It’s not. Their teenage daughters are the first to get pregnant. Kids smoke pot cause they saw GOP grandparents doing it. First to get an across-state abortion. And have kinks weirder than any porn. “Deflection and projection” is their platform.
This reminds me of when Bush I called B. Clinton "the Elvis candidate", like 80% of the American electorate wouldn't vote for Elvis if they could. She's threatening us with a good time.
Is this going to end up like that MTG rant about Biden's platform that Biden just dropped into a campaign ad verbatim? Because this too sounds pretty rad.
This is the next step in extinction. 🤬
After the recent laws of bathroom banning, I am thinking about only using men's rooms. I'm straight, married, and have mace just in case.
Potty pairs would be a good going in w/ my husband. What if we all did it in 💩 protest? 🤔
Not a porn star and not just one person in government, but a whole bunch of people around Harding paying off mistresses and Secret Service delivering child support to a different mistress, etc.:
Isn't it? Their big rumor now is that covid is coming back in time for the next election, and they're all swearing they won't comply with any mask orders or any shutdowns. It's just another War on Christmas.
Considering how republicans value guns over children’s lives; when they aren’t trying to have sex with/marry them. They can’t govern cuz it degenerating into a childish name calling circus. Most have the IQ of a toenail clipping.
This is a cool slogan, but, as I am not personally running for president, it's not entirely accurate. I'm trying to imagine Joe "I still think marijuana is a gateway to becoming as scuzzy as my son" Biden up on a stage and stumping for reefer, but I'm coming up snake eyes.
Porn's OK with consenting adults, etc., but Porn is more of a Republican/Red State thing.
Also, love the name
Is this going to end up like that MTG rant about Biden's platform that Biden just dropped into a campaign ad verbatim? Because this too sounds pretty rad.
Oh...bc maybe they deserve health care like the rest of the population?
After the recent laws of bathroom banning, I am thinking about only using men's rooms. I'm straight, married, and have mace just in case.
Potty pairs would be a good going in w/ my husband. What if we all did it in 💩 protest? 🤔
Planned Parenthood
Petey Piranha
Pommel horses
Pirate birds, and
Considering how republicans value guns over children’s lives; when they aren’t trying to have sex with/marry them. They can’t govern cuz it degenerating into a childish name calling circus. Most have the IQ of a toenail clipping.
Just some slogans ideas for them🤣
Good bumper sticker, tho!
Sorry for the lack of alliteration.
No:Healthcare, student loan, competition policy, climate, infrastructure, Nato, Seniors, preschool education, childcare, education funding, tax loopholes
GOP platform is pedophiles, provocateurs and Fascism