Strapping rightwingers into the Clockwork Orange chair and making them watch the Sesame Street episodes teaching empathy that they missed as kids (this has killed Jordan Peterson due to an Elmo overdose).
All those people were hiding in plain sight in your society, just waiting to declare their Fascism openly and with pure, gleeful cruelty and racism. A psychopath.
i mean not from me; i have just been freaked out by a lot of people and not enjoyed a lot of people’s company because they seem weirdly fascist and been made to feel like i was the one with the problem lol
Ship them back to their Motherland. They’ll either retire to a pleasant dacha outside Moscow, or a high window. Depends on their usefulness and the overall wellbeing of the Russian economy…..
good time to remember that roosevelt and churchill did not want to put the nazis on trial. stalin, the very badly flawed person he was, still insisted on putting the nazis on trial for the crimes they committed
Stalin - for all the faults that he had- saw and had been reported first hand what the nazis did to the slavic people. Many russians, and all of the people in the eastern european country were also interned and destroyed by the nazis- who hated eastern european people. And he saw the reality**
or at least, the real reports. I'm willing to bet tthe shoah reports had been watered down for the US politics and public at the time.
But the Russians saw first hand what the nazis did - hell, they were the first to liberate most of the camps.
Eisenhower didn’t really water down what happened to the US press and leadership he brought to visit the camps the US liberated, he personally wrote Churchill about the piles of bodies he saw, and insisted everything be documented with photographs because he knew deniers would eventually exist.
The Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe made every effort to make sure the West knew what happened once he saw first hand what the Nazis did in the camps the US liberated. Not defending the Western leaders but military leadership made sure they fully knew what happened.
Stalin made some really awful choices, but it's sooo convenient for people to forget all of European leadership was routing on the Nazis invading the USSR and only ten years before the purges the rest of Europe had armies in Russia fighting for the Whites.
atrocities committed inside the ussr happened explicitly AFTER antagonization of communism became popular. people supported the fascists and helped them gain power specifically because they were afraid of communism so vehemently
I'd argue the atrocities committed by the USSR were the direct result of that antagonism from the rest of the world with few exceptions. I can't really forgive Semipalatinsk, but I suppose nuclear testing had to happen somewhere
The other thing I think about a lot is like...the Holocaust collaborators in a lot of Eastern Europe were, let's say... enthusiastic about their war crimes. To the point that some SS members balked at their monstrosity. How many of those guy did the purges get in Russia?
let me get this clear stalin was a maniac on and declared that the revolution had finished. it did not. and it allowed him to military and ally with Hitler for a time. even if there was a time when he was actually good and then it all went to horror keep in mind. every ally in ww2 was evil too :)
i said this cause I'm worried i came off as lessening the horrors of authoritarianism. stalin is only worth learning from in the aspect of doing better than he was
Here’s a guy Will Chamberlain who says don’t worry we will get around to you too! Meaning anyone they point the finger at will be deported! So who will stand for you when your time comes? White males
Blue eyes does this sound familiar?
He was born in Canada but I believe does live in the US? Unless that changed recently, and I certainly would not blame him if it did and he chose to get out of here.
Hmm. Know he's from BC + thought I saw a reply from him saying he wasn't in the US recentish, but dude posts so much I can't scroll to check. You might be right. But we're both right he's not getting deported to Vietnam.
Shouldn't be, who the hell knows, these f-ckers they might try anyway.
You see, that would be easier, but would help no one. They would just be pests somewhere else and do harm to someone else.
Spending resources in education is always worth it, as it nips the problem in the bud. You USians need to learn that you can't just swipe your problems under the rug.
Probably much cheaper to just burn them 🤷
They provide no value to society or anything for that matter. All conservatives are useless wastes. They are just a drain on resources. Burn them all and watch the world thrive.
I just kicked a supporter of DOGE off my LinkedIn. She was droning on about its efficacy. She had zero empathy, in fact negative empathy, for the fat cat Federal employees. Don't underestimate the support for DOGE - as long as it doesn't affect them. She can go to hell BTW. Probably will.
