I’m not sure what the dominant theory about this is but I think it’s “if dems do a bunch of internet stuff they will make mistakes and it will be even worse” but I think we have to be past that. “It is better for no one to notice me than to get negative attention” is killing America.
The negative attention is going to happen no matter what they do, but they haven't realized that there's positive attention to go along with it when they do make an effort
For politicians, they are by definition Public Figures.
For many Americans, though, being able to exist without being “noticed” is tied to Privilege, generally White Privilege. Being noticed, for many marginalized people, literally is a matter of life and death, or serious harm.
Their opponents are using the internet to actively recruit people (mostly young men) to their fascist cause. They use bots to spread misinformation and frustrate their opponents.
Dems have to get their hands dirty or they risk continually losing ground.
I’m horrified watching some Dems shifting to the right, in order to appease the middle. There is such a clear line about what we stand for: health equity, compassion, equal justice for all, supporting those struggling, and embracing LGBTQ rights and liberties.
My fucking issue is that there is a significant portion of the population that believes theres some secret lever the democrats aren't pulling that'd fix everything when they were voted out of power by the voting public.
We can only get past it if they have any level of confidence that their deep bench of 80 year olds can relate to their actual constituents, and everyone including them knows they can't
The party values patronage more that the best candidates. Until we *encourage* primary challengers, instead of discouraging them, we will keep getting leaders that don’t stand for anything.
I think the written about flaws of presidential democracies are just finally catching up with the US. I don't like the current administration but I don't think Democrats getting better at the internet pulls the US out of this hole. To the world, it's been extreme views and volatility for a while
I think that theory might be wrong though. I think it may be a comfort issue. But, like, if you can do a town hall with 20 people, you can do an instagram live with 200. If you can do a stump speech, you can do a video essay. The skills aren’t that different, but they do need to be developed.
We have PLENTY of younger politicians who can do this stuff! The “decorum” dems need to give them our blessing and encouragement and RELEASE them to help save democracy.
I believe they can, but until now the establishment Dems applied pressure to newer members to “follow the rules and directives of the leadership.” I think that will break, though, if enough voters put pressure and embolden the younger, newer members. The stakes are different. (Sort of)
After AOC lost the vote on the Oversight Committee, a Democratic Congressman said in an interview that when she first came to Congress AOC was not a “team player.” He said she has indicated that she wants to change that. I guess there are “rules” that keep newcomers in line 🫤
Stop blaming Democrats: Democracy isn’t built by parties. It’s created by those who need it most: the young, women, nonwhites, workers. Always true. And it’s built by movements: The progressive movement, civil rights, voting rights, women’s rights. No movement means you get no movement.
Boomers never asked anyone’s permission to dump a president, stop a war, rebuild a party, and build a better democracy. We just did what the young are supposed to do: Chase ideals.
(And, yes, when we boomers got old, we did what the old do: Chase idols.)
My parents came back from WWII broke and broken, like many others. But WWII created a wave of democratic energy that we boomers rode into adulthood. It crested in 1972 with the acceptance of the ERA. Fear of free and equal women has had white guys backpedaling ever since.
I voted the same as you and remember. I’m old but not chasing any idols. I’ve been lucky in my life. Many Boomers burned out as ideals gave way to poverty, bad healthcare and rich industrialists reaping huge profits. The desperate seek idols. BTW the promised land never came. The young feel it too
The old guard and #DNC control the purse strings, and are reluctant to cede power to the younger voices, who, ironically, are the only reason young Dems and independent voters are engaged with Dem issues at all.
Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. Shortsighted much, DNC?
The party keeps primarying them, for one (ex: Cori Bush). The party leadership also refuses to pass the baton (I supported other candidates against Pelosi in the primaries when I lived there, but “she is a power broker and that benefits our district” was commonly the excuse I heard back.
Complacency, low self esteem , low standards from DC Swampiness inefficiency, that many took as the norm .. I e "that's the way it is".
No It isn't! US is down in QOL index!
I bet many ppl I have tried to communicate w in the last several years are fired by now, so I wasn't crazy after all!
I'm reading these replies and none make sense to me? These things usually dotn require funding or consent. Hell the dem leadershop doesn't even know what these things are to ban them?
The real truth is... there's very few candidates that know how and few that run or get elected.
