100% of that that two percent don't work in healthcare and have had minimal health needs in the last 5 years (or are just lying out of sheer bloody-mindedness)
What makes this all the more remarkable is that in most polls there seems to be a confused 5% or so who misunderstood the question, hit the wrong button or are batshit crazy. The utter failure of Brexit to fulfill any of its promised benefits has given even these delusional few a glimpse of reality!
Brexit was only ever about avoiding the anti-money laundering laws the EU were instigating; and a chance for the twats in Tufton St and Canary Wharf to hedge against our currency and economy to make a killing!
Dying listening to @mrjamesob.bsky.social on 5th Anniversary of Brexit revisiting the greatest hits of Brexit lies!
It IS fair to do a told-you-so show.
Asked what he won from #Brexit, a caller says 3 pin plugs!
How many Brexit charlatans, who conned people, got peerages? @bestforbritain.bsky.social
Dear Lord Frost,
But fear not! I’m here to help. Let’s sift through your greatest hits of Brexit delusion with the same care you apply to ignoring reality. But fear not! I’m here to help. Let’s sift through your greatest hits of Brexit delusion. https://aiwillybillhuman.substack.com/p/brexit-wasnt-a-failure-it-liberated
'But Vote Leave campaign director Dominic Cummings wrote after the referendum: “If Boris, Gove, and Gisela had not supported us and picked up the baseball bat marked ‘Turkey/NHS/£350 million’ with five weeks to go, then 650,000 votes might have been lost.”
And that 2% will be politicians and their donors. 👍 Amazing we can be blatantly lied too by dishonest grifters and years later they are writing columns in MSM telling us what they think. This has to be the most corrupted world leaders we have ever had.
From Google:
"Delusional disorder constitutes between 1% and 4% of all psychiatric admissions, with an incidence of first admissions between 1 and 3/100,000 population per year."
Good point. The 1 - 3 per 100K refers to first admisssions so presumably people become more deusional as time passes which might explain the likes of Jacob Rees Mogg. For a minute I couldn't remember his name so Googled "haunted pencil".
Brexit broke Britain. But the greedy liars who sold the snakeoil are all multi millionaires; Farage, Hannan, Johnson, Rees-Mogg, Tice, and others, all richly rewarded and continue to profit from this idiotic act of self harm. Britain needs to accept the good Donald's gracious offer to #Breturn
Putin's goal to divide alliances & people within countries has been a success. Brexit, Trump, far right parties across EU, etc. He knows how to break democracies by stoking fear and anger over disinformation by tapping into stupid and ignorant people. Unfortunately they have to learn the hard way.
It's like Johnny Ball and think of a number, weird that all of these polls and I never know anyone who got asked.
Like the Brexit remain landslide and Trump winning 2 terms in office whilst the pollsters "propagandists" feed the open mouths of the village idiots who repeat it.
Was very telling to hear Priti Patel on with Harry Cole the other day essentially saying 'everyone knew Brexit would raise immigration'.
We've gone from 'magical Brexit will fix all your problems' in 2016 to 'well we all knew it wouldn't really do much' - absolute charlatans, the lot of them.
We've fucked over the UK's stability in the short and long term, and any long term wealth prospects, based on essentially pure bigotry and populism - and now the people in charge of the entire 'project' don't have the balls to defend it.
So where are the traitors who pushed this through with lies and deceit doing untold damage to our Country and its citizens. Any chance they will face a Court... no because they are the wealthy elite who still see a profit can be made through SEZ/Freeports at our expense.
Once the referendum went to leave, those who pushed Brexit through can legitimately claim to have been acting in the democratic interest.
For me the questionable actions lie more with those who nailed people to the floor with austerity for 5 yrs, then asked the country to vote with them to stay.
Just in case anyone did not see this monstrous lie which fooled all who voted exit...here it is again.. I will regularly repost it for the benefit of business owners still suffering or have shut up shop...remember who said it...
Before, or after, the bulldozer [that he promised to lie in front of, at Heathrow] rolls him in to the ditch [that he promised to die in]?
And lets be brutally honest with ourselves here, that's because a majority of hard line brexists are now dead.
Opinion hasn't altered, the demographic has shifted.
Who cares ? They can't rescind their votes. Next referendum, the next BoJo will promise that suspending the rule of law will make the sun shine more often upon Britain, and people will vote accordingly.
