honestly a little surprised that this is getting full scandal treatment from the press and i think one reason is that it is secretive. high ranking officials were *hiding* something and the (idiotic) aphorism that the "cover-up is worse than the crime" has kicked the scandal instinct into gear.
No record, no trail, no history.
It’s a shadow government -
That’s the story.
Yes it borders on a religion.
It is a pretty well defined value system even for folks who are highly marginalized.
tRump and his merry band of incompetent clowns must resign. They must be removed from our government now. They must be prosecuted for treason and the laundry list of crimes they commit against Americans on a daily basis!
@jamellebouie.net, do you think this is NOT a big deal? Because this absolutely is. Like, this is fucking awful.
He’s disappearing permanent legal residents to concentration camps on El Salvador with no due process.
Criticizing authoritarian policy means taking a stance on policy and staking out an ideological position. Claiming something is illegal is also iffy. But criticizing them for incompetence doesn't require taking a stance
Chef's Kiss
Maggot Haberman
that one?
Media loooooooooooves to be the center of the scandal
Just bc it's a clownish behavior doesn't make it any less classified info that shouldn't be outside govt setting.
At minimum we could've lost a military vessel that would've shot the tomahawk missiles from the Red Sea & crew if not that & the fighter jets & pilots.
took long enough to realize they were being played the last few decades by him.
They’re just taking it at face value that they’re “criminals, thugs, and gang members” when we know damn well they’re not.
We cannot just leave them there!
to El Salvador!
Towards the end of his term.
and it's
this team is out to help putin destroy eu
how Fox "News" became so influential
corporate media loves scandals and they can't just squash this one. It's too big.
THem actually attempting to defend it, suddenly it's a story.
Sad but true. They care more about this thing because it tangentially involves them and all of them are jealous it wasn’t them and want to get their name and number out there in case…. Cynical but the media is what it is
Hurting brown and poor people by slashing SS and Education—also fine
Hurting brown people badly without due process—still fine
Hurting our *white boys* in the military—now it’s not ok
*This* is why Donald’s supporters finally care.
It’s a threat to the safety of our military
Felonious Don’s admin is stupid and has no respect for protocols devised for good reason
By definition this was a WAR CRIME for not avoiding unnecessary civilian deaths
This is why Trump refuses to recognize the international court.
They all need to be charged and convicted and barred from travel in member states
I wish #America was in a strong enough position to Immediately Arrest and Prosecute such Traitorous Activities.
Moore's Law has been the Law Of The Land for some time now.
Enemies HAD these Signal texts immediately.
- There wasn’t anything classified anyway!
- Hackers! Witch-hunt!
…they are clearly hiding something and they are struggling to backpedal.
….but her emails, right?
so the media doesn't need to make their own moral judgment, it's made for them by the lies and denials
But the general consensus of the public is that the coverup actually *is* worse.
People mostly support striking Yemen.
Exposing classified information and the violation of the Federal Records Act is what most people are talking about right now.
Like, it's like an episode of Veep or something.
were meant to see the the war planning.
The press has an intuitive grasp of this.
Conservatives will always turn on each other.
Longtime Atlantic reader here - I think he's very much a creature of the Washington establishment, but then anyone covering national security issues for as long as he as almost has to be. There are certainly disadvantages to that, but advantages too.
GOP likes to 'flood the zone' with bs
If you can't dazzle with brilliance, baffle with bs
Still pretty softball shit, considering "Deleting, Shredding or Hiding communication from FOIA" isn't admin specific.
Secrecy. Journalism hero. Classified information leak.
They’re all seethingly jealous that they weren’t the ones added to the chat and living out the ‘what would I do if it was me’ scenarios.
This is a technological coup. They’re not worried about judges or lawmakers if they can turn federal payments and social security on and off. They can extort with that chaos.
I’m quite enjoying this 😂
This IS worse than the crime itself !
if there's a glimmer of hope it's in the fact that they're finally going for the jugular with any of this admin *at all* this round, at least for now, as are an increasing number of Congressional Dems.
it opens more possible avenues to be heard on the OTHER shit.
which, ok, glad y'all are back to doing your job for a change (more or less) but jesus fucking christ did we NEED this?
where the fuck do we all go from here? seriously.
He's fucking with the MIC bag.
It's why they freaked out about Ukraine too. They will sell our entire society out to keep lubricating the war machine with innocent blood.
Second a bad player might have been able to add a participant but not decode the program.
WHY haven’t they realized, a bad player would add a hacked phone. They need to check the reporter’s phone for spyware.
Payback just might be a bitch!
If what those texts said was so innocuous… why not let the journo share it then?
Despite my stark hashtag, I'm so happy today!!! "Nobody was texting war plans" my a**! Time to read these receipts...