100%. I'm lucky, I live in a deep blue state with a great progressive rep (Ayanna Presley), but you better believe that every time I get mail, email, or a phone call, I tell the DNC that the tap is dry indefinitely, and why, until they prove they deserve it. I'm honestly surprised they keep trying.
My guess is career advancement. But people like AOC exist and we need more folks like her. But that requires a LOT of hope and grassroots organizing to fight against establishment Dems and GOP simultaneously.
We need folks that are stronger and more intent of not only speaking Truth To Power but actively working toward taking our country back for the American people
Funding is probably a big one. You kind of get forced to act a certain way if you want the party's resources. The old guard will need to relinquish control eventually, but they're being extremely stubborn about acting like we are in the 90s.
It seems like the dem leadership controls the media narrative, or rather the major news outlets only talks about young/talented dems in the context of leaderships disapproval, so even the most safe, popular things the good dems say is treated as radical because the cowards don't like how they say it
Because the country isn’t ready for us. We have no tolerance for the kakistocratic, malevolent ways of the robber barons directing Trump’s second administration. Many also do not support Israel, so AIPAC is nearly certainly to out fundraise and primary out youthful candidates
Wondering if Hakeem Jeffries can be classified as “Geriatric . . .” Jim Himes is 58–does that qualify as “Geriatric?” Wondering if Al Green is a Gen Z kinda guy . . . Thinking we need young folk’s computer skills, but not all Geriatric folk are “Decorum Democrats.”
Because retirement from a high government position sucks, apparently. “You can only play so much golf” one put it. They don’t like their family, because they have to be nice to the “weird ones”, they have to pay for their own travel, poor things🙄
We desperately need less of Pelosi making the cringy-est possible jokes about Tiktok in floor speeches and more of AOC live streaming AMAs to connect with her constituents.
We desperately need less of SMS spam asking for donations and more media campaigns to tell Americans what Trump is doing.
Like, the fact that Cory Booker, and not someone who's whole specific job it is to be good at social media and know how memes and Tiktoks work, is apparently running the Dem's general accounts is a huge part of their strategy problem.
Actually, research shows that investing in the local and truly relational politics ensures and builds stronger and much more resilient social ties. Stay there and tend the garden (and read American Resistance for tons of evidence): https://cup.columbia.edu/book/american-resistance/9780231187640
Feels like a both-and situation?
AFAICT, most news organizations are terrible at covering local, physical-space events, and better at covering the internet. Dems need to reach more people, through all media.
And we need the kind of in-person community-building that Dr. Fisher talks about.
Maybe we need someone who's already widely recognized as trusted communicator and community leader who's extremely well versed in using social media to promote knowledge and other good things to be the new face of the dems. Someone like you, Hank.
So would you offer to teach them?
Comfort zone or risk management aside, both of those stem from lack of knowledge. Knowledge you have.
And as a popular educator on the internet you would be quite good at teaching them.
I don't say this to mock or say "well, what are YOU gonna do about it?!"
This is a legitimate suggestion as to how you could use your unique experience and skillset to help make the changes you want to see
It's funny. My boss is great at talking to a room full of people but put him in front of a camera and he's a dud. It's a distinct but complimentary skill set
Dems need to run ads during prime time television. The fox viewing boomers are viewers. They are receiving misinformation and lies. They need to be informed.
Democrats have been saying it's bad to attack americans who are minorities for generations. If democrats were at fault? If the message were at fault. America wouldn't have voted trump in twice.
I’m a little confused on your point. Dems may not be getting the message out, people aren’t doing their homework, and reps’ message are full of misinformation and lies. That’s why trump won. Also, the affirmative action electoral college.
If it's even possible for democrat's messaging to be bad? Then why is it that covid-19, trickledown economics, dei programs, climate change programs, etc have been able to be killed in america? Hell, bernie sanders has been repeating others and people still haven't listened.
The amount of rage i personally have to keep down to be able to say that? Instead of littering replies with nothing but things that would get me banned? Should be respected. But isn't.
They *really* need to hire young people who are actually organizers who can help them.
I’m a little bit hopeful for the DNC in general because David Hogg is now a vice chair. It’s not as good as it would be if the politicians themselves each had someone, but hopefully he can start something
Part of the problem can also be seen in the “choose your fighter” cringe video that went out a few days ago. When they do try stuff, it feels like a bad campus life promo video—the definition of “pick me energy”
Actual authenticity—even if dorky!—is great; “try hard” is cringe. AOC masters this—she didn’t carry a bingo card or do anything “performative.” She’s just herself.
