Trump threatens more tariffs on Canada in response to Doug Ford’s export tax on electricity, the more studious among you might ask why an export tax is bad if we don’t need anything from Canada.
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Trump is angry because he is under pressure and going to reduce oil, gas and potash tariffs...and now Ford is showing the way to other provinces to surtax oil, gas, potash, etc.
The guy’s a grotesque dingbat but at least he knows where and how to apply leverage. The Orange Turd just farts out a tariff and then walks it back when a minion with something approximating a spine tells him why it will fuck American businesses.
You know what you're "not allowed to do"? Break an agreement YOU helped create by imposing tariffs and without congressional approval (This fake fentanyl ruse to invoke an emergency measure is bullshit).
The president of the United States of America just said "your not allowed to do that". Complete with the misspelling I'd think it was written by a third grader.
He's a narcissist who was given what he was promised was absolute power, but people STILL keep telling him "no". That, and he's a senile drug addict with the impulse control of a particularly impulsive toddler.
The "and your not even allowed to do that" vaults this into the all time top 5 of statements for me. Not even the wrong your, more about the general tone of a leader using that phrase.
There was a scene cut from The Godfather, Part II, where the young Don Corleone witnessed the Black Hand, Don Fanucci, getting attacked by some street punks. He then realized Don Fanucci was a fraud, all bluster, who could easily be taken.
Instead of trying to annex Canada, can Canada annex New England and NYS? At this point I would prefer to be part of Canada and control the St Lawrence seaway
* The Canadian tariffs on dairy were negotiated by Trump in a plan that he touted, at the time, as great
* The tariffs only kick in after a certain amount of exports from the US that are tariff-free
* That amount has never been met
* The US has similar tariffs already
Could the media maybe ask him this question- “Why are you destroying a trade agreement you signed and said at the time was the greatest ever?” I think it would short circuit his MAGA brain chip if he had to consider that question. But the media refuses to ask it.
There is no gotcha moment in fascism. Fascism itself is idiosyncratic and self-contradictory. That’s why there’s a leader who defines (if necessary repeatedly) what is right and wrong.
I’m not looking for a gotcha moment. I’m looking for the mainstream media to show the public they can still tell the real truth about a guy who happens to be president and blackmailing all facets of the free world. I want them to clearly see what he is presenting. They aren’t currently doing that.
I think this question would be asked if any true journalist got access rather than just the state propaganda. That is why AP and Reuters have been frozen out. All our independent media have been running with this- Meidas and Ring of fire for example.
It doesn’t mean they can’t ask the question once. His gibberish on the answer might show a few more people that this guy is a fraud. Some still think he simply just wants to lower grocery prices. They listen about costs and it would be for that audience.
This guy is so toxic right know he's running from trigger to trigger trying to patch the holes of policy incompetence and constant conflict that he created. The guy has been cray for some time now but his madness has detatched him even further from reality because of the self-induced stress.
He didn’t set up NAFTA - that was created in 1994. Trump, Enrique Peña Nieto, and Justin Trudeau agreed to replace NAFTA with the USMCA which went into effect in 2020. Trump bragged about what a great deal he made. In fact, very little was changed. It’s really just NAFTA 2.0.
There’s a joke on The King of Queens where Doug buys an American-made VCR, which does everything an imported one does, except rewind, fast forward, pause, etc.
The idea that we can produce these metals in the US, while true, still means Americans will end up paying more because it costs more to mine here... From a labor standpoint.
We've cut off immigration and are at nearly full employment. Who is going to do these jobs, anyway?
Canada will sell their forest products to China, China will no longer buy forest products from the US, but will still sell paper, OSB, particleboard, and other forest product derivatives to the US at much higher prices. Bad news for the American timber industry.
Since Trump lies about literally everything, I’m guessing it’s a lie regarding the tariffs Canada has been charging us and a lie regarding the surcharge being illegal.
