The romantic in me believes they do bring a sense of unity. The recent World Cup qualifier in Sydney, Australia v Indonesia, was a celebration of the success of multiculturalism in Australia. It brought people together more than any politician could.
All FIFA and US Soccer have to do is pay the felon his fee and he’ll back off enforcement for a few weeks. The Paul-Weiss affair is an example of how things work now.
America doesn’t need other countries to hold the World Series. We can have the World Cup without other countries too! It will be much easier to win that way. 🙃
Especially immigration restrictions. Under the last Trump regime a number of MLS players were blocked from entering the country for routine play. Entire teams representing their countries would take forever to be cleared to enter the country, if they were allowed to enter at all by this regime.
We must shut down the country on 3/22-23 for 48 hours, and again on 3/25-27 for 72 hours. Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early. We must work stop our airlines, trucking, transportation and retail and industrial manufacturing.
Hahaha. I'm sure the half empty stadiums will bring prosperity. Last three world cups there have been between 40-60k Mexican tourists... Gotta wonder how many won't make it this time. Argentinians too.
I seriously doubt the U S will be in a position to host. Things are accelerating with great speed to bring Project 2025 into tuition. No other country will want to be here. please help to globally boycott US or relocate this and the Olympics. It would give trump what he wants, more world coverage. He's a reality TV show ratings monster. Don't feed him.
Or the upcoming Olympics. Who will feel safe travelling to the US. Oh I guess the russians - who I'm sure the trump regime will invite to attend. Everyone else will need to have armed guards to protect them. Or maybe the world will just boycott anything held in the US. Hit the streets America
To the tune of “Hitler has only got one ball”, aka the Colonel Bogey March
“Donald has only got one ball,
“The other is in old Putin’s haul,
“Elon can’t get his feel on,
“And poor old J.D. has no couch to maul.”
🇦🇺🍃🐨No one’s coming if they’re going to get roughed up or chained at the border. There’s a 💩 ton of money down the drain! FIFA needs to find an alternative now while they have time. Canada maybe?😁
On #Covid alone, 100,000 Americans are contracting #LongCovid each week with H5N1 spreading & no mitigations in place. Not to mention measles & TB, it will not be safe to visit America. Nevertheless immigrations as well as men with no uniforms & badges putting folks in unmarked vans. Not possible.
The US teams will be replaced with teen age daughters of red-hats and pasty-faced pansies as the athletes all join real teams that recruit based on talent and skill and that sort of thing.
It'll be about 4 or 5 nations. You can guess who. If for no other reasons than people who are not born in the US, are white and preferably male, are not welcome.
It would be nice to see all the people who complained about FIFA holding the WC in Qatar (for good reason) show the same objection to the US co-hosting. Boycott the matches in US and support Canada and Mexico on this one.
Don't they have their "World Series", why do they want the Football World Cup, do they even play the game?
Mind you FIFA is suitably corrupt so I suppose it's ok.
Remember in the past, you’d have athletes from communist and repressive regimes defecting when they came to the US for tournaments now you’ll have US athletes defecting to the foreign teams! Hahahahahaha
It will have low ratings. No one wants to fly here. No one wants to travel here. No one likes it here. Good job, MAGA. Well done... Enjoy your ugly wall.
Don't worry. Nazi-Germany perfectly managed to put up a face of normalcy and decency to visitors for two months in 1936, when it organized the Olympics.
The 136 Olympics were not in Germany, France, and Poland. US immigration officers can show, why so many assholes are attracted to do their job, by arresting travelling football fans. But carefully, too many brown peole are travelling.
I know. He point i make is that the next football world cup will be in three countries, notone, and the USA will have to publically display some flexibility and hospitality to international guest travelling between the three countries. Not sure they know what that is.
How to stop the genocide in palistine. Revolution. New government that ends nato. Stops arming, Isreal. How do you stop fascism from being a problem Revolution.
How do you solve the wealth gap&climate change wiping us out. Revolution Basically the world is shit Only a revolution can change anything
Been saving for ages. 6 week trip with villa. Boy and partner coming over to join us and was going to about 5 games. Not a hope in hell now I'd visit that shit hole. Vancouver and Toronto for me regardless of who is playing of anything.
Olympics for sure: it is the celebration of exactly what they are currently relentlessly fighting. If they don't suspend the Games they will show once more the hypocrite they are. Games are the most woke thing in history. Soccer, on the other hand, sucks. So be it
No doubts. But it’s the one I live in and feel like I can talk shit about in the most knowledgeable way. And I feel obligated to try and warn as many people as possible to not come here.
Under the current administration and with recent clandestine detentions of foreign guests without cause, it would be a risk for any non-citizen to visit the US. An exception might be made for Russian citizens since the POTUS is a Russian agent taking orders from Vladimir Putin.
There are three Formula 1 races in the US this year. Those races attract a huge international crowd. Miami is the first weekend of May. That one brings a lot of visitors from Mexico, South America and Central America. Something tells me it's going to be a total clusterfuck.
Yuki ended up being interrogated by US Border Officials on his way to the Las Vegas GP last season. That was before the craziness. This year Bortoleto will get confused with a Venezuelan gang member and end up in an El Salvadorian prison camp.