I also wish we could understand that this kind of approach does not just have to be aligned with “the left” or the most progressive part of our caucus—moderates can be authentic too!
I agree that they need internet skills too. My take: how does someone understand how to represent a population, if they're not interacting with that population in a way that population understands?
This needed to be worked on over 10 years ago to keep up with technology and presence. There seems to be quite the disinterest among politicians (except aoc.) Republicans do their drama to be in the news and have presence. Dems don't.
The disinterest in self promotion goes hard in hand with being a representative for the people, instead of being in it for the benefits to oneself. Need to have campaign managers that have kept up with technology and trends on their behalf.
The resistance may be due to the way the Internet is not good at being progressive in a temporal sense. Since mistakes and opinions are perpetual online but we are all growing and learning.
That combined with the internets tend to allow anonymous participation and the bullying derived from it.
The internet is not a person. People use the internet how they want to. And because america is majority white. White people use the internet how they want to. That's the problem. The same problem that lead to trump winning twice.
Curse of expertise, maybe? You're basically the world's foremost expert in being good at the Internet. Your perspective on how easy it is is probably very skewed.
I think you’re on the right track. The hurdles are legit: Many don’t want to rely on X or Meta. TikTok is always under threat, and as much as I like Bluesky, it has been really difficult to build community here.
They are utterly clueless and they can't be bothered to find people to properly do it, people with the acumen to do it right for them.
They are SO SCARED of tech and social media, it's just unbelievable. Every time I posted to a dem, even with low replies, NEVER a reply. Ever. They post & go.
I think you're definitely and urgently correct on that. In Canada, we have Andrew Cheng with the CBC making the About That series, and it's a great format for explaining political and economic issues.
Right now I'm chewing on the idea that algorithm-driven social media is actively trying to confirm all my biases and extremify me. Personal struggle, but I'm a tech literate millennial, and it's still a struggle. I can't decide if I. Just too old or is it's some recipie of dead internet and trolls.
Im trying to detox at the moment by sticking with bluesky and mastodon so I can stay somewhat informed, but I can see how someone older and more baked into politics than me could be quickly and easily poisoned with any kind of idea that is great for engagement and bad for society.
I have no solution or even fully developed ideas on this, but since I've started to wrestle with it, I've found better ballance in life. Again, it's anecdotal, but it seems AI and algorithms are actively trying to make us kill each other. Maybe that's how Skynet does it in the end.
I have previously resented politics becoming social media quip contests -- but it's perhaps long-past time to admit that this is necessary. Tremendously difficult as online platforms shift culture and format, but maybe this requires message-consistency over influencer-style flexibility?
Hard to have consistency and output in the constructed way of traditional politics, not easy to manage a message if it doesn't come earnestly (even earnest grifters). I would love this to drive an AOC-style sincerity and expertise push, but it feels like such a rare quality.
I really like how AOC has embraced social media and really gotten out to talk about the message and the danger of the administration. Of course she is under fire, but she can handle it. She’s a strong tough woman.
The problem isn't democrats. It's not democrats using the internet or not. It's people. Most specifically. White people. It literally doesn't matter what democrats say or don't say. Democrats told people to get vaccinated during covid-19 and even now people are having measles parties.
I'm not against this at all, but I don't think it will have a huge impact. Propaganda, misinformation, conspiracy theories, and fear mongering propagate so much better on social media than factual content. Especially with the people that need to be reached the most who aren't paying much attention.
I think it's not even about "good/bad" attention, or "getting the message out", but developing familiarity. Which is a different kind of persuasion hacking.
I know part of the problem is there is still this prevailing idea amongst older generations (think baby boomers and older) that the internet, social media, and the connections made through both are not important or are less "real" than the related stuff outside of the internet. I still run
into people my age (mid-20's) that have this thought process. That my internet friends are less important or less real than the ones I have outside of the internet. That the things I do online do not matter as much as the things I do offline
Crash Course - Community Organizing using resources/organizing model of Marshall Ganz with resources from folks who have implemented in different types of environments (rural/urban, public health/electoral politics, etc)
Democrats need to run candidates worth voting for. That should be the focus. Gimmicks aren't the issue, the issue is that they are detestable scumbags.
The Clinton internal machine has been in place for every D presidential campaign since then. It quacks like 2008 cause that’s who is still pulling the strings.
