They've made the grave mistake of pissing off white people. They are doomed. Pet Cemetery comes to mind. A warning perhaps that trying to bring back what's passed isn't going to work. Reality is always transforming, and like a river we flow.
I see they don't call you "Stephen (fuc)King" for nothing. Wash your mouth out!
But just to let you know, non-car owners are also fed up with the 'imbecil'icon Valley mindset he's brought to the White House...
I see it all over the place. People are trying to get rid of their Teslas, but can't because buyers realized that Tesla wasn't the only EV game in town any longer, & they don't want the mark of Leon. Their garages, once repurposed as storage boxes, now protect Tesla from painted on graffiti.
I have the image of every last Rep parading into their Rep parking spots in brand new Teslas! Who'da thunk the Rs would be the biggest boon in EVs to date? We'll soon see an R bill demanding funding for nationwide charging station infrastructure! Guess who got played (by the "leftists"?)
A friend of mine works for a regional car dealership and told me that a lot of Teslas are getting traded in and he's not sure the company will even recoup the trade-in value. People. Are. Pissed!
Yo jamás seré su cliente no porque no me pueda permitir comprar uno de sus coches que no puedo, sino porque no tengo carnet de conducir ni lo voy a tener.
Transporte público
Yes, and we must show up in the streets by the tens of millions. Both are important. We must occupy civic spaces everywhere. They can’t arrest all of us.
Everything legally within our sphere of influence is fair game right now.
This is monopoly, for real and shit head had the expensive streets and the bank.
Die already ffs.
Yes, die already, but there’s too many of them for natural causes to save us. Remember how they killed all the 1960’s peace & equality leaders? That’s what we need, only this time the bad guys get whacked. We need some Slow Horses to get busy. Where are our principled intel professionals?
Leftists means every country in EU, Australia, Canada? Maybe it's not the "leftists" maybe it's that you're a fascist dipshit who's now a pariah because of deeply stupid decisions. Nothing a fascist hates more than repercussions apparently.
No, I think it’s him that’s bad mouthing his company. That and the cars he produces have a funny habit of killing the occupants and spontaneity (some times in the loosest term of the word 🤭) combusting..
That a combination that most sane and rational, non MAGA driver won’t tolerate.
In my case he's right.I just state the facts. His brand is shot. Tesla stock is most of his wealth. Revenues are down worldwide, the stock has been almost in free fall since a post election sugar high. It's not a trendy startup anymore, they are better cheaper cars. PE 120. How low can it go???
He’s destroying the sections of government who are investigating all his crap companies at our expense!! Plus he started them all on our FN tax dollars!! It’s mental!
They all need to be held accountable. If we take all of their weath to repair the damage they have done and exile their wrinkled naked asses to Russia we can heal, pay the bills and set an example to the rest of the wealthy we are not for sale!
Ironically, it’s the “leftists” that are his target market to begin with. Trump/MAGA have been slamming EV cars for over a decade. But hey, the marketing genius of Musk will figure out a way. Maybe get his pal Trump to declare not buying a Tesla is illegal.
I have to admit that I thought EM was thoughtful and smart for a long time. An egomaniac, yes, but smart. I think I 'turned' on him when he started Tweeting more and more.
He may have done horrible things I didnt hear of before, but ever since he called the hero that saved kids trapped in a cave a Pedophile, I knew he was a prick.
Sadly, it is always the 'lefties' (socialists) who get the blame. Never realised how profoundly easy it is to spoon feed an inane fear of one thing whilst capitalists rob you blind.
Personally, I love using my money to make a point. And yes, it is "cancel". If I do not like a restaurant's owner it is canceled from my spending. Same with Tesla.
I’m a rich old white dude who had a Tesla on my want list. Now, I won’t buy a Tesla even after musks Ketamine OD death. But, STG I’ll piss on his grave.
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Although it is true that his actual target customers are liberals who are more prone to buy EVs as opposed to ICE cars. He decided to shit on them and they've decided to let him be stranded inside his maga numb nuts cult.
I prefer cars that do not spontaneous engulf their passengers in flames or randomly mow down pedestrians. Also, I like cars that aren’t touted by fascist assholes. But hey, that’s me.
