sen. Franken from Minnesota accused of taking a few stupid photographs in poor taste vs. a guy who has been credibly accused by multiple women.
They fail to understand that with any political competence they should be able to build majorities within NY Democrats and take over. But they don't know how to build majorities. This adds to their gloom.
Unpopular view: Gillibrand doesn’t know the future. What if she has to work with the guy? He’s leading in polls now and her opinion would be meaningless. But yes he’s been corrupt for years, besides the sexual harassment.
A non-trivial factor in why the country is on its hell course is the absurdly corrupt Brooklyn Dem machine. New York politics is almost beyond saving. It needs to be dismantled and rebuilt from scratch
(and given NY dems’ power in the national party (schumer, Gillibrand, Jeffries, etc), the same “brain dead” critiques of the national party are not that far off from reality)
they are so scared of setting a precedent for removing folks from office or blocking them from running in case it might ever impact them so they let it all burn instead.
They are mere shells of human beings now, morally hollowed out by their efforts to sustain status and power; they don't deserve the honor to serve, because they have abandoned honor long ago.
We somehow let Brooklyn become the epicenter of the federal Dem party in the Trump era (Schumer & Jeffries on the feckless loser side, all of the clowns on the dirtbag left) and it was a huge mistake. Reid & Pelosi weren't perfect but this is embarrassing. Move it to the Midwest! Walz, Whit, Pritz!
I went to the fucking MAT for Gillibrand when she got shit during all that Franken nonsense, and got personally asked to donate to her presidential campaign (which I did).
My only assumption is that you have an axe to grind against Al Franken that for whatever reason doesn’t seem to extend to the myriad other democrats who were accused of worse improprieties *not * by paid associates of Roger Stone
Like, from what I recall they dug up some Minnesota State Fair attendees who said Al goosed ‘em while getting their pictures taken. That’s not cool, but it’s also a far cry from the things that Biden/Cuomo were accused of, and now Gillibrand has stuck her neck out for both of them
This is a gotcha question. Admittedly a serious reporter question but it is still the equivalent of asking Zelensky if he owns a suit.
She went after Al Franken & basically had her career in politics destroyed.
Under such circumstances, to expect her to give more than a weasel answer is unfair
Yes, I remember that she was one, if not the first to call for Al Franken to resign the senate. What a lost for the democratic that he resigned over some pictures and boyish behavior during his comic times. All seems so silly now, with a rapist president and SoD.
There is no source because it was bullshit then and still is now. We’re far weaker as a party and country b/c Gillibrand and her ilk ran Franken out of the Senate (to cravenly booster her going no where presidential ambitions).
I also don't remember anyone accusing him of assault. I remember a Republican operative going out and cajoling women to think of examples of him being untoward, which resulted in accusations like, "I thought he was trying to kiss me, but he didn't."
Yeah it was a while ago, so I don't really remember it perfectly, but it thought it revolved around a USO show and him behaving boorishly and maybe writing a skit where he got to kiss a pretty lady? I mean not great but that's pretty far for 8 assaults.
There were actually nine accusers (one came forward after his resignation); he groped multiple Democratic staffers. Here's one he forcibly kissed (not "tried to kiss"):
The NY Democratic Party needs to take a page from the Wisconsin Dems. The NY party is an extension of the governor's office and exists to keep the Gov. in office. NY needs an party that looks out for all Democratic candidates up and down the ballot and allocates support for them in a rational way.
I actually think her comments are reasonable. But I think there are better choices for New York. Sadly, I think he would be better than Adams, but that’s a pretty low bar.
She sucks. She's been persona non grata since she didn't give Al Frankin, one of the best in congress, his chance. She was too busy grandstanding to try and get name recognition to run for POTUS in 2020. She's only in it for herself not the Democrat party.
Yes. But that, and the fact that they are Democrats, might be the only thing they have in common. NY Dems like Delgado cause he's a right-of-center Dem.
It doesn't? She's cool with Cuomo, so it makes me think whatever reason she had to run Franken out over his inappropriate (but much less bad than Cuomo's) behavior wasn't actually about that. I'm guessing she had a different reason for attacking Franken and used the groping cynically.
sure but not holding the same standard against cuomo who has 13 accusers does make it seem like she was being opportunistic, even if the action was right
Yeah - if she were an honest dealer she should oppose Cuomo too.
Sorry I'm a little touchy on this subject, lots of people still think Franken was innocent because they're misogynists and/or they're just stanning their fave comedian
Shades of MA Governor Healey being asked in the NYT what Democrats should do to oppose Trump and dodging it, saying it wasn’t her job. As if there was any reason a Democrat shouldn’t be obsessed with exactly that.
I'm a strong feminist and I'd suggest you to listen to the backstory - which we didn't get a chance to hear because Gilibrand guilted him into resigning. He deserved a chance and there was more to it than a genital grab.
That's exactly the problem. She was once a leader in the party, but liberals castigated her and pushed her into the margins for going after Cuomo and Franken. Why would she do it again after being punished?
Disbelieving Tara Reid in 2020 before doing any investigation was a choice too. But you have nothing to complain about—Biden got the nomination in 2020 and he got elected, promising to prevent Trump from becoming President again. What’s the problem?
Well she wasn’t “correct” in taking his word for it because he’s a lying sack of shit. And if you think she was correct about Biden then you must be really peeved about her stance on Al Franken, who had the same pattern of creepy behavior that Biden did.
