These spineless Democrats are making a huge mistake because I'm sure that I'm not the only one keeping track of their betrayals.
They will rue the day...
When YOU can't afford HOUSING FOOD CARS
And you have no Medicare or Medicaid Social Security
Here's who to blame:
Give it time. Fear is a real motivator in the halls of Congress these days. Wait until the next generation gets into office. They understand the existential threats facing our planet and want this authoritarian rodeo show to go the way of the Dodo bird.
Maybe no clapping, please. Just sit with hands folded, and don’t say a word. Stand with hands folded in front. No further actions are necessary. Guessing he’ll just talk about the trillions he’s ”saved.”
He co-founded Capital Cellular Corporation in 1989, using his knowledge of federal telecommunications law to trade pieces of cellular spectrum, and built up an estimated net worth of more than $215 million. As of 2023, he is the second wealthiest U.S. senator.
What is wrong with these people? Are they listening to consultants? Reading dusty "playbooks" from decades ago? How are they so blind to the moment and what so many constituents want?
Stating the obvious. Most undocumented workers do not deserve this treatment and pretty sure Biden was doing more. The whole thing is a big pile of BS.
Make immigration sane, plus no H1Bs, unless it is a year prior to starting citizenship. Fix the causes where you can. *Sighs*
Senator, you should just Kevin Hart this right now. Is it the Russians? Anyway, whoever it is, they will never stop. There’s no need to demean yourself with all this foolishness. You’re trying to gaslight America but you’re just not good at it, ok? It’s better to lawyer up and confess now.
We have to stop saying "I respect the office of the presidency." There is no such thing any more. There is only an über-billionaire whose money bought himself a country to rule, a demented squatter in the People's House, and a congress too afraid to oppose either one.
They literally have no idea do they? Time for a leader of the Dems to be selected, as an opposition (AOC) and get the strategies, tactics and messaging sorted. Or is this guy gunning for a 'cross party tariff justification and alignment committee' seat? Hopeless these people...just hopeless!
The Dems need a party line. Object to everything. Say no to everything. Fight it all in court. Point out every stupid policy and tell everyone why it's shit.
Senator Warner can fuck right off with this establishment trash. Everything. Has. Changed. All these boomers unable to see this revolutionary coup moment for what it is need to go rot with James Carville on their own private island.
Glad to see the good Senator wanting to celebrate Donald. It is clearly and painfully evident that the Democratic Party is not up to defending our Constitution nor the People. Maybe he’ll have his choice of a condo in Gaza.
What are your thoughts on Jeffrey Sachs take on it. He seems to be the only sensible person that has a long-term experience to see how and why it's being played out. Assange seems to be saying something similar and they're independent of each other.
He would applaud one good thing among the thousands of harmful ones? If they show deference amongst the turmoil then they are too far removed from the realities and they themselves need to be removed.
Another head banging comment from a dem....
How the hell can warner give trump props for border security when it was teump that killed the last border security bill?
What a fucking weakling… a wet towel… a spineless fud… you are the opposition dumbass, your job is to oppose whenever he does wrong. Do you need a list?
Yeah, people still defend Biden when I blame him for his administration's dereliction of duty, claiming that the DOJ is independent from the presidolt who is its boss.
And they're the same people who blame felon34 for HIS DOJ, which is hypocrisy.
The Dems doomed us by giving up power when we had it. I said Joe should resign & Kamala declares SoE & arrests & jails trump/musk for sedition/obstruction whatever may apply. Then we set up a new, real election
I will personally never forgive them for simply walking away, like everything was normal
People so worried about LOOKING unreasonable. Credibility is for sure a type of currency. But let's talk with Christine Blasey Ford about that. You can be credible and reasonable AF, and be dismissed and demeaned. It's about asymmetric power, not being imperfect. Do women have to explain it to them?
He has forfeited all deference and respect for the office. If the President doesn’t show the office respect why should a single solitary Senator or Rep??? And guess what….the Republicans aren’t going to show a Democratic President any respect if we ever get another one. They haven’t in 16 years.
No mark you don’t. He’d toss u in front of a train in a moments notice. You represent thousands of federal workers. Have “impact events” and skip this propaganda show.
What the actual Fuck! Trump has made good progress? That guy is delusional. Respect is earned not given. Trump has not earned one ounce of respect. The only respect he has earned is disrespect!!!
Another Virginia voter here This is an embarrassment. Nothing he has done justifies the wanton destruction. Besides, what evidence is there that he did anything productive? Border crossings were down before he took office.
I'll be primarying next year. There's always room for a second though.
Check the Secretary of State website. Everything you need is there.
As people are losing their livelihood, their homes, food is becoming even more unaffordable, people's retirement accounts are tanking and everyone in this galaxy has access to to our SSN's, yes that's the ticket. Go celebrate Mark.
Rupar is an elfin' eejit. The border issue is 50% Canadians boycotting American businesses. lol #TrumptyDumpty. Hope to see the Dems rush the podium tonight and take back the country. Bloody 'ell - why watch it be set up for dictatorship?
Hey there he is not taking care that the laws be faithfully executed. In fact, he is breaking laws and showing allegiance to Putin. You owe the traitor no respect, and the fact that you think you do is a serious problem. You should lose your seat.
Democrats are such pussies. "He uses indoor plumbing, he does not soil his diaper, he has not shot anyone. He hasn't raped anyone lately. So we ought to give him credit for that." Gimme an effing break.