It was an opportunity lost. The courts might still stop the worst of the nonsense, but they also might not. And if it's the latter the Republic is over.
As a european citizen, I see multiple people driving a Tesla apologizing upfront for driving it. They can’t get rid off it soon enough. You are driving a Nazi car 🚗. Nobody wants that label 🏷️
I bought an apologetic magnet for my Tesla (it says “This Tesla does not endorse Musk”). I can’t afford to not have it, unlike Europe, we don’t have many other long range full EV options in the lower price ranges (due to tariffs).
That is because the left were predominantly the consumers of his vehicles for ethical consumerism. And now this fuckwit has totally betrayed it all. They didn’t buy a car they bought his idea. Which turned out to be a T-Rex in sheep’s clothing. So yeah he can choke on a bag of dicks
I’ve heard worse on your elite lefty’s movies . I’ve heard worse at work and I’ve had to watch every left so called movie star take off her clothes then act offended by what Trump said in private to another man . And he also told the truth about those Hoes
Never buy a Swasticar. Ups Tesla. There are other e-cars with which don't finance a right-wing lunatic. It's a shame that billionaires are in a government. That is a symptom of what is going wrong. The reasons are the lack of social safety. In every way.
Who is his market? MAGA is sworn to the oil industry (even coal miner's were convinced to hate coal powered cars, seriously, lol) and everybody else thinks he's a Nazi... Are we supposed to just be empathic and but his product? Isn't empathy or biggest weakness according to him?...
So nothing to do with him cutting SS Medicare and Medicaid?
Seriously do these born to rules ever accept any responsibility for their own heinous actions? 🙄
I agree. Funny thing, I had the thought about 25 years ago that if I had 10,000,000 and put it in a savings account (those payed about 3% interest at the time) I would have $300,000 a year and if I couldn't live on that, the problem was me. That is worth a lot less now...but still true.
The problem isn't that people get rich, especially when the person in question is rich based on sales of his creative work that he made himself. Elon Musk is nearly 1000x richer than Stephen King, and didn't do anything other than invest in other people's work, and take the profits.
Also, Stephen King doesn't need more money. He doesn't write books to get money anymore. He writes books because he has ideas and stories to tell. Musk doesn't need more money either. But he spends all his effort trying to get more regardless of the damage it causes. Huge difference.
That's what happens when you are the CEO of a company, and you take a hard stance politically— especially when your stance happens to be stepping in Nazi shit while saluting Adolf Hitler.
And the funny thing is, by most scales, even the democrats are right of center for the most part except people like AOC or Bernie Sanders. Those are centrists on a global scale. There is no "leftist" movement of any power or influence in the US.
This is accurate. He is a tech bro version of Trump. His main talent is convincing other people that he's a genius. However, unlike Trump, he bought into companies on the way up instead of just managing the family business and launching failures and laundering money.
I think more than one thing can be true. Plenty of leftest are bad mouthing his company along with the majority of Americans. Who are unhappy with his grubby little hands destroying our institutions while he gets more and more of our tax payer dollars via subsidies/contracts
even if it is people on the left, that was 80% of his market to begin with. the CEO of an electric vehicle manufacturer going hardcore MAGA is the first step to self-immolation of the company. shit on your core customer base at your own peril.
Only in Bizarro Chump world would calling out a company be an issue. That pales in comparison to MAGA’s false idol name calling from the DOJ yesterday. Does Leon have a problem with that?
I agree it is not just leftists, it is ordinary Americans. But I don't think it's the company they're bad mouthing. It's Tesla's association with its Nazi CEO and largest shareholder, Elon musk. No more Nazi cars, no more apartheid cars.
He’s been neglecting his duties. Shareholders will only take so much before they bail. Now he wants that stupidly large pay package again. His own risky behavior and neglect will is his downfall.
Wie kann mit mit einem Unternehmen, das einem mehrere Milliarden eingebracht hat, + Mitwirken in Raumfahrt etc. ein Versager sein? Klären Sie mich bitte auf.