AIPAC is freaking out that Zohran, a socialist Muslim, or maybe Brad Lander, who is Jewish but isn’t a total genocidal freak, might become mayor. So they called Cuomo, and Richie Torres, and everyone else on their payroll.
Telling a sexual predator to stay out of politics is going too far for these people. Heck, even considering telling Cuomo to get lost is too much for their little brains.
Everytime I see a post about the NYC mayoral race I feel the need to shill for Zellnor. People need to know that there is at least one decent candidate.
At some point there has to be some case or event that completely exposes the deep corruption of the Democratic establishment in New York. It’s reaching a critical mass. Like lifting up the floor boards and finding the entire foundation crawling with termites.
New Yorkers are willing to take shit, eat shit and get shit wiped on them as they lay down on the ground and just become door mats. Once upon a time being the Mayor of New York was the most prestigious Mayor job in the world but now it's a crime scene waiting for the tape to go back up. No no!
I just called her office to say how disappointed I was in this response (particularly in light of how much I admired her stance on Al Franken) and for the first time in the past two months I got through immediately to a person. Volume must be way down, so get calling, people.
I wonder if there’s a recent example of failing to oppose someone politically while he was vulnerable out of fears he might be invulnerable, creating a self fulfilling prophecy
Even beyond Franken, a big policy priority that she’s still known for is cracking down on sexual assault in the military. Like, if you asked me what Gillibrand’s signature issue was (until today), I would have said “sexual violence prevention policy.” It’s so ludicrous coming from her specifically.
why cuomo https://should.be mayor. actually he should run for president. he doesn’t take no shit ftom maga. a guy who would t put up w maga shit. drms r too weak pathetic. think just talking policy will work doesn’t maybe dems need to wake up. your broken
I want to go back to a time when it's fine to endorse someone, not endorse anyone or explicitly say when one or more of the candidates suck and otherwise let the chips fall where they may.
And I'm all for primary challenges to incumbents. If someone thinks they can do better, have a go at it.
Well yeah, but she went swinging hard at Franken and is dodging on Cuomo.
And Cuomo is unambiguously worse. His targets for harassment included subordinates, he stole tax payer money, he spent millions of tax payer money on legal defense, and he covered up his deadly failures during Covid.
Man, Gillibrand was one of my early favorites in the 2020 Dem primary. Like Booker and Klobuchar, Gillibrand has not covered herself in glory. I think the only ones who look good from that crowd are Warren and Buttigieg.
My petty grievance about KH is that I donated to her campaign hours before she dropped out in 2019. Dont take my money when youre already planning to leave! when she became the nominee, this summer i was like "gimme my $25!" 😄😄😄😄
You can strike through “New York” and be even more correct. The number of dems nationally that don’t need to be primaried could fit in my extremely modest living room. DINOs (Democrats In Name Only) all need to be primaried, even if it won’t be effective for some. It will send a message.
After so many of us have defended Gillibrand and put up with bullshit attacks against her for calling on Franken to resign, she sticks her neck out for fucking Cuomo? I mean at least the Franken defenders have a point when they say he was a talented and valuable voice for the party. But Cuomo?!
This is particularly rich coming from the ringleader of the Senators that pressured Al Franken to resign from the Senate for things far less concerning than what Cuomo is accused of.
He fought allegations of abuse, he didn't take on any political project and fight for it.
Also hated to see the Oversight Committee miss an opportunity to put a fighter in as ranking member when we most desperately need one there.
I’m only reporting what I know.
If NY chooses him, she likely doesn’t want to hinder him running against a Republican. Yes, she made that mistake with Al Franken.
Also... Didn't Weiner try this and it blew up in his face then too?
Her corruption here is absolute.
they are so scared of setting a precedent for removing folks from office or blocking them from running in case it might ever impact them so they let it all burn instead.
Primary her.
What a colossal betrayal. She should resign.
Signed, a NYer who LOVED Gov. Mario!
and I think that’s sad
She went after Al Franken & basically had her career in politics destroyed.
Under such circumstances, to expect her to give more than a weasel answer is unfair
Are we a democracy, or are we a fucking monarchy like the fucking Republicans?
Go read a book, you illiterate son of a bitch
but the old guard of the NY Democratic Party is embarrassingly incompetent and feckless and needs to be completely replaced
It's a huge betrayal.
No. Just no. Does not deserve to mentioned with AOC.
He's just another empty suit. Career politician.
Listen to this to understand how the Dems like their candidates.
Listen to the AL segment. NY Dems are a problem.
Pole are hypocrites all the time, sure, I just expected higher from her on these matters
9+ women have accused Cuomo tho
Sorry I'm a little touchy on this subject, lots of people still think Franken was innocent because they're misogynists and/or they're just stanning their fave comedian
(and her story had major weaknesses at the time; she just decided to remove all doubt later).
Sounds reasonable.
That’s it.
Signed, a pissed off Democrat
fuck this lady
And I'm all for primary challenges to incumbents. If someone thinks they can do better, have a go at it.
And Cuomo is unambiguously worse. His targets for harassment included subordinates, he stole tax payer money, he spent millions of tax payer money on legal defense, and he covered up his deadly failures during Covid.
What a pointless, feckless bunch of leaders we've elected.
Blocking a lot of liberal dudes in this thread.
"I. The Governor Engaged in Conduct that Constituted Sexual Harassment Under Federal and State Law"
1) voters don’t care about sexual assault or other deviancy by politicians
2) retribution and targeting by those in power is now normalized
So they hedge their bets. Never mind that a US Senator should have enough power to afford a backbone