People keep saying that, but many others are saying that they have fond memories of paying a quarter for a fountain drink at the RELEA DLINES and then heading over to MITHINNES to catch a picture show.
I didn’t even know how to interpret that thing in the background so I let the OCR do it and it makes as much sense as anything else in that picture and the post about GDP.
I’m just wondering how all of those cars perpendicular parked on such a narrow street. Also, like, how are they going to get out, especially if the owner of one of the ones that’re sandwiched in wants to leave before the others?
I'm a fan of the lady on the right. All dressed up for a day on an over packed main street, but she made sure to wear her oven mitts to make sure she was ready to cook.
ML models are genuinely impressive and useful, but they're being utterly misused to make this slop instead anything they're good at
Yeah but that's just anonymizing anagram for the business's real name, Allende Rise. They had to operate on the sly to operate on Main Street at all. McCarthy was watching everyone, y'know. Still is.
Twitter is literally radicalizing people as much as TikTok is. And they all follow Elon Musk who literally believes white people are inherently superior because of *handwaves* reasons.
There's a lamppost that just cannot decide if it wants to be in from of or behind the (very convincingly named) RELEA DLINES sign.
The AI couldn't even fabricate real letters or words for the other signs.
Sigh. The CEO class is hallucinating even worse than the AI.
Just pure fucking greed. Says a lot about someone to have more money than anyone could ever want but still go out of your way to try and destroy things for the less fortunate.
What was the top marginal tax rate that made that happen Lutycakes? Over 90% you say? And the whiteness here was created via loopholes on the new deal that left folks out of the new middle class? That this was damned near socialist if we had just admitted it.
Well, one reason why this is seen as a halcyon day where people in ordinary jobs could afford houses, cars and big dresses was because the rich were heavily taxed so couldn't buy up the entire country and price gouge.
Did something happen before extraordinary growth in the 1950s? Was there some kind of destructive conflict in another place that had been competition? Something with the number 2 in it maybe?
Look, the headline rates may be impressive, but you have to remember that there were huge exemptions and loopholes shielding the tax base of the wealthy back then.
And the Republican regime is intent on dismantling the ability to collect taxes from the wealthy now, even with historically low levels of taxation on them. It’s a recipe for economic disaster.
The point isn’t the GDP scale, it’s that lowering taxes on the wealthy hasn’t actually produced the additional economic growth that Republicans constantly promise. And I’m someone who doesn’t think that a 90% tax rate or even 70% is the answer, but we can’t keep lowering taxes for billionaires.
I don't think that 90% tax rate is the answer in terms of economic growth, but it could well be part of an answer to limiting single peoples influence on a whole countries politics.
It’s based on concrete evidence that there’s no causal relationship between top marginal tax rates and economic growth, and if showing people the data in this way helps convince them of that, I’m for it. The marginal voter doesn’t understand data, and we’re in a battle against pathological liars.
These people are serving up AI slop fantasies and predictions of a golden age to people, and you’re complaining about how someone is doing chartcrime by showing that lower taxes on the rich hasn’t resulted in more economic growth. Let’s prioritize what’s important.
In 1953 there were less than 3B hairless human apes on the planet. In 2025 there are more than 8B!!! Why would the gdp be the same? These people are simply stupid.
I didn’t know they had modern sneakers in the fifties, we might be selling Eisenhower and the 90% marginal top tax bracket short. (I’m being sarcastic)
meet me at RELEA DLINES and then we can go watch a motion picture show at BITCHIHNES! they've got free tickets to the matinee for creepy ghost feet! don't bother driving, though, everyone's already parked their cars side by side down the middle of the street
Apparently, cars were lifted by blimp from outside mainstreet and carefully lowered into parking spots between the sidewalks. Sure, some people were crushed to death occasionally, and if a business caught on fire, the entire block burned, but this makebelieve America was the best!
that is close, real close but that front end of that green '56 chevy (not a '55 or '57) is not real... there is no '56 with those bullet 'out runners' where the turn signal should be.
The douche in question, because I just know people will go "who tf is he again???" like I did, so save yourself a Google and give me some sweet WikiBucks via my affiliate link
In the 1950s everything was computer and no taxes were paid and everybody owned a castle and had $1 trillion and there were no Black people. I am a smart person.
He’s running a company and he is using an image generated by AI to prove a point about anything? Pretty sure that would get you laughed out of business school.
We knew what he meant tho.
This is the last 10 years GDO growth from the Fed.
That last giant trump give away did quite literally nothing to improve growth
Plus GDP growth in 1956 was 2.1% not 4%.
And that's an American 1950s photo image. It's not America now.
Finland is the happiest country on Earth. Maybe it's Finland now.
Oh how I wish it was today's America 😢
They only way out is to increase the GDP and make more white people and make BIGGER CARS.
Below, unrelated images from 1956.
ML models are genuinely impressive and useful, but they're being utterly misused to make this slop instead anything they're good at
It’s a recursive sign party or a sign contractor who is padding his bills.
The AI couldn't even fabricate real letters or words for the other signs.
Sigh. The CEO class is hallucinating even worse than the AI.
this picture is a fake
I think he's missing "growth per annum" because without that, it's meaningless
Implicit racism aside it feels like the equivalent of posting D+40 New England small towns as the ideal.
No, literally, this is what devastated the working class in the US.
My point is that this format makes it hard to discern either way.
It needs a dual axis! GDP only needs to go up to about 10 percent. Then any differences would be so much clearer
When the difference between 1% and 3% is so important, and it never goes above 8%, don't plot it on an axis that goes all the way to 100!
And you are correct that there's something deeply wrong with the CEO class these days.
(What the fuck are those sign names? Why's that one lady got oven mitts on?)
Oh, but this image is AI so maybe not
Like... there ARE real photos which do look like this. This asshat couldn't even be bothered to find one.
The bleak irony is that the growth they were so optimistic about, ended up making them _less_ happy.
I’ll start with the cars. Those nostalgic cars were inefficient, difficult to drive, slow, and death traps. I’ll take an Equinox.
My favorite thought on "wow cars used to suck a lot" is that 5-digit odometers were standard all the way through the 80s.
ahh the good old AI-generated days