For example, by having 14 children from 4 different women, though in vitro insemination to select only males. And claiming one of them is "dead" because they were "killed by the woke mind virus".
It might just be me, but I consider this "being a failure".
The businesses he profited from were someone else’s first. He didn’t create Tesla, PayPal, X, etc. He should’ve stayed away from X. I think it was the beginning of the end for him as well as publicly berating his child, among other things. Joining Trump was the final straw imo. Shows poor judgement
Einfach nur viel zu viel Geld zu haben und Leuten, die schlauer sind als man selbst, den Ruhm zu nehmen der ihnen für ihre Erfindungen und Leistungen gebührt, is halt schon hartes Versager-Verhalten
Americans don't like his failed attempts at everything, and MAGA is programmed to hate anything that might be good for the climate. Maybe he should have thought about the people who buy his stuff before crapping all over them.
Henry Ford was not only a proto-Nazi (His book "The International Jew" was the inspiration to Hitler's Mein Kampf), He also had a constant quarrel with his only son Edsel who died very young after being constantly pushed down by his father.
He didn't innovate anything.
He just threw money around. And he still is. Because he's got nothing else going for him. He's a pathetic sociopathic loser who never received love and is now trying to take it out on everybody.
Didn’t he (Ford) kind of “design” the production line used even by todays automakers? I mean even Soviet policy makers tried to study Fordism in order to kind of emulate it in the USSR?
Retired & Woke I see you aren't going to follow me back. I was an idiot & thought we would be stronger together. I won't make the same mistake twice...I will unfollow you and never bother you again I promise
He's been very innovative at... investing in companies and then pushing out the creators to take all the credit for himself. Wait a minute, that's not innovative at all.
I love the Brits, they English so well….
What does bell end mean? A bell end is slang the head of a penis. It's used in UK as an insult for a jerk or someone acting stupid or contemptibly. It's a bit similar to calling someone a dickhead
But of course, he expects everyone to simp for him, so...
But just to let you know, non-car owners are also fed up with the 'imbecil'icon Valley mindset he's brought to the White House...
Transporte público
This is monopoly, for real and shit head had the expensive streets and the bank.
Die already ffs.
But I agree with you.
Hit them now and kick them squarely in the ballots
Everyone: "WTF?"
Musk: "They're just haters"
That a combination that most sane and rational, non MAGA driver won’t tolerate.
Can’t someone hook up Elon with Matthew Perry’s ketamine dealer?
Plus- he’s an arrogant asshole.
Hate don´t sell
If you’re not sure what YOU, one person, can do to help save democracy, then follow They can link you to a chapter in your community.
DO SOMETHING! No gesture or action is too small.
It was called 'risk management'.... 😐
Their buying shit cans on wheels.
The Empire: bad guys
Jafar: Bad guy
The Nazis: bad guys
The Robots in the Matrix: bad guys.
Seriously do these born to rules ever accept any responsibility for their own heinous actions? 🙄
The Nazis on the right are not
Every day.
#fuckElon #teslatakedown
That's how they help themselves sleep at night, because most right-wingers know what that badge actually means and want to hide their shame.
Every week they have a massive recall due to quality issues. Name another truck that has issues with the side panels falling off?
Tesla is trash just like Musk.
Saw a cybertruck
down the road
the other day.
And a Teslur disguised as a Honda.
If you are not willing to take our countrymen back, then there is something you would not do for our country.
There's a world in which words have no fixed meanings.
It might just be me, but I consider this "being a failure".
There's no law that says you can only use OEM Toyota or Maserati parts on Toyotas or Maseratis.
I gotta stop trying to read and issue replies after 9pm lol....
So yeah, they both match in more than one way.
He just threw money around. And he still is. Because he's got nothing else going for him. He's a pathetic sociopathic loser who never received love and is now trying to take it out on everybody.,and%20namesake%20of%20the%20Oldsmobile.
What does bell end mean? A bell end is slang the head of a penis. It's used in UK as an insult for a jerk or someone acting stupid or contemptibly. It's a bit similar to calling someone a dickhead
English is a beautiful language
We have about 1000 terms for every rude body part. About 3000 for being drunk.
But yes, a bell end is related to a cock end.