Hey y’all, I’m genuinely asking and not trying to be facetious:
What do y’all want Obama to do/say?
What do y’all want Obama to do/say?
What more can the man or his family do when the people don’t want to listen?
In Obama's case, the left already love him and the right hate him so (IMO) he's just galvanise the right behind trump even more.
Say - be forward thinking. Every election matters. Protests build community. Be strategic. Swing states. Swing congressional districts
Elon firing skilled DC government workers. Trump defunding Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore. Hegseth firing Black staff in the military.
They're trying to cripple sources of Black middle class wealth.
He must then be brutally honest about the evil of 218 Republican members of Congress voting to keep Trump on the American throne.
Time to pick up the challenge and stop waiting for some non-existant knight in shining armor. It's YOU this time.
Elon firing skilled DC government workers. Trump defunding Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore. Hegseth firing Black staff in the military.
They're trying to cripple sources of Black middle class wealth.
Then Clyburn pushed SC to Biden, and Obama called Amy and Pete to endorse him a week before Super Tuesday.
Then the NBA was going to strike and he showed up to say “what if you just… voted?”
It's not actually doing a damn thing to BLOCK progressives.
Canada is a sovereign country, ditto Mexico. Threats of annexation are illegal, domestically and under international law.
It's up to US.
Current elected officials are on notice. They work for us. And it's a republic "if WE the people can keep it". We need to hold them accountable by showing up and speaking up. That's what I mean by 'up to US'
We need to fall behind AOC, Crockett, Buttigieg, Walz, Crow, Warren. We have new leaders, we need to recognize them as such.
I think The People will embolden the leadership to continue to fight, but we have to push.
The responses just reinforce my No heroes, No leaders.
ACAB includes politicians.
Obama was the President. He's got Secret Service protection. He's not exactly the typical POC. He seems to want to be in the limelight to remind us of the ACA/Heritage Foundation insurance policy and then duck out?
Secret service is owed because folks thought giving the psychopaths power was a good idea.
Everyone should be, the more wealthy, the more vocal.
And we also need to engage in elections, local and national. We need to help our neighbors, and speak up.
We def need the old guard out.
We need as a country to be pushing back on all elected officials to meet the moment, by getting loud.
I think Town Halls, rallies, etc are helping.
He is being called out because he's the best POTUS of all time, and still influential.
However, Biden, Harris, Schumer (🙄), Jeffries, BOTH Clintons and Pelosi also need to at least match Bernie and AOC.
Walz is good, as is Crockett.
Newsom can GFH.
you want to ask the republican psycho with over a million deaths directly attributable to his name, or the pedophile to do it? they suck ass! normal people hate them.
As many have said, he's an educator. Doesn't have to scream and yell, just explain ConLaw to us.
Love the guy, love to hear him speak. Glad he loves BB.
I campaigned for him at our caucus.
And he won our little caucus .
I think it would be better if he just maybe support the cause by working the phones.
Put the up&comers out on the front line.
People need someone we trust in order to unify and work together.
Shut the fuck up and stay out of the way, or just admit you’d rather have fascists control everything as opposed to ANY other scenario
bernie fucked us
Seems like I might be onto something. The Dem establishment is corporate servants.
Like a lawyer not a politician
Bring clarity to the table not endless adjectives & slogans
I'm a Libertarian & I think he's the best to go this
What is the disconnect here? What’s not clicking?
I think you meant just Obama, I just feel the same for them all. I could not care less about the Bushes
Yeah, no.
He's a citizen. He owes himself. And you. And you owe yourself. And him. Y'all owe each other. He's got a platform, let him use it. And y'all use yours.
I'm not looking for a superhero. I'm Canadian: what I'm looking for is for you all to sort your own shit out before we have to.
They also want a magic wand wielding daddy/superhero to stop what’s happening – and they blame Dems for not doing what they didn’t leave them the power to do
Neither he or Kamala owe us anything. They tried to save the country from him and terrible humans didn’t listen to them
What do you think he’s gonna do in the face of that massive slap?