She also isn't a career politician and miraculously got elected despite career Dems using the whole system to push their own candidates into office. We need more ppl like AOC to take a risk and get elected.
Republicans are captured by the wealthy but democrats are captured by the consultant class. The idea that elected Dems might actually directly interact with voters and come up with their own messaging and communication scares the shit out of their consultants so the tell them the Internet is fake
That’s where the internal party hate/fear of AOC comes from. She’s showing them how to be effective without hiring 20 consultants and pollsters. Quelle horreur
I'm not sure why you think the Dems could have any good thoughtful leaders, they do their level best to crush that out of progressive dems as they come up. The entirety of Dem leadership are terrible ghouls.
It’s playing prevent defense when you’re down by four in the 4th quarter. “Let’s just keep everything in front of us, rally to the ball and hope we can stop them from scoring before we get the ball back.”
They’re taking the safest approach which, coincidentally, is the most dangerous approach.
The more plugged in and knowledgeable a politician gets, the more socialist (good) their politics become, and at some point either the mainstream apparatus starts assassinating their character or they organically do something gross
I suspect a lot of people (especially vulnerable people) saw what happened a decade ago when women received death threats because they worked in the video game industry and decided being a public figure might not be worth it.
I don’t understand humans. Americans KNOW the current political system creates corruption, yet no one seems to feel this is the central issue to be addressed and solved. Complaining about Democrats is getting you no where. What’s the definition of insanity again?
I will always be a Dem but I don't want to see Dem leaders "Dancing" and acting like fools on social media while democracy is dying. Certain Dems are actively creating this idiocracy. Don't be a left wing MTG.
We need to clean up America 1st by removing #47 & his illegal Alien overlord by impeachment or the 25th amendment or maybe he'll do it himself by national causes🥰 outlaw lying make it illegal for any member Congress or judiciary to tell or spread lies or propaganda punishment automatic removal
It sounds like they might not be good, thoughtful leaders if they neglect to keep up with society-transforming technology.
Maybe they just wanted a comfortable seat for the rest of their lives and already worked out how to do that without getting better at using the internet.
younger people who've been through the educational system during all these transformative changes into important positions of political influence because they will do monumentally better than all these old fuddy-duddies who still double-click everything and google how to turn off the PC.
It’s forever confounding to me that no one has thought to use YouTube the way FDR used radio for fireside chats. That seems like such an obvious tool for building narratives, communicating policy etc.
The Democrat establishment wants to be SEEN as the party of the people — BUT has no interest in blowing up the corrupt oligarchic system that pays for their comfortable lifestyles and campaigns. Hence no treason charges, no election reform talk allowed, no real fight against this coup. @usatoday.com
There must be a way for you to help them, Hank. We are all feeling panicky about the weak response of some Democrats. Republicans are so good at staying on message. Meanwhile, we censure each other.
OR JUST MAYBE the good and thoughtful leaders we have in other industries that are already the best at using the internet to communicate should make the decision to get into political leadership…
And nowadays AI too. I speak as a lifelong educational book writer and editor: Nobody should summit a memo for public much less managerial review without running it through a kindly AI agent. Simply on the informational level, an app like Perplexity can improve focus and messaging.
Jeez. I caution anyone from using AI to write any text for them or to accept any research from anywhere that isn’t triple checked. Perplexity lists and links its sources precisely for that reason I assume.
I'd never ask AI questions that can't be verified on the spot. If you ask how to use some coding library you can type in the code and verify if it works. If you ask it historical facts, you can't verify it without researching it, and at that point if you're researching it why ask the AI anyways?
See the att above. All good reasons to use AI. And this: The key to good writing is revision. E.g., I probably revise an item five times before posting. Anything that pushes revision will do good. Again, I speak as someone who wrote/edited hundreds of memos, thousands of emails, and lotsa books.
the problem is you tend to draw your detractors rather than your supporters and it tends to feel like you're standing alone against a horde rather than securing and leading any kind of a pack
The problem might not be that we don't have good, thoughtful leaders who understand how to use the internet. It could be the internet is controlled by just a handful of corporations, and they decide what is promoted on the internet and what is not.
We have no idea what their algorithms promote.
Why would anyone in government get ahead of the technology curve? We have people making laws for technology that they can’t even begin to fathom. It might as well be magic to them. Their lack of understanding is why they hate any type of experts so much.
