New headache doctor. He recommended cutting caffeine to zero either with a taper or cold turkey.
Or, you know, third option: he could shoot me.
Or, you know, third option: he could shoot me.
Good luck
Good luck!
Not fun, mind you, but then headaches aren’t, either.
It has a coffee vibe and no caffeine. I don't feel like I'm getting enough flavor or substance from green tea. This is a bit better.
Cutting back is best
I’ve tapered before. It wasn’t awful. It allows you to maintain the ritual and aroma. But I didn’t reduce consumption, I blended high quality locally roasted decaf with my beans, maintained everything else like normal. Then blended in more & more decaf.
I should probably do it again
Do you wear glasses?
Computer hours?
I’ll shut up now.
Get better.
Life without coffee… riiiiiight!
I’ve been drinking soda since the 70’s, so not to worry.
chiropractic helped, but i had to get in almost immediately after they began to even mitigate 'em.
Also, has he never heard of a caffeine headache?
Have you tried Magnesium? It is a natural muscle relaxant and can help tremendously with headaches, pain, muscle cramps, etc. I wouldn't recommend more than 500 mg to start.
Are you actually getting clusters from drinking too much caffeine? Cause caffeine has two impacts. It either aids in relieving or if you don’t get enough, it causes withdrawals.
Is it migraine tension or cluster??
It wasn't stress. It was a virus. 🤦♀️
Never going back.
Now back to drinking 4oz of coffee a day. Tea just wasn't the same.
unsweetened add what you like.
or use cacao in Almond milk,
coconut milk.
Cacao is really healthy.
No need to use drastic measures.
Goody powders for instance 💙
I truly hope they find Your answer! But not that third one please 😅
Am I deluded?
It can both cause and treat Migraine.