Leave him alone.
If you have something to say, say it but don’t be a coward. We already have a few of those in the White House.
Years and a woman who wore a dress to met gala????? Lmao
Do you think Obama has the power to do that?
All his crimes would be bad enough on their own, but liberals like him enabling fascism is also why we are here.
We can’t agree to disagree any more. Slavery and Fascism were and ARE NOT things that are up for debate. Get arrested if he has to. Fight for us!
Ppl aren't fighting b/c they are okay with this or don't feel what's coming is going to actively hurt them.
That's not something that's fixed by explaining the law to them.
There's nothing to say that hasn't been said by him and others for over a decade.
There are also millions and millions who voted for OBAMA and TRUMP. Obama can enlighten them.
The american government is already refusing people who disagree with them in the country. Next, they will go after Americans.
The other half is less okay with it, but they're waiting for Obama or Kamala or AOC or Bernie or someone else to...lead them? Or give them a Schoolhouse Rock lesson?
Only Obama can point out when things are unconstitutional? Feels like people do that every day
If things are going to change, America has to stand up everywhere and fight. If people don’t stand up and take to the streets- like Everybody- there is nothing Barack or Joe can do to change things…
Why are people trying to pull him into this?
If he chooses to say or do anything that's his choice, leave it at that and leave him alone.
Isn't it time that we the people stand up for ourselves?
Set the Libshpere on fire and share one of my cutting posts/replies.
The issue is Language vs. Mathematics, and how to teach people to deal with it:
By the way, the United States government made money off the Auto bailout, and reinvested it in public services, so 10/10, Obama.
Dems are overall bad at getting loud. Sometimes decorum is the LAST fucking thing you need.
Thank you for being a voice and being here with us, Lizzo. ❤️
(Being facetious)
No one has framed contemporary issues as clearly as President Obama.
Cash is fading and Humans need to understand that Data Rules Everything Around Me.
#ObamaOnAI ;)
I think that answers the question.
I do think he owes something back to the country that elevated him to its highest office. It’s not dems v reps, or liberals v conservatives anymore.
It’s freedom v fascism. Which side is he on? (And yes, not just Obama, they should all be screaming from the rooftops.)
I think its time progressive voice like AoC and Bernie to rise to the occassion.
The opposition movement is growing, but it has been hurt by a lack of big name Dems leading the cause. President Obama and Michelle have star power and respect. If they started speaking out, it would be HUGE for the cause.
This is not new. It’s all just coming into focus now that we are searching for solidarity.
We can choose to unite or perish under their thumb.
Elon firing skilled DC government workers. Trump defunding Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore. Hegseth firing Black staff in the military.
They're trying to cripple sources of Black middle class wealth.
The failure lies with the shit party, not those who refuse to support them.
life with their daughters and rest of family from here on out!!
he spoke—as did Michelle—a whole lot before we voted the hellbeast back into power. that we slammed our own dicks in the car door isn’t on them. leave them alone
I’m not sure if that is more like an oxymoron or the Easter bunny.
They swore off decency decades ago.
He did his job. Well. Like, really well. Now he gets to go frolik.
That is how MLK did it: “On X day we are marching from A to B. See you there.” And 200,000 showed up.
Of course, there is more to it, but this is what we need. His roots are community organizing.
The question was what we would like him to say.
Can y'all talk to your fellow white family and friends about why they're so racist and stop looking to black people to hold y'alls fucking hands? Where's Hillary? Where's Jill Stein? Ask them.
Although trump probably would have everyone attacked and even killed, so there’s that.
Every DAMN DAY ‼️
Speak up?!
Seriously, they want targets. They want him and Harris to go on the front lines because they are so used to AAs speaking, marching, and fighting for everyone. However, the ROI for that effort has been for naught.
Elon firing skilled DC government workers. Trump defunding Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore. Hegseth firing Black staff in the military.
They're trying to cripple sources of Black middle class wealth.