They don't want to. They are just as entrenched with big donors as the 🟥 are. This is why the 🔵 that get the most views online are the ones closer to the people, only accepting small dollar donors. Call leaders Schumer 202-224-3121 & Jeffries, they are trying to block progressives from primaries.
I posted a joke 1mo ago that I've moved items across the world for Red Cross and I'd happily help Dems move away from 1980s messaging and I'll literally do it for free.
It was a joke then, it's an offer now, but really, I don't see any job openings, so I assume they have it all handled? /s
Like vipers, the dark side is striking hard and fast and in a coordinated attack. The last year has turned into a lesson of slow and steady does not win the race anymore - we need to get ahead of the curve and move with speed. We need politicians to adopt this mode of action.
Raising awareness about the Voiceless suffering orphans in our community Children who lose their parent's mostly fail to
get someone to care for them.
They start moving on streets begging for apenny to get something in their mouths and
stomach. And mostly fail and start resorting to drug abuse
The fastest way to get leaders who understand the Internet is to stop electing Boomers (and older, and probably 60% of Gen X) and start promoting Millennials and Gen Z.
We have AOC and Jeff Jackson who both built huge followings on social media. The DNC has basically asked them to let the geriatric crowd keep the lead.
As an elder baby boomer, I agree. It's time to let the younger generation take the lead. They are the ones who have a better pulse on what the world needs now.
This is not a normal time. The politicians are overwhelmed right now. They need someone to do it for them. They are dealing with big cuts ridiculous cuts, and firings right now. We need town halls where people gather together and organize.
Bernie kicked ass at it TWICE. Problem now is Zuckkk sold-out and the algorithm will not allow it there. Muskkk and Zuckkk like disinformation or right leaning garbage to increase engagement, which makes me wonder just how big the basket of deplorables is vs Russian troll farms and AI accounts.
Keep track of, and join, the trade unions and veterans organizations activities and planned events. These are the people who can provide the organization and the mass of support needed to lead a popular dismantling of trump's coup, imo.
Hi Bo, have you see this? These people need that support you mention. Watch their other videos, there is very credible evidence of election tampering. This video explains how it was missed. But they need help. Please spread the word, and everyone, please Volunteer! https://electiontruthalliance.org/videos
I am starting to think they have been accessing other things like polls and such as well. I had heard stories early on about a tampering theory and wondered why they didn't check harder to confirm the votes. They need to do it now. https://electiontruthalliance.org/reports-and-presentations
I hear you. Right now I think the call is for each of us to be leaders in our small corners. Make the tough calls. Speak the bold words. Go to town halls. Call your reps incessantly. Speak out against repression online. 🧵
Put up a flag in your front lawn for your minority of choice. If we build a strong base, leadership will coalesce - but it is up to us right now. No one else is coming to save us. 🪡
I just came from a meeting with my rep. She’s very nice but I didn’t hear any answers on who is going to enforce any court rulings against the administration.
How about the opposite? Everyone reading this and sharing this should get off the internet and go outside and meet the neighbors IRL. Find the people who are NOT in this bubble.
Pick some and offer your IT services? I think it would be great for someone more savvy to help them. Its not their thing, just like scientists dont usually do activism or protest.....but we need to share skills i suppose?
I'd settle for them even just respecting the internet enough to consult with experts before making any policy suggestions or votes on how it should be regulated/deregulated/etc.
Yeah, I guess you can bend the interpretation a little. But the existing agreement is one that the content on the internet is protected speech under the constitution. That’s what’s allowed the content companies to flourish. Including the largest of our tech titans.
The leaders don't even have to get good at it *themselves*! Just make it a priority to hire a competent social media person/team and then follow their instructions. I don't need you to know how Instagram works, but I need you to have a good staff and talk to the camera when they say so.
People forget that trump was the Twitter president and that's one thing that propelled him into the white House.
Some of our leaders are doing a great job finding what works for them. AOC and her lives on insta. Bernie has a YouTube channel. Tim Walz is also on the podcast circuit. Just examples.
AOC is doing a great job of making reels on Instagram to reach constituents there! I would watch videos of her knitting and talking about current affairs any day.
It’s not even them specifically, they just need one good staff member to work with them. I know they have interns, they could listen to them on this, because the interns have grown up living with it!
