I mean if he, the wife, and the dog all died the same night, there’s no sign of forced entry, and no physical wounds, carbon monoxide poisoning seems extremely likely
Well, sure, there would be little reason to spend much more thought on it, if he alone had died, but as it happens his wife and 1 of 3 dogs on the property were also found dead, which makes it slightly more complicated than that.
Except I think it was the other way around. She committed suicide before he died. He died in the mudroom because he was trying to get out to get help, but succumbed to a heart attack or stroke because he was 95 and frail.
I already solved it, sorry. His pacemaker stopped, she ran to get his pills and went into cardiac arrest due to panic, pills spilled. The k9 was in the kennel because they were planning on leaving. It was all unexpected and extremely unfortunate. RIP Mr. & Mrs. Hackman and puppy 🐶😔 Just my guess 🤷♀️
Ok Saundra i see ya - ✌️ my question (and I haven’t checked but how do we know his pacemaker stopped) / if they were planning on leaving why put only one dog in the kennel or you think they were interrupted by the pacemaker etc?)
The dog in the bathroom closet bothered me on many levels. It likely died of dehydration, such a sad way to go. On the podcast note I suspect it will be the "rag in the tail pipe" on this one
It's that instant gratification addiction, society needs to get over it sooner rather than later. You can learn how to sit with the feeling of not knowing everything at all times.
If no foul play. I wonder if she found him dead and went in the bathroom she took enough pills to kill herself but forgot to let the dog out of the cage 🤔
Well if she died first, it could be a case were he could just not be able to get to the phone if he fell etc. I think it's weird for 3 week no one contacted them. I know with my Mom I called her weekly and long distance calls were expensive back then.Meanwhile where are the kids?
Thank you. That make's sense. Like everyone else I'm trying to make a educated guess with limited info. I wonder what happen to her? Still does not explain if she died first why he would not have called someone or no one checking on him. I would not want be in a home with a dead body. Just weird
Unfortunately we may never know exactly but I am sure people are working on trying to solve it. Pacemakers should be hooked up to report to 911 when it stops or has irregularities.
This is actually the prevailing internet theory atm. The pills spread around her may be a red herring. She might have suffered a sudden condition like a heart attack, fell, and died. Then, he succumbed after having no carer. Dog was apparently left in a kennel, tragically. All around sad.
I think about this often esp after our sweet next door neighbor lady was not feeling well and about 430am i was waking up for work and i hear faint pounding on our shared wall and felt like something was up - called the ambulance and sure enough … 😞she was 99 and a firecracker … sweet angel 😇
"Mysterious mummified remains mellowed in a mystery. A santa fe silence broken by a lone siren. Wellness checks turned into a well of... again...mystery. How did Gene die? Was his wife involved? and his little dog too? This ...is Hashing out Hackmen. BUT FIRST A WORD FROM OUR SPONSOR BETTER-HELP!"
Was Gene Hackman’s filmography the key to his final mystery? Each episode unpacks his legendary roles, searching for hidden clues, eerie coincidences, and Hollywood secrets surrounding his passing. Was it fate—or something more? 👀🎙️ #TheHackmanFiles *joke*
I’d really like the police to bring Gene Hackman, his wife, and their dog back to life, and swap them for the cold, dead corpses of Trump, Vance, and Musk, then no one would care if the latter had died under mysterious circumstances.
My husband had a great theory. He believes it's possible that Genes wife had a medical incident. One of the dogs became over excited so Gene got him locked up so he could help. Unfortunately, it caused excessive stress on Genes heart & Gene died in the process.
I think more likely he passed first. Pacemakers last event was Feb 17. As for his wife, whether her passing was intended or an accident, have to wait for info. They had 2 other dogs who were loose on the property.
I understand your logic but I think it’s much more likely she had an accident of some sort and he had a secondary accident trying to help. He is nearly 30 years her senior
I think of the dogs and how they must have been tripping out .. especially the one in the cage how traumatic - i wonder if they barked and no one heard them or maybe they weren’t barkers … d
It's possible the dog was jumping up and down or wouldn't let Gene get close to his wife bc he was worried. So, Gene put him in a closet to free up calling for help etc. Gene expected to get back to the dog after his wife was helped. Just a guess.
Could be. His wife was my age, though, and unless she was having serious health problems I find it hard to believe she would be having major issues unless it was a heart attack or the like but it seems like they would’ve called an ambulance at that point
Heartbreakingly, the news reported yesterday that the dog was in a crate. Probably put there to keep him out of the way because one of them had just died. Then the other person died, and the poor dog likely died of dehydration.
That seems to sound more and more likely the case. It is just all so tragic. I heard they found drugs in the dogs system. I’m wondering if he ate them after one of them died? Maybe spilled them on the floor?
I wish they'd wait until they know - saying things like one may have been dead days before the other is awful - why would one have just left the other? Really despicable, they loved each other. It is mysterious though.