I used to think I couldn't be a physically violent person but in just one morning I've learned that I would absolutely handmaid's style gang beat this sad little schmuck
Hateful snow flakes cannot handle dissent. Especially from people of color they consider inferior. They are absolutists and do need Deprogramming or in the least societal shunning.
Yeah, I keep coming back to that thought. People like this are fully aware of their heinous cruelty. How do you fix someone who revels in being a sociopath? We literally have to deprogram these people to try and slip just a bit of humanity back into them. That or, well...
Its just incredible how fast these people went from "erm we only want ***ILLEGALS*** deported" to just straight up flinging the word around at anyone they dislike
I'm ngl i believed what they said because I was a naive, decent human who didn't want to think my fellow countrymen were all disingenuous monsters, god was i mistaken
you already lived thru the first term where they literally tried to kill everyone’s grandmother, right? What _more_ did they need to do to convince people that they wanted to kill you & everyone you love?
To be fair, calling non-whites you don’t like “illegal” and calling for deportation has been right-wing status quo for at least the past 20 years (and I only limit it that far because I don’t think I was that engaged in politics in early elementary school. Probably much longer).
Highly recommend the redesigned Vermeer AX19. It’s a drum chipper instead of a disc chipper so it is less likely to clog, has a faster feed speed, and has a stronger pre crush arm
Remember when that guy went on Fox and told the person he was debating that he hoped his pager was ok after the pager bombings in Lebanon? I don’t know that you can reeducate people this cruel.
Yup, like i hate autoritarianism. But after all that fucking bs? Anyone who says or believes about an evil ''LGBTQI+'' ideology, or woke or both, should be fusilated or forced into a re-education camp. I do mean it, they need reform programs.
A oerson with that much hate in themselves that still wants ICE rounding people uo and putting them in slaughterhouses for cannibals... the hateful peolle get deported. Not race religion or nationality. Hate evil... deport that shit. NOW. Stand up and deport hate from your life. Fight. Fight. Fight.
I've never believed in Camps of any sort, as much as I have some really angry thoughts on this.
I'm thinking more like "this person may never hold a professional position in which they have one or more individuals reporting to them or subject to their decisions, nor may they hold a "press" status."
Sigh. My public school in a diverse working class town gave me the best education I could ask for. That included learning how any cultural segregation benefits tyranny and robs regular people of all kinds of opportunities for camaraderie.
Learned in a historically underfunded district, no less.
I was talking about Satan being in their head, not fear.
That's hell.
Though fear does have the benefit of at least reducing crimes as a detterant which benefits others, obviously you will never eliminate because evil is built different.
Alternative point of view: it is super funny that when you search this racist´s guy name, the first hits are ALWAYS going to be a 7 ft. tall basketball player who has more charisma in his baby toe than this weirdo.
Honestly, it is really hard to comprehend the vile, contemptuous abusive language openly being used by your governing officials. It is like listening to school yard bullies.
Because they can't think for themselves. Hate in numbers, style in numbers. No brave lions that can stand on their own. Just scared hyenas that can only find strength in packs.
Why bother?
They're all about efficiency and profit—and seriously, in THIS economy, you kidding?
Reeducation camp is like $1200 a person and not guaranted.
Paying a guy with a pneumatic bolt gun costs a couple bucks.
Actually, people might even pay for the privilege.
Value for the shareholders!
“We” refers to the Federalist Society where Chamberlain is senior legal counsel and Human Events, where he is editor in chief. He also really wanted DeSantis to be president, so there were early signs that were missed.
Do you all not realize how fascist y’all sound. I don’t like these motherlovers either but you can’t be like these people are bad because they want to deport people. Let’s kill them. That makes you just as bad if not worse than them. At least they’re just sending them to other countries.
And I get the idea that perhaps they’re using these as excuses to create forced labor camps but until we have actual proof of such calling for the death of people calling for deportation is fascist and authoritarian as fuck.
Haven’t seen him since growing up in the same friend circles, but he left California after high school and never looked back so doubt I’ll get the chance unfortunately
We laugh, but there is absolutely no way to end this without gulags and brain-washing, and the numbers are several degrees of magnitude more than thousands
Re-education? You assume someone isn't going to hunt this mother fucker down and skin his fucking ass alive and drag his body through the streets until all that's left is a torso with stumps.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
I'd say liberals just need to remember to defend liberal values, and understand that this administration is using the constitution as its cum rag and TP.