We must do what we can. Fill the gaps. Understand why Russia(and Trump) does what it does so we can strategically know what to do about it. https://youtu.be/0gyMho1c0ig
If you’re referring to government officials, most don’t see the “magic tubes” enabling instant global communication as a priority, so they delegate that responsibility to others. It would be nice if they did, though. If only If only.
I hate to add another job, but...you're a world expert at getting your message out on the Internet. If volunteers were sent your way, would you be willing/able to teach that?
Thank you for the 7 March newsletter. You're important to the well being of the country. I was at the "StandUpForScience.org" event in Raleigh. Keep being you buddy. Take care. Tootles... Wade
In 23 days there's a special election in FL congressional districts 1 & 6... Dems Josh Weil and Gay Valimont really have a good chance to win! They need our help---so check in with them, knock doors, make calls, donate... "Stopping MAGA, DOGE, and Project 2025 starts here..." 💪
I’ve thought about this quite a bit. I’m not sure if it’s too extreme, but most corrupt powers have risen due to the use of propaganda. Whether it was news papers, radio, or now something as strong as the internet. (1/2)
There are levels to this, but adding the spread of misinformation to the Geneva convention is the path forward in my opinion. Levels of offense being in accordance to knowingly or unknowingly and to the size of the reach you have.
I need Americans to be WAY BETTER at being good, thoughtful, educated, responsible, critical thinking citizens who pay attention and WAY LESS at being easily exploited by the Master Manipulators, turmp, vance, and Musk, etc.
This is NOT communications. This is a bunch of internet journalists who parrot anything. The sad part is, Americans don’t know fact from fiction ie how the maga-ts came to a rise
It isn't as if the GOP is good at using the internet. It helps that very rich people who own platforms don't like paying taxes and the GOP is the "Don't tax rich people" side.
Thumb is always on the scale, the internet is a new scale.
An artifact of gerontocracy. There's still this idea of a world or a USA where the "important" or "serious" parts are identical to the way things were in 1980, especially in terms of communication. But we keep seeing evidence over and over that that world is no longer dominant.
The internet is way worse now compared to what it was 5 years ago. The state of browsers and search engines have been altered by the way we use it as a society and the way AI uses it. You should do a video segment about it.
There truly is no excuse at this point, just ignorance and stubbornness. Home computers have been a thing since AT LEAST the mid-late 90s, early 00s at the latest. That's nearly 3 decades!!
BlueSky is already and echo chamber. We don’t need leaders to be in the internet for the sake of sharing their meaningless opinions. Because that’s what they are right now. They need to be voicing and funding action plans. Looking at you Mark Cuban
For many Americans, though, being able to exist without being “noticed” is tied to Privilege, generally White Privilege. Being noticed, for many marginalized people, literally is a matter of life and death, or serious harm.
Dems have to get their hands dirty or they risk continually losing ground.
It’s a clear line folks!
We don't have any levers.
(And, yes, when we boomers got old, we did what the old do: Chase idols.)
Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. Shortsighted much, DNC?
No It isn't! US is down in QOL index!
I bet many ppl I have tried to communicate w in the last several years are fired by now, so I wasn't crazy after all!
It’s about hearts and minds.
Being in a room with a bunch of people is so much more an intense experience, and I believe it truly can enrapture someone’s heart and mind.
Online is great, but in person is mobilizing!
The real truth is... there's very few candidates that know how and few that run or get elected.
And (cont.)
But theyre not going to just quit and give it to others. You have to run in elections and win.
And is there enough support.. outside of the deep blue areas, because you need way more than san fran and nyc and boston.
The problem is the stuff they do is not propped up by, or endorsed by the old guard. This hurts public support.
Old guard refuse to die, give up power, and then actively go out of their way to silence those they deem “rowdy”.
If you’re wrestling literate, they bury the young lions.
Contact them as often as you can. I contact mine at least twice a month.
We desperately need less of SMS spam asking for donations and more media campaigns to tell Americans what Trump is doing.
AFAICT, most news organizations are terrible at covering local, physical-space events, and better at covering the internet. Dems need to reach more people, through all media.
And we need the kind of in-person community-building that Dr. Fisher talks about.
They refuse to do anything that would upset the capital class, the same class bankrolling the fascist takeover of government.
We are no longer in a place where we can legislate our way out.
What is that other than an obvious sign that the “opposition” party has no intention of obstructing anything?
Comfort zone or risk management aside, both of those stem from lack of knowledge. Knowledge you have.