We say to Felonious Rump: we don't need your authoritarianism, narcissism, stupidity, the gelatinous jiggle of your morbid obesity, or your risible comb-over. Go T-off in Russia!
wow, if only there was an international body that could arbitrate trade disputes between countries, and perhaps a second specific international body for arbitrating trade disputes between the US and Canada
Or maybe, what if there was already some sort of trade agreement already in place between the two countries that a certain President negotiated and proclaimed how great it was just a few years ago.
I understand that Canada thinks they are providing "value" from something that they are calling "electricity" well we won't be fooled by their made-up foreign words will we
Ok. We’ll keep our clean oil and potash then. Go fuck yourself, and have a nice day. Have fun fracking for oil and plowing down all your national parks for the lumber too, that’s a brilliant fucking idea.
So if, as Trump claims, we don’t need Canada’s energy, why are we even consuming it and if we are currently consuming it, why don’t we just stop and avoid the energy tariff? I thought Trump went to Wharton and had an uncle who taught at MIT. He should be able to figure all this out.
That 250% tariff he is talking about only takes effect if US dairy exports to Canada reach a quota Trump agreed to and signed in the USMCA. And to date, dairy imports into Canada have only reached half of the set quota, so it's a non-issue.
Felon34-In-Chief is doing his best impression of a petty tyrant trying to strongarm other nations into doing his bidding in a vain attempt to appear 'tough'. Also, the stable genius doesn't know the difference between 'your' and 'you're'; he just types in a fit of rage and hits Send.
I guess this is what happens when you spend 4 years in an echo chamber where nobody dares question you... Someone needs to take his keyboard away from him for a week 🤦♂️😂
Also doesn't know the difference between your and you're. And he is... the president of the united states. I know highschoolers sharper than this clown.
He's pissed cause he was outsmarted by Ford..Doesn't like it when he's hit back harder.Wait until Ford cuts the power off ...But we don't need Canada the orange 🍊 idiot's mind
The electricity surcharge will raise users' electricity bill. And, if the Felon continues with his crazy retribution tariffs, Ford said he'll stop providing electricity altogether. Knowing that, you would think the Felon would want to stop this idiotic cat-n-mouse game. We'll see if he gives it up.
Export taxes doing exactly what they are meant to and inciting Trump into keeping the Canada tariffs since he can't accept backing down. The Trumpsession is going to be so big and beautiful, better than any ordinary recession, they say the best ever...really they do.
This motherfucker signed an order to make English the official language of the country and doesn’t know the difference between your and you’re. Dumb fuck. Die, bitch!
One distinctive feature of MAGAts is their lack of education. I had numerous arguments with MAGAts on grammar issues alone. They insist they are correct in writings like Whose right instead of Who is right. They firmly believe those incorrect grammar. The Orange Felon is MAGAt representative.
Trump apparently wants to fight the tariffs the Canadians are now charging the US population by having the American people pay more for Canadian goods.... like treating a bullet wound by adding salt to it.
In case anyone wants to know how Trump bankrupted 3 casinos in Atlantic City, NJ.... people who lived there put faith in Trump when he was running those casinos as they depended on him... and he quickly destroyed their lives.... he's never to be trusted.
More like Trump is abusing the tariffs. One day he threatens, gets told not to, has to reconsider putting them on. He wants to play hardball, go for it and you tank and bankrupt America
I'd like to point out that those super high tariffs only apply after a certain amount of untariffed sales are reached, and it's to prevent over saturation of Canadian markets putting Canadian farms out of business, and thus making Canada completely reliant on US produce.
Trump fucking hates that Canada's not just a complete dumping ground for excess US products and that we actually make our own stuff. ...and usually to higher quality standards.
Trump is that idiot who threatens someone who can kick their ass because he knows HE won't suffer the consequences. He genuinely enjoys the suffering of others and he doesn't care who.
