A kind young soul has DMed me about this band I might not have heard of that seemed politically aligned and maybe I needed some hype music
Maybe you've heard of these dudes, their band is called Rage Against The Machine
I think I just aged twenty years,someone make my Wikipedia say I died an elder
Maybe you've heard of these dudes, their band is called Rage Against The Machine
I think I just aged twenty years,someone make my Wikipedia say I died an elder
Rage kind of qualifies, as they started in 91, and he does like them a lot.
Bless you dear...
this should be what Morello comes out with next, as a spinoff
Along that line, have you heard NOFX’s Perfect Government? (has swears) …theme song.
We went to Country Music Hall of Fame with the youngest. Asked her opinion. “Only knew Dolly Parton and Johnny Cash”
Figured I did ok as a parent
People who just wanted to enjoy singing "Fuck You!" and not think at all about what the songs were saying.
That said, I was never a fan so I can't speak to how obvious the themes were.
As an owner of a couple of their albums, I can't imagine hearing them and not recognising the political charge in their songs.
My gkid looooooves RATM & AC/DC & Alice in Chains
I saw them open for U2 back in the day & lemme just say U2 had a really difficult time following that act!
Like, how does the edge follow morello
Rage. About a year ago, these guys disbanded. We need them now more than ever. These four songs need to become an anthem and a recipe for young and old. #FDT
1. Wake Up
2. Know Your Enemy
3. Killing in the Name Of
4. Take the Power Back
Despite that song being from *1973*
RSA - "The jazz section is over there Sir, this part is music for The Young People, Drum'n'Bass & Techno"
Me - "Yes, that's right, I am looking for Phace please"
RSA - ?????
BTW, great to see you over here! 🥰 How are you feeling?
Just a little bit. 😉
That hurt from all the way over here :(
Murphys were always the best of gutter Boston
We got a pocket full of old cassettes and CDs
I was playing RATM a lot, very loud after the election
We were on the internet before they were born. Im long past trying to be cool but I don't let them know it, and so they think I can't parse their super-secret memespeak
Then when they annoy me I spam them with early copypasta and ask do they even know Numa Numa
It was a gift for my 60th birthday. Had the best time ever.
You see, no matter the band, you can still be a blast at our age.
I hope to be rockin til end.
She reassured me that’s a good thing. And from what I’ve seen on urban dictionary it is.
Phone. 😂
I said, "Oh, yeah. Music to scream by."
So far the kids have not learned to avoid asking about each one.
Even though every time it results in:
Us: "Musical/Movie education time!!!"
Kids: *groan*
Us: *play song*
Them: make it stoooooooopppppp...
so how old are you pretending to be for today's argument?
I was a member of a gamer clan called OMG , old man gamer.
If the senior community I join doesn't have Discord, I ain't going.
Analog power to the people.
It's like that dude who threw out his bitcoin key
He'd never heard of Public Enemy
As an aside I saw them at Barclays for $6 a few years back and it was a phenomenal show
Hip-hop band Cypress Hill makes 1996 Simpsons joke come true https://www.theguardian.com/music/article/2024/jul/10/hip-hop-band-cypress-hill-makes-1996-simpsons-joke-come-true-london-symphony-orchestra?CMP=share_btn_url
They were portrayed by the media as anti-white and mtv wouldn’t play them except during the 1 hour show “yo mtv raps”
30+ years ago
That said showing anyone who doesn't know SoaD chop suey is always a guaranteed entertainment
Sorry, I’ll see myself out.
Even a few of us really left lefties.
Been listening to them for a long long time now.
Who's writing protest songs now?
The music lives on.
My "cool grandma" points skyrocket because I know the lyrics.
Its a bonding thing.
My brother and I are keeping him in the dark before revealing our old concert knowledge and that my brother had his own metal band for a decade.
(Yes, for those locals familiar with the story, this is the same night the "grabbing" incident occurred.)
"Honey, I knew RATM when both my knees bent without crackling."
But I can't hum any of their tunes.
You want good ear worms?
Grouplove:Deleter(Trump's theme)is a starter ; Arcane Fire; Scissor Sister,YeahYeahYeah's....I have more but these are a good start at ear candy ..Skrillix