Reminds me of that SNL skit where they turn doctors visits into podcasts so young men go to the doctor instead of getting medical advice from podcasts 😂
And Jewish space lasers in a pizza restaurant basement during the Bowling Green Massacre initiated by George Soros while in the library with Colonel Mustard…
The only podcast with the investigative chops to break this case won’t do it because they only cover murder cases that occur inside their own apartment building.
Probably Co leak somewhere. Faulty furnace or hot water heater. Happened in my house years ago. thankfully I had detectors. Told my wife and kids to get out of the house.
I'm the other way around. She committed suicide (for whatever reasons people commit suicide) he discovers it and tries to go for help, but at 95 and frail, only makes it to the mudroom, suffers a stroke or heart attack and dies. The dog in the kennel was there coincidentally and dies of thirst.
This article makes it sound like you're right. She was depressed, took her life, he found her and fell on his way to call for help? In this case I really hope he died quickly from a head injury and not days later from dehydration because he couldn't get back up. :(
Probably should just wait for the investigation to conclude. There are examples of suicides where people kill their pets as well but it's rare and usually premeditated.
2 of the dogs were still alive and the front door was open so unlikely. Also he was 95, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that she had already gotten used to the thought of him dying soon and generally WAAAAAY before her.
I’m with you. Mainly because I’d like Dateline to have what it needs to create an episode around it. (But I don’t mean to sound lighthearted. This is a terrible tragedy and Hackman was one of the greatest screen actors who ever lived.)
i only know b/c i saw their statement on the news. i wonder how far away they live from them. or how close they were emotionally. 2 wks undiscovered is a long time. 😢
Hackmann’s pacemaker’s last activity was
On Feb 17. It’s assumed that he died at that time.
Unless someone came in, saw Hackmann & his wife dead, left them there, left the other two dogs running and crated the German shepherd?
It was incredibly crowded airspace that many pilots have expressed concerns about, the helicopter flight crew kept keying over ATC and receiving incomplete instruction as a result, and were insufficiently experienced in those flight conditions.
Podcasts don’t have to follow legal procedure. Actual police do… so unless it’s an open and shut case. It’s more likely a podcast will allegedly solve it first.
There is clearly fairly obviously very suspicious circumstances to the deaths!! If it was just him found dead without any obvious trauma injuries then at his age anything could have caused his death medically, but multiple deaths is pretty much indicative of very suspicious circumstances & foul play
I think she took a bunch of pills when she found him dead . He had heart attack or fell . The dog was locked in a kennel. The others were lose . So he may have let the other two dogs out or in and that’s when he passed. She found him and in grief took her life . Just my thoughts. 💔
It is possible she chose to suicide if overcome by grief, though very few drugs would cause certain death even in overdose. It's why the majority of people who attempt suicide by OD actually survive. Very few drugs in a typical one month supply that pharmacies issue are enough to kill you.
I think at 95 he may have just fallen and died and the his wife went into the bathroom and took pills with one of their dogs and died. Probably no more that broken hearts.
Ok. I think he died of natural causes. His wife felt she couldn't live alone or without him and she Od'd on medication, which has been seen spilled in a bathroom. But I can't account for the one dead dog out of three.
that dog was in a kennel so died of hunger and thirst - heartbreaking - they wouldn't have left it that way on purpose. Two others dogs were free wandering in and outside and fine. A killer would lock up a German Shepard.
Except “There are no signs of a carbon monoxide leak, trouble with the pipes, forced entry or blunt-force trauma, the affidavit said, nor are there signs that any belongings were rifled through”
It won’t matter.. they’ll just find reasons why it needs to be debunked! When everyone understands/remember it’s $$ that drives this madness maybe people will stop clicking on, listening to it!
You have not been paying attention over the last several years. Podcasters do more thorough investigations than police. Podcasters want the truth, police want a closed case.
Two women with vocal fry using innocent people’s names in a suspicious tone for six weeks until one of those innocent people becomes a suspect, a meme, a tmz segment…
Omg! This is the first time I have ever seen anyone mention vocal fry. It's the absolute worst. Like nails on a chalkboard. If I start watching any clip and there's vocal fry, it's off. Immediately.
I think his wife went seriously ill, tried to get her medication and did not make it on time. Meanwhile Gene, at 95, tried his best to get to her but fell and had heart failure. The dog's death speaks for itself - 11 days of no water or food stuck in a crate.
So damn sad. Poor dog. And them of course, but the dog.. suffered. I think the pills might be a red herring and that's what she was doing when she collapsed. I am think poison by a murderer or they shared the same poisonous mushroom omelette that morning..
I just like hear the poor dog crying and probably barking - so wait no one heard them?… and can you imagine how the other dogs must have felt? My heart can’t
I'm putting twenty bucks on my theory that the wife gave out some pills to off everyone . Then once Gene realized it he tried to make a break for it to get help but only got as far as the mud room before he collapsed .
They said his pacemaker stopped The dog was caged so probably starved and wife was found next to pill bottle She probably didn't want to live without him
It's usually something simple that gets overlooked by a poor assumption. We had a couple of "well experienced outdoors people" go on a hike with their baby and dog and all four were found dead.
