“To win, Democrats must inspire the public in a fractured information age, engage meaningfully with the cultural shifts around race, gender, family, and migration, make democracy work…and—most critically—deliver tangible results that improve people’s lives.”
but it basically got thrown out/they stopped talking about it about a month in.
Well, except rich people. And frankly they’re overdue some pain.
We have the lowest in the western world
The child tax credit cut childhood poverty in half. Republicons voted against extending it
If all forms of media spent half as much time explaining about what Dems HAVE done as they did complaining about what they haven't ...
Over 100 prominent economists said Harris’ economic plan was better than Trump’s. And the MSM buried it. Voters deliberately turned their faces away from hard economic facts to easy prejudice or stayed home.
They were lazy & stupid
The US is now flooded by right-wing propaganda: Fox, OAN, Newsmax, X, other Murdoch outlets (NY Post, Wall St. Journal), influencers (Rogen), Russian propaganda.
The MSM are center-right protecting their businesses & being bullied.
Dems have no competitive mechanisms.
I have no solution for this.
Seems billionaires get more involved when their obscene wealth is threatened.
This election was back to “the economy stupid” again not some rejection of progressive values.
and if nobody knows, then nobody understands.
and nobody can fix the herculean issues the Dems face without understanding.
1. Overcome an army of disinformation funnelled through multiple global media avenues to which they have no competition
2. Figure out how to take complicated issues and dumb them down for the masses
3. Get in the dirt and muck. Quit being polite and sticking to norms
Democrats are the ONLY ONES delivering policies that actually affect and benefit these people’s lives. They just suck at the messaging part! Republicans suck up all the oxygen take credit for things they didn’t pass and the Democrats don’t say shit!
Studies have shown that people with deficits in processing empathy and emotions are more likely to endorse harmful actions.
It just feels like instead of focusing on their voter base, they're wasting time and energy trying to "improve" the manchild sibling who can't even change their underwear
That's how deep the misinfo goes.
My question is, how do we overcome these obstacles to bring about real change? ..
I just don’t like, as a lefty, people showing up every four years to beat the Democrats over the head with the long game .
Absolutely no one is going to make me think otherwise.
wasn't policy, wasn't the campaign.There is a double standard I regret still overwhelms many in their choices.
We have PROOF they are actively engaging in astroturfing and other disruption, yet some hairless wags are pontificating “maybe if the Democrats fucked over more people, blah-blah-blah…”
Until we figure out a method to reach these people - one that is easily replicated - this is where we will live.
It is when 90% of the ideas to do so come from armchair strategists who have no experience with campaigns or comms or are only trying to help their specific faction.
One simple statement would have won this election.
On the ground, bypass the media and talk to people directly and make their lives better—those are the tactics that will work.
One place that Joe Biden sorely lacked was knowing how to pick fights to gather media attention as well as show people who and what he was fighting for. Trump is masterful at that.
E.g. "The President needs to address the border crisis." For this, can we start with asking what precisely is meant by a "crisis" and what specific outcomes need to be?
any after action report of 2024 prez race that does not admit white status fears are BY FAR main reason Harris lost is just dangerous denial👇🏼
2nd: GOP media capture & foreign interference
D policies consistently more popular
1. Acquire the biggest brassiest balls
2. Use balls to constantly beat Republicans over the head with their own nonsense
3. Develop a platform that doesn't accept failure on UBI and UBHC throw in a jobs guarantee and go after banking and finance
They absolutely should have HAMMERED this price gouging bill block! Highlight stuff. Reached out directly.
People are absolutely feeling the pinch and if nothing else have sticker shock
Dems lost because of post-pandemic inflation. But the information environment was just as bad - that's a long term project to fix. Either of those being different would change outcome
Kamala Harris was sunk b/c a significant enough proportion of the voting public was racist, misogynist, ignorant, hateful, and just plain stupid enough to think that an immoral, incompetent kleptocrat and traitor was a "better option".
simple as that.
she ran a great campaign.
If it was a white man delivering Harris' lines and doing everything she did, we'd have had a different result.
I'd love to see a woman POTUS. I'd love to see another person of color in the Oval. But I'm also pragmatic about the equations.
I grieve. I truly do.
Do you think that Fucklon is going to "deliver tangible results that improve people's lives"? Do you think that any of them will?
What's up with these earnest pieces arguing that we must be perfect or a dictator wins?
Because it sure seems like the answer is simply to spread lies, misinformation, jingoism, racism, and fear.
That's my takeaway. GOP can give in to their worst desires and still win a race.
Good insight here from Yuval which he writes about in Nexus. The audio version is available for free on Spotify Premium. Chapter 5 will blow your mind.
Oh, you mean raise wages over inflation? And make sure those wage gains are highest for those in lower income? And enable more people have money for retirement, whether pensions or via 401k? And forgive the loan debts of 5M people?
No, a different tangible.
Biden, a Dem Congress, and Powell delivered a perfect “soft” landing, but politically, it’s clear an Obama / Paul Ryan austerity stimulus is preferred.
I would actually like to read an article on how Dems need to spend *less* time trying to tangibly fix all people’s problems, and more time creating an emotional attachment to a Dem brand
Biden kept his head down, focused on tangible results. Do we need narrative & enemy creation instead?
Shorter: to win, they need magic powers.
I look at Harris' campaign and it's a thing of wonder. What she did in a matter of weeks was historic.
I'm at the point of wondering if there was anything D's could have done to overcome the massive cheating of the R's.
Which isn't a surprise but I didn't expect to see so many people saying that whatever the Dems give us should be enough, thank m'lords for their generosity
I should have, but I thought maybe the fact that never works would get through
Fear is what wins
Also the other side lied to hide their agenda. Why does this have to be a Dem problem? Their propaganda machine is crushing us, of course we didn't fucking win.
Maybe people are just selfish and bad, and it's not a matter of presenting reasonable choices to reasonable people.
"If we can't have lobster, we'll gladly choose manure."
I'm not saying the messaging and policies were all great--but the argument above could use some facts.
And there’s no being good enough from the Dems—it’s just that DT has to be THAT much worse than he was in 2020, which is why Biden won! People were THAT desperate to get away from DT and his failures in the cvid19 era.
They’ll be desperate to switch again come 2028.