Important thing about this jaw-dropping story is that even if Jeff Goldberg hadn't been invited into the chat, Hegseth was sending out detailed military stuff over a civilian app that *even the other people in the conversation probably didn't need to know about*
"Need to know" means "need."
"Need to know" means "need."
A million times YES!
Who else knows?
The WH Incompetent Terrorist THUGS rained a heap of killing without PROPER NATSEC PROCESS.
Also sarcasm…deep, deep sarcasm
And to say this about Europe “VP: I fully share your loathing of European free-loading. It’s PATHETIC. “
Like "You forgot to hit the SAM battery north of Sanaa that we told you about"
Sure that’s gonna go over like gangbusters in Muslim countries…
Right after the first missile hit.
These are frat boys playing grown-up.
Someone once told me, one thing is more dangerous than a sniper with a gun, and that's an idiot with a gun.
I think a lot of people are still underestimating how big of a thing this is...
Gonna be a Lot of These Forms passed around, too.
DUI hire, all ego, no souls, no experience, no maturity, no common sense.
Trump fired everyone with experience and knowledge of how to handle things properly
He has a kindergarten class trying to run a university
And, Trump is checked out.
It’s a mutual support group for people running a country, and not knowing how to do it.
Where’s the outrage?
A little #PetePosturing
What? Why are you laughing? This is serious.
~ Tennessee Williams
What's the point of doing war stuff if you can't share the experience with your pals?
If classified is discussed on a non secure line, you hang up.
These clowns should have left the chat as soon as the details started flying.
Did Hegseth mean to boast to this guy...
This discussion is held in a SKIF. Nowhere else. End of story.
Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility.
They conduct government, and even WAR, like a bunch of 2nd graders playing Mario cart. War fighters my ass.
The world *mocks* us.
Every fucking person on these 'Chats' are bound by their sworn appointments to RESIGN IMMEDIATELY
The Real Deep State (Part 1/7)
We are so far beyond nuances.
This is legit Strangelove-esque self-parody.
Except people will really die.
Oh, wait...
Presumably the norm across this administration.
Hegseth knows he's in over his head and is signaling the Atlantic to help him out of this mess.
The only good reason he would try to impersonate a DOD head in the first place is out of "Loyalty" to Herr Kommandant.
Seriously though, I predict they'll dump whoever added the journo to the chat and carry on as before.
Why are all these officials on the chat? Usually you keep top secret information compartmentalized so you don’t have leaks ..
It’s what you do if you lack confidence, and also lack confidence in your superior.
Trump has checked out, they can’t ask their predecessors, and they fired everyone who would give them answers they didn’t want to hear.
The addition of the reporter was the incompetence.
This is not survivable in the long run.
mens rea
Criminal conduct
...I'm assuming FOX News will clarify the facts soon.
They did not have time for this- must still investigate Hunter Biden and emails from Hilary Clinton ! Hips
Sure, FOX News used that one a few times already, and it worked on MAGA - but no way they'll try that this time.