And as a popular educator on the internet you would be quite good at teaching them.
This is a legitimate suggestion as to how you could use your unique experience and skillset to help make the changes you want to see
I’m a little bit hopeful for the DNC in general because David Hogg is now a vice chair. It’s not as good as it would be if the politicians themselves each had someone, but hopefully he can start something
That said, I can already see an out of touch politician using NerdWriter cadence and lofi hiphop music to present their infrastructure proposal.
That combined with the internets tend to allow anonymous participation and the bullying derived from it.
They are SO SCARED of tech and social media, it's just unbelievable. Every time I posted to a dem, even with low replies, NEVER a reply. Ever. They post & go.
Long term Nerdfighter and lifelong Democratic staffer. Would love to actually discuss this because it’s critically important.
It’s not a comfort thing. It’s not that individuals aren’t good. It’s that the ecosystem isn’t built up enough on our side. We need to fix that.
But it's not 2008 any more. That EARNS political capital today.
But that doesn't mean you stop. It just means you stop putting amy klobuchar in front of tiktok and USE OTHER PEOPLE to represent you.
to them, nobody online is a real constituent, we’re just trolls.
they aren’t worried about doing it wrong, they think it’s a waste of time.
i suspect the reason that approach doesn't work for the others is that it requires being consistent and principled.
They’re taking the safest approach which, coincidentally, is the most dangerous approach.
I say stupid things, and I will say more in the future. Humility is important and I wish it was more common in our leaders.
I don't know I'd score in at the state or federal level as someone to look to for leadership.
Which is why you do not find it in those arenas.
What happened to the internet?
Maybe they just wanted a comfortable seat for the rest of their lives and already worked out how to do that without getting better at using the internet.
We should elect
… any thought on that front Hank? 🥺
We have no idea what their algorithms promote.
It was a joke then, it's an offer now, but really, I don't see any job openings, so I assume they have it all handled? /s
1) *well* beyond the retirement age
2) have no interest in learning anything new
I am so sick of having work dumped on me by these people
I’m almost 40 and even I understand that once you stop learning, your career is done.
Nobody can help aging but if you want to keep holding positions of power, the price of that should be lifelong learning and growth.
get someone to care for them.
They start moving on streets begging for apenny to get something in their mouths and
stomach. And mostly fail and start resorting to drug abuse
We have AOC and Jeff Jackson who both built huge followings on social media. The DNC has basically asked them to let the geriatric crowd keep the lead.
because they all do. same for @warren.senate.gov
Volunteer to do their message for them.
While you’re at it.
Do the thing you encourage others to do.
Run for office. You can sell or delegate some of your hustle.
You ever wonder why they hire other people to maintain their social media accounts?
They're just making a silly joke about an 80-year-old's description of the Internet from 2006. No one is discussing Section 230 here but you.
Some of our leaders are doing a great job finding what works for them. AOC and her lives on insta. Bernie has a YouTube channel. Tim Walz is also on the podcast circuit. Just examples.
(An honest question expressing interest, not any sort of call-out)
Jeffries doing the ice-bucket challenge!
Slotkin on Hydraulic Press Channel!!!
Make Babish coOk a senAtor!!!!1111!!0010 0011 0100
#ordinarycitizens #takeover #endtrumpism
they all get bribed off and sit back let everyone hang
Unfortunately, we needed that five years ago too.
Doesn't mean there isn't a role to play, but "tip of the spear" or "voice of the party" ain't it.
Thumb is always on the scale, the internet is a new scale.
How about quit hiding in the internet and no more leaving the fight to women?
General "build a real following" skills vs. "I know you'll have to support me because you know I'm better than the other asshole"
@repjasmine.bsky.social @algreen.house.gov
@fetterman.senate.gov @markey.senate.gov @pattymurray.bsky.social
@kaine.senate.gov @aoc.bsky.social @demwomencaucus.bsky.social @beyer.house.gov
They will start fighting as they try to build a new government. Each has a different vision for the future:
Tech Bros = technofascism
Heritage Fnd. = theocracy
Russia = authoritarian oligarchy
This must be stopped!
Protest! Resist!
Watergate - leaders fail at newest tech (tape recorder)
Iran-Contra - leaders fail at newest tech (email)
Imagine the epicness of current failure on LLMs
Check this out C:/Users/mia/Desktop/index.html
The progressives do. The others do not.
Run for office. Be the change you wish to see in the world.