The mega governing bodies are governments unto themselves. FIFA and the IOC can and do impose bypasses of local laws. Or else they can move (even better).
They won’t foreign athletes will be at risk of arrest and deportation. It’s already happened. Pro soccer player with no criminal background arrested because of a soccer tattoo ! The U.S. GESTAPO has no guidelines. They grab anyone and everyone who is not pure white !!
What about the tourists? Who's gonna buy tickets if no one's traveling to the USA? If tickets don't sell. FIFA and the IOC will have to step in. The most corrupt organizations vs the most corrupt POTUS. 🍿🍿
I hope that is not your problem because it will be hard to fix. I would like to say that 45 is embarrassing us all over the world and this will only add to the stack of embarrassments.
Yes. On top of that…If you saw the Copa America last summer the US hosted some matches got a little rowdy with the fans. People attending need to be careful of the security response.
I smell trouble. Maybe the U.S. games will have to be played in Canada and Mexico. 🤷♀️
"In June 2022, FIFA awarded Toronto the right to host five first-round games plus one playoff-round match during the 2026 World Cup. Vancouver, Mexico, and the United States will host the remaining games."
It's a Revenue Opportunity for Trump Org.
I have no doubt they will be staying exclusively in Trump Properties.
Just Like He Does at More-a-Lardo, he charges everything back to the Secret Service.
The SWAMP Eats, Shits & Breathes in its own SWAMP.
Kool-Aid to wash down that Snake Oil, perhaps?
Your write.
FIFA is another part of the globalist project funded by George Soros.
Trump should start a breakaway, rogue TIFA with Russia, Hungary, N Korea, China,Belarus, Israel and El Salvador.
Elsewise, Americans will be left all alone to play with themselves.😞
If the travel and immigration restrictions prevented every other World Cup team from traveling to America, the US Men’s team would still find a way to lose.
The World Cup and the Olympics are going to have to come up with alternative sites and fast. Besides the athletes, family and friends are at risk coming here.
Who is going to look after the kids all summer? Can't see too many parents happily waving off little Dottie and Tarquin to act as I'm amp counselors this year...
I imagine that Trump will just prevent any teams from entering, forcing teams of (soon to be deported , especially if they beat YouEssAyy) residents to play for said teams, leading to a USA win, as they'll the only team with any professional players ...
Oh yea, they are very isolated now on the world stage aren't they. Pretty much the same direction Trump is taking the USA. I heard some Brits were calling us West Russia.
The 2026 World Cup is shaping up like a 21st-century Berlin Olympics—travel restrictions, urban cleanses, rising authoritarianism masked by spectacle. The uniforms are different, but the script feels familiar. #WorldCup2026 #FIFA #AuthoritarianDrift
Maybe? 70 days in… who knows where this goes in another year or 2? Has California and New York seceded from the Union to back the Canadian resistance movement? Is Trumps SMO in Panama bogged down with the threat of drones and IEDs? All fun things we now have to imagine might come true😱
There is literally a World Cup trophy behind Trump in all of his announcements from the WH. Let’s not forget FIFA loves the new America and the last WCs they had/awarded were to Russia, Qatar and Saudi Arabia!
Trump has taken control because he wants Russia to play in the tournament. Which is difficult because they’re not even in a qualifying group. When Trumps instructs FIFA of his demand, they will say FUCK OFF and only play in Mexico and Canada.
made me feel good. 😊
“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.”
They should be boycotted.
World cup is here next year.
America's wins the World Cup.
I know what I said.
“Donald has only got one ball,
“The other is in old Putin’s haul,
“Elon can’t get his feel on,
“And poor old J.D. has no couch to maul.”
Yes, I know that’s already taken. But you know they don’t care.
Mexico did a fine job in the ‘86 World Cup.
The instructor also added we don't capitalize white because white supremacist hate groups do that when talking about white power.
Sad how it's basically the exact same situation, again, just slightly less tropical/equatorial an area.
Mind you FIFA is suitably corrupt so I suppose it's ok.
not in Germany, France OR Poland
but that they were not in G, F, AND P.
It's going to be chaotic
Avoid. Avoid. Avoid.
How do you solve the wealth gap&climate change wiping us out. Revolution Basically the world is shit Only a revolution can change anything
We lost those privileges the minute we stopped giving a damn and let an orange dictator & his minions take over our country
Doesn’t mean we have to participate or condone it.
Screw trump and screw FIFA with one move.
They all should refuse to come here.
why am i even surprised tho
"In June 2022, FIFA awarded Toronto the right to host five first-round games plus one playoff-round match during the 2026 World Cup. Vancouver, Mexico, and the United States will host the remaining games."
I have no doubt they will be staying exclusively in Trump Properties.
Just Like He Does at More-a-Lardo, he charges everything back to the Secret Service.
The SWAMP Eats, Shits & Breathes in its own SWAMP.
Kool-Aid to wash down that Snake Oil, perhaps?
if it’s the women’s tournament, that would be terrible
FIFA is another part of the globalist project funded by George Soros.
Trump should start a breakaway, rogue TIFA with Russia, Hungary, N Korea, China,Belarus, Israel and El Salvador.
Elsewise, Americans will be left all alone to play with themselves.😞
But yours 🧑🍳💋
More restrictions there too.