One of the people I mentioned above is my son, and the other is a friend of my daughter’s whom I absolutely love. Excluding people for pronouns means losing out on awesome people.
Instead of Mac 'n cheese, it's sweet potato casserole AND corn souffle AND mashed potatoes with giblet gravy!
My MeeMaw always glazed a big ole ham too, for family not liking turkey. Her oyster stuffing was famous.
Oh man I just made myself ravenous & it's a way to go before even lunch.
one thing is always abundantly clear.. the reich wing connedservative republicans are not very good with words, and have NO sense of humor, but watching their failed attempts at walking & chewing gum at the same time is always good for a laugh
It is so sad that they are so obsessed with the left. I don't think about a right wing Thanksgiving. Maybe they should get a hobby like knitting or reading.
I desperately need him to explain where he associates "mommy milker" with liberal political ideology. Something tells me he was confusing it with his porn search terms.
I am so thrilled to be living under the rule of the sophomoric football players like I suffered under in my first two years of HS. I eventually emotionally detached to the point I would sit inside my car for a half hour before class - and run out the second the day was over. Got I hated that.
This guy ran for Senate, didn't he? This is one of the cringiest things I've seen in a long time. Nobody genders the turkey they're eating you dipshit.
They're going to be making the same hackneyed jokes on their deathbeds.
"My pronouns are dead/dying" he whispered hoarsely, coughing the last bit of bloody sputum as he tried to laugh at himself. His RN's roll their eyes at each other as they prepare him for intubation and the vent is rolled in.
LOL. Mandel is the biggest snowflake of them all. Looked for his Twitter page and it's "protected". He's such a pussy that he won't even make it public. Fuck him. Hope he gets destroyed in his bid for the senate.
or, not.
Lmao quit on the joke before he even hit send. Soy Boy stuffing was right there!
Everything stays the same since 1983 because conservatives hate novelty or change.
Someone needs to check up on their children- they are going to need a lot of therapy as adults.
My MeeMaw always glazed a big ole ham too, for family not liking turkey. Her oyster stuffing was famous.
Oh man I just made myself ravenous & it's a way to go before even lunch.
Mandel is worthless
sweet jesus I beg these people to get some therapy.
No red hats allowed.
1) the election is over; and,
2) he’s still not a senator
it's fucking bad enough out there.
"Everything else is too woke."
Please tell me this guy isn’t a professional comedian
My god, some people are beyond awful. Like we all need a reminder.
if they were not hypocrites, nothing because it was all picked or processed by a migrant worker
Now you have my attention.
This is just dumb.
"My pronouns are dead/dying" he whispered hoarsely, coughing the last bit of bloody sputum as he tried to laugh at himself. His RN's roll their eyes at each other as they prepare him for intubation and the vent is rolled in.
I don’t even know what a casserole is