He only cares if they're going to blame him for the suffering. As long as he can keep making the rubes look somewhere else, he'll keep moving the cups.
President Shitnozzle strikes again!
This is what happens when you put a cranky toddler in charge of stuff. Like your economy.
Jesus America. Start fighting back.
I would like to see BC using more Canadian steel. We end up importing from China and then the steel isn’t up to snuff so we import it again. Not very cost saving.
I’m not saying Ford is a great guy or anything, but it’s kind of who Trump needs to face. Trump gets off on being a wildcard and he knows how careful people will react. He needs a crazy motherfcker to bring him to heel.
So it looks like Canada was trying to protect its domestic dairy and poultry industries, and grain to a lesser extent. Yet they still were a significant trading partner for the same, US products.
The US gets a market, Canada shores up supply and supports its industry. Sounds a bit win-win.
Trump would be apoplectic if he heard former PM Jean Chrétien speaking at the Liberal Party conference on Sunday stating that Canada should impose 25% export taxes on Canadian energy destined for the US and use the money to build an east-west pipeline so we can eventually just sell it overseas!
It’s not fair that Canada is increasing the cost of their energy and forcing us to pay the tax. Only I get to tax, oops tariff my citizens. Scribbled djt
This “Truth” has such terrible grammar, and it honestly pains me to read it purely for that. Surely the President of the United States of America should be able to craft a paragraph with correct grammar? Yes?
Ooooh this is so good, keep it going Trump, Canada continues to unite behind your bullshit- we get closer and stronger with every disrespectful, moronic word!!!
are they allowed to do that
come on
they're not even allowed to that right
is that allowed
avoided the political heatbags of the fedcons by turning on an even shadier crook in trump
i think he recognized he'd get eaten alive in that arena at his own games, unlike president smith of oilberta
2. …
3. We don’t need Canada!
Jesus fucking wept
“Mommmmmm! They’re picking on meeeee!!”
Don Trump is Don Fanucci.
So Dougie..........go ahead & flip the switch. 🙂
When was the last time he cared whether something was allowed?
O Canada!! (a much better national anthem)
* The Canadian tariffs on dairy were negotiated by Trump in a plan that he touted, at the time, as great
* The tariffs only kick in after a certain amount of exports from the US that are tariff-free
* That amount has never been met
* The US has similar tariffs already
Bro is not having a good time
Just, fuck off.
We've cut off immigration and are at nearly full employment. Who is going to do these jobs, anyway?
Good for the goose, good for the gander?
*Air Bud dunks another basket*
Trump: "mods! mods!!"
Also, never thought I'd have to you're* the president
“Your” was used correctly 3 times. Missed one “you’re” and some odd capitalizations.
You can do that !
Be fair!
Shut off the electricity completely!
As in "You're a dumbass, Sir, I said with tears in my eyes."
I suppose I should just be grateful he didn't call it "Lumbar"
And Trump will use that as an excuse to invade Canada.
My "odd"-o-meter is burned out.
This trip into Trump’s brain has been brought to you by Bat-Shit, the crazy you need when Regular Crazy isn’t enough.
Goode grief, he's just embarrassing.
Really remarkable what Orange President has achieved without even a third grade level education.
Many say… friendships are priceless!
I think the TRUMP TARIFF STRATEGY is misguided and just plain dumb! paraphrase a former Prime Minister: just watch us.
President Shitnozzle strikes again!
This is what happens when you put a cranky toddler in charge of stuff. Like your economy.
Jesus America. Start fighting back.
Making it sound like Canada is the instigator
The sad part is MAGA believe him and behave accordingly
trump: fires everyone who does military action oversight of any kind
canadians: *start learning to make ied's
The US gets a market, Canada shores up supply and supports its industry. Sounds a bit win-win.
Because it sure isn’t English!!
Is Tiddles suggesting it’s actually something else?
Mar-a-Largo delanda est.
Mallo-Mars just don’t do it for me anymore.