He wants to respect the office when the president doesn't even respect the office??? Republicans interrupted Biden's speech, yelled "you lie" during Obama's. They've been dragging the SOTU into the sewer ever since. Guess it's easier for Warner to use "respectability" to hide his missing backbone.
It’s not the win he thinks though. If the numbers of immigrants crossing has decreased it’s not because they’re intimidated by trump, it’s because the US has in fact become the shithole country nobody wants to come to.
FFS. Really? No Mark. He deserves nothing. He has accomplished nothing but chaos. Please stop capitulating to him. You will be voted out of your seat. You are not deserving of serving your constituents when you are serving a puppet of Putin who is destroying our country.
WTF! The fucking border crossings were down under the final year of Biden’s Presidency! Time for a change in DEMOCRATS Leadership, tRump doesn’t deserve anything but disdain Mr. Warner! Asshole!
Hitler built great highways Mark; would you applaud that? Respect the office of Fuhrer?
Do you give a serial killer a lighter sentence because he is kind to his cat?
Look at the gestalt Mark. Trump is on the verge of destroying the country and the world.
Dems, primary guys like this.
How can you respect the office of the president when the person currently in the office doesnt respect it? This is the problem with Dems from that generation (which is mine). Take a stand and stay firm, repeating the message over and over again. Corruption, corruption, corruption.
Trump did nothing for the country last time and will do less this run. If he respects the office that is reason enough reason to stay away. Trump is making a farce out of the office. Fucking do good ass. That’s the problem, being nice gets nothing accomplished.
I have written him letters and emails that explain the breadth and depth of the DOGE data breach at OPM (I worked in the OPM CIO for 21 years). No response. Warner is my Senator and completely in la-la land. He needs to go.
Trump is a toddler playing childhood games ! This is bad cop meets ‘king me’ . Want to end trade wars? If Europe&Canada offered trump a ‘faux title ‘ , a crown and a ceremony on his behalf , they could name their own terms! He is stuck in the childhood ‘id’
He's the kind of politician that changes parties and tricking his constituents into voting for him. Listening to this, it would not surprise me one bit.
Forget 2026 and 2028. Until we vote these MF out, we are screwed. Don't protest Elon. That's a lost cause. Protest these spineless idiots. Unfortunately, we have too many of them in power
Really ? Did you watch the press conference on Friday? The office of the president you so respect is selling us all to Putin. Wake up. Grow a pair.
Warner should be have a primary challenge just for that stupid ass claim. Border crossings have been going down for months, not due to the shit show master.
If we have learned nothing else over the last 50 years, the institution is rotten to the core. The presidency as all smoke and mirrors, and only an insane person would want the job.
The response of a rich, out of touch politician who does not recognize a coup when it is happening right in front of his eyes. These ignorant fools need to get out of Congress & make room for progressives who know what to do!
Wow. What an idiot. You know who doesn't respect the office of the presidency? The guy in that office right now. Dude. Trump is a Russian Stooge and you're looking for his good side?
This is *literally* the same as 'Well, Hitler DID make the trains run on time...'
Unbelievable. What a coward. Every Democratic party elected official who appeases and assists the Trump admin needs to be fired and become a forever pariah. No establishment ties should save them.
Yank them all out, every one, by the roots. Replace them all, AOC-style, with younger leaders.
They will rue the day...
They’re not going to applaud all the time and wait for it…
They’re color coordinating their outfits. Pink
I mean that’s enough for the people who are dying because of all of the aid cuts- right? I mean it’s pink- such a strong color.
And you have no Medicare or Medicaid Social Security
Here's who to blame:
Make immigration sane, plus no H1Bs, unless it is a year prior to starting citizenship. Fix the causes where you can. *Sighs*
You can die after this is done and you wrote your history book.
Because someone else has is a spinless morally bankrupt Slave of his master?
Go get em!
We have to stop saying "I respect the office of the presidency." There is no such thing any more. There is only an über-billionaire whose money bought himself a country to rule, a demented squatter in the People's House, and a congress too afraid to oppose either one.
You guys need to get money out of your elections.
This shit’s ridiculous! Hundreds of millions from just a few people.
Clueless, absolutely clueless - and useless
I would have expected more.
How do you "respect the office" when there is donkey crapping all over it?
How the hell can warner give trump props for border security when it was teump that killed the last border security bill?
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And they're the same people who blame felon34 for HIS DOJ, which is hypocrisy.
I will personally never forgive them for simply walking away, like everything was normal
Who can run against him in the next election? Virginia is ready!
Check the Secretary of State website. Everything you need is there.
Following you now though. 😊
I'm so tired...
He eats shit like the rest of the little shit eaters.
They just have no idea how to be an Opposition party
Do you give a serial killer a lighter sentence because he is kind to his cat?
Look at the gestalt Mark. Trump is on the verge of destroying the country and the world.
Dems, primary guys like this.
I once heard the following & it stayed with me: “The office/title does not make the person, its the person that makes the office/title”.
We are going to need a lot trebuchets or just a few long range attack drones...
Good lord Mark.
Any nose picker can be president. Obvi.
“…but other than, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?”
This is *literally* the same as 'Well, Hitler DID make the trains run on time...'
What an idiot.
Yank them all out, every one, by the roots. Replace them all, AOC-style, with younger leaders.
Senator Warner You should be ashamed of yourself!