Turns out they never looked at their route, and didn't bring enough water for it.
If the dog was crated and his owners passed, he would die of thirst or starvation. I think Gene died in a fall, or other natural causes. And his wife decided to join him by overdosing.
Oh, well that’s odd. Hadn’t heard that. Maybe it was an elderly dog who they worried wouldn’t transfer to a new owner well? It just seems like a death/suicide pact kind of thing. Maybe he died & she was distraught? All conjecture, of course.
how rich was he , who inherits and what their maga status ?
if the killer is maga they go free, get a ton of money and give a "donation" to donnie and go free, this is magaland , crime is king
gene his wife & dog found dead & police claim no foul play involved. the only foul play in america is by the police the most dangerous gang in america.
I was blown away when I first read that. Sure you could assume it might have been carbon monoxide poisoning, but until you confirm it, just say, “We’re still investigating.”
It was like the first chapter in a Jack Reacher book before he shows up to town.
Unfortunately, amateur detectives, conspiracy theorists, and podcast hosts will try to break it all down. We need a Sherlock Holmes, not Inspector Clouseaus.
I think at 95 he was ripe for exit and the grieving wife couldn't take it and ended herself and the dog. My question is who do you think died first, gene, wife or dog?
I don't think I could take the solipsistic self deprecating banter about the production values and their in jokes in service of our angel villain Gene. It's already making me anxious
in the Bill Lawrence comedy Ground floor (2013) the character played by Anna Camp says the best way to smile for a photo is to act like you are biting into an apple.
thinking he died, his heart device stopped. she committed suicide because she couldn't stand to live without him. how much more complicated does it need to be? his estate goes to his kids. so no one is making money off killing him (he was 95, longer than most people)
I do have a THEORY…
Wife had stroke in bathroom & was talking something for headache & pain & collapsed…
Gene was going for help & fell…
Dogs pushed door open going in & out…VERY SAD
Hard Strong Loving Marriage😢
It will take a while to figure this out…Prayers 🙏 to FAMILY 💔
Gene had the BALL A LOT!!
Or GENE had heart-attack
(He had ♥️Issues)& collapsed&Wife was getting Heart Meds in bathroom& something happened 2her😢
They liked their Private Life…
This doesn’t look like a suicide event at ALL…just extremely SAD but a VERY FULL Happy Life!!💔…Hoosiers🏀 will pay OVER&OVER during MARCH MADNESS!👍
So, Still a mystery.
I myself do not love cops but I bet i could enjoy a job with the Santa Fe police.
Was Gene Hackman’s filmography the key to his final mystery? Each episode unpacks his legendary roles, searching for hidden clues, eerie coincidences, and Hollywood secrets surrounding his passing. Was it fate—or something more? 👀🎙️ #TheHackmanFiles *joke*
but seriously - killed the german shepherd too!
and his pacemaker off since...FEB 16th apparently
over 2 weeks ago...
passed makes 0 sense.
and your relationship with your mother is strong, I presume... interesting
Go on, go on....I'm listening
It appears they had died 10 days before they were found.
the wife and dog is the real mystery, unless she couldn't take his loss.
but why the dog, too? maybe cancer/unhealthy.
On Feb 17. It’s assumed that he died at that time.
Unless someone came in, saw Hackmann & his wife dead, left them there, left the other two dogs running and crated the German shepherd?
All that information was made public.
i was just asking for a link to the info.
A cascade of failures, not a conspiracy.
It was a bathroom off the mud room
Seems fairly obvious.
Apparently not.
No jokes, no drama, all business.
Turns out they never looked at their route, and didn't bring enough water for it.
A man his wife and dog were all found dead at the same time, the dog didn't die of shock.
if the killer is maga they go free, get a ton of money and give a "donation" to donnie and go free, this is magaland , crime is king
WRONG!! Hackman would've kicked the Colonel's arse, even at 95.
No, our killer would have to have kept outside of walking stick range, yet attractive enough to capture Gene's attention.
Ergo, Miss Scarlett did it, with the Revolver!
Case closed...
Which CIA relay assassin GAR did he happen to speak to in the days preceding his unaliving?
It was like the first chapter in a Jack Reacher book before he shows up to town.
I’m guessing murder-suicide. But I don’t know about the dog.
Wife had stroke in bathroom & was talking something for headache & pain & collapsed…
Gene was going for help & fell…
Dogs pushed door open going in & out…VERY SAD
Hard Strong Loving Marriage😢
It will take a while to figure this out…Prayers 🙏 to FAMILY 💔
Gene had the BALL A LOT!!
(He had ♥️Issues)& collapsed&Wife was getting Heart Meds in bathroom& something happened 2her😢
They liked their Private Life…
This doesn’t look like a suicide event at ALL…just extremely SAD but a VERY FULL Happy Life!!💔…Hoosiers🏀 will pay OVER&OVER during MARCH MADNESS!👍