I really can't contain my surprise at that result! And people are still willing to turn to the slimy, Brexiteering, grinning toad-man who wants Reform UK to bring in an American-style health care system? I would despair if I hadn't seen America fall - now I'm just bloody furious at my fellow Britons
Or Boston, Lincs. The most Brexity area in the country because the seasonal crop-pickers were “taking our jobs”. And where they now can’t get anybody to pick their crops
Here it's largely fat, well off old people with a smattering of younger flag shagging poppy worshippers (who were spoiling for a Farageriot but defeated by apathy). The rest are just apathetic, the sort who don't pay attention to what's going on until it affects them & then shed angry tears.
There's all sorts of comments on this thread questioning the sanity of the 2%, but some people simply hate to admit they were conned. I think they believed they were making the right choice, for whatever reason. And they feel too embarrassed to admit it.
The 2% who don't care about failing public services or social decay, with a deeply rooted hatred/suspicion of anything or anyone foreign. Parochial bigots who see fewer brown faces in their locality, thus proving Brexit was a success. Brexit areas with more brown faces? Probably Corbyn's fault! 🤪
Common right wing argument in many countries - Stop funding X (EU membership, Ukraine aid, minority initiatives, space research, etc.) and we'll be able to spend that money on mOrE iMpOrTaNt ThInGs (better health care, kids, transportation etc) - and yet they never do.
Soooo who mislead and promoted Brexit ?
Are they now facing civil action(s) in $$$ Billions ?
$$$ is all cash for comment mob care for SO TAKE IT OFF THEM.....
The wording was dubious. 'Let's fund our NHS instead' is not an undertaking, it's a suggestion. It's no better than 'we could give' or 'the money would be better spent' etc. Despite the fact we actually got the majority back to help the vulnerable in the UK. Rubles speak, Farage listens.
I would like to know who was asked in the poll. Nobody i know was asked. Nothing seen online. Maybe they only asked the people that they thought would agree with their aims.
Sadly the right wing media doesn’t share negative opinions only their own,
and like the MAGA nuts over the ocean millions of people refuse to see the wood for the trees.
A classic example of somebody with no politcal or economic acuity, repeating what he thinks are appropriate buzz words to any question he is asked, until he has to admit he knows nothing.
Indeed… a very good indication as to why referenda are such bad ideas and why an advisory referendum should never be regarded as mandatory, without a super-majority.
Probably not far off 2%.
They should be in jail - full stop!
Instead they enjoy freedom to continue to manipulate with lies. It needs to stop -now. It’s destroying society at all levels.
We should be enforcing a law: “win with truth or be prosecuted”.🤷♀️
It IS fair to do a told-you-so show.
Asked what he won from #Brexit, a caller says 3 pin plugs!
How many Brexit charlatans, who conned people, got peerages? @bestforbritain.bsky.social
But fear not! I’m here to help. Let’s sift through your greatest hits of Brexit delusion with the same care you apply to ignoring reality. But fear not! I’m here to help. Let’s sift through your greatest hits of Brexit delusion.
canada gets a kind of invitation to join the EU
- liked what they saw on that bus?
"Delusional disorder constitutes between 1% and 4% of all psychiatric admissions, with an incidence of first admissions between 1 and 3/100,000 population per year."
Only someone with complex issues significantly distorting their perception of reality could think the NHS is in a better state than it was pre-2020.
Like the Brexit remain landslide and Trump winning 2 terms in office whilst the pollsters "propagandists" feed the open mouths of the village idiots who repeat it.
We've gone from 'magical Brexit will fix all your problems' in 2016 to 'well we all knew it wouldn't really do much' - absolute charlatans, the lot of them.
Brexit voters should feel ashamed as well.
For me the questionable actions lie more with those who nailed people to the floor with austerity for 5 yrs, then asked the country to vote with them to stay.
They held the referendum to see off the threat from UKIP and save the Conservative party. They may want to check in to see how that's all worked out.
I made up this one but it looks like the only rational explanation 😄
Nigel Farage
Niggle Fartrage
Nancy Farage
Figel Narage
Richard Tice
Opinion hasn't altered, the demographic has shifted.
far from apathetic. I have also never voted Tory and never will
How anyone can still fall for the crap they spout after Brexit is beyond me.
Lied 👏 About👏 Every 👏Single👏Thing.
Are they now facing civil action(s) in $$$ Billions ?
$$$ is all cash for comment mob care for SO TAKE IT OFF THEM.....
What could have possibly gone wrong
Boris and uncle Nigel have never been held to account over their lies
and like the MAGA nuts over the ocean millions of people refuse to see the wood for the trees.
People blaming immigration for this debacle of cost of living is bonkers.
used abused& played
in flawed corrupted ref
a sufficient mandate
to leave
Let alone impose
the hardest Brexit poss
Very remiss.