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NBC News: The Espionage Act contains a provision making it crime to disclose national defense secrets "through gross negligence."   The law does not require info be classified, because it was written before the classification system existed. The law refers simply to "national defense information."
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There's no gaslighting your way out of this.
Bravo to for his bravery and journalistic integrity.
They’re not going to get out of this by playing semantics. Sending detailed information about an upcoming military strike on unclassified channels (and even to the wrong guy) is wrong, reckless, and obviously a threat to American troops.
Crockett: "The idea that you want to shut down everybody that is not Fox News is bullshit. We need to stop playing."
Crow: You were also traveling during this discussion, correct? Gabbard: Yes. Crow: And where were you? Gabbard: I don't recall which country I was in at that time. Crow: You don't remember the country?
oh my god -- Comer thinks "editorial standards" literally refers to standards for editorials and is corrected by the NPR head
As more information is revealed, it is clear that the cover-up is even worse than the crime. Every single person involved has no business being involved in our government. At minimum, there should be resignations. And prosecutions.
Castro: "The idea that this information, if it was presented to our committee, would not be classified, you all know is a lie. That's ridiculous."
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Teen Warned Not To Accept Group Chat Invites From National Security Advisors She Doesn’t Know