MAGA is terminally online and only brave behind a phone screen. This prick would be swallowing his own teeth if he mouthed off to someone like that in person.
This is like the common thread of a lot of people showing their asses right now.
Trump? Mad he's not relevant anymore.
Musk? Will never be a cool gamer or space guy.
Bondi? Peaked in high school, failing relevance.
Vance? He's JD Vance like that's embarrasing enough really, I don't gotta say shit.
Hitler was someone who was damaged by his mother who had a paranoia disorder and made him scared of literally everything from childhood, and then lost her to cancer and was vengeful that her Jewish doctor couldn’t cure her. Resulting in his reign.
Oh, absolutely. All men that rise to power by being awful can be traced back to not being loved in their youth. I’d say it’s sad but I don’t have empathy for people that make a living off of ruining peoples lives.
Gotta put these people on farms for a few years at below minimum wage, most of them will change their tune on immigration then when they realize what immigrants put up with just for the opportunity to come to America.
I dunno, I think they’d be more incentivized to learn if we used them for humiliating entertainment television. Kinda hard to feel empowered enough to talk shit if everyone in the world’s seen you embarrassing yourself in the nude.
The mistake the north made was not executing every confederate. If we don't want to have things repeat every century or so someone would have to break the cycle.
- Ernest Hemingway, For Whom the Bell Tolls
But the Russians saw first hand what the nazis did - hell, they were the first to liberate most of the camps.
Blue eyes does this sound familiar?
Will can still go to hell though.
Shouldn't be, who the hell knows, these f-ckers they might try anyway.
Sadly it doesn’t seem impossible
Spending resources in education is always worth it, as it nips the problem in the bud. You USians need to learn that you can't just swipe your problems under the rug.
They're too stupid to create their own values 😏
They provide no value to society or anything for that matter. All conservatives are useless wastes. They are just a drain on resources. Burn them all and watch the world thrive.
Who is stopping the felon rapist?
With control of 11 Clinton Neoliberal corporate bought Democrats, who will.stop them?
There's no "it was a joke" btw, jokes are funny.
Would be poetic as well.
Growing up with abusive GOP parents taught me everything I needed to know about them.
Horrified me too. Now it makes me furious.
especially if they ain't white
They're the same people who say being a democrat should be a crime.
And people, somehow, don't connect the two...
They're pretty clearly showing off how much they're into it.
That's sort of the point...
I'm thinking more like "this person may never hold a professional position in which they have one or more individuals reporting to them or subject to their decisions, nor may they hold a "press" status."
Learned in a historically underfunded district, no less.
Seeing the zionist discourse i think has woken me up to the idea that the too far gones are real and you can't reason with every person
Religions aren't kidding when they say Satan controls people
That's hell.
Though fear does have the benefit of at least reducing crimes as a detterant which benefits others, obviously you will never eliminate because evil is built different.
Much like the law being a deterrent.
Hate like this will be stomped out either way 🤷🏼♀️
Just have them work as service employees for a year.
Making sure the public knows when and where.
To help them understand what kind of real work it takes
to build and maintain our country.
Not tear it down and piss on the ashes.
They're all about efficiency and profit—and seriously, in THIS economy, you kidding?
Reeducation camp is like $1200 a person and not guaranted.
Paying a guy with a pneumatic bolt gun costs a couple bucks.
Actually, people might even pay for the privilege.
Value for the shareholders!
Some people can't be educated nevermind re-educated
Chamberlain is a studio gangsta.
like the Omega Man, standing defiantly over the ruins
The liberals will insist that we be nice to all of them and do nothing else
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
I'd say liberals just need to remember to defend liberal values, and understand that this administration is using the constitution as its cum rag and TP.
Learn to share and be nice.
Trump? Mad he's not relevant anymore.
Musk? Will never be a cool gamer or space guy.
Bondi? Peaked in high school, failing relevance.
Vance? He's JD Vance like that's embarrasing enough really, I don't gotta say shit.
But do I feel bad for him? Absolutely not.
I'm also not sure they're worth saving.