I want to write a think piece about how the thirst for presidential immunity is part of a larger authoritarian sentiment leading to things like qualified immunity and thin blue line mentality and this mf just tweets it out
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The outer boundary of presidential responsibility was ruled immune to civil suits after presidency for Nixon. The SC was split in that case, but 9 justices agreed that no criminal immunity exists in each of their opinions.
Unless I'm mistaken*, that's already the way our system, both legal and economic, operates. Sadly, it's falling now to one particular political party, to undermine the whole system. This is a system that has mostly served us well, all this time. GOP wants to bring us down.😐
It's sad how close such jokes and actual views come, these day. But even though a joke (which I appreciate), the words themselves made me Think. Always a good thing.😎
It's a bit less than that. There is no immunity for criminal acts and civil immunity only applies to actions taken in official capacity. Wouldn't protect Trump in the slander trial, for example.
OK, it's early here and I may not be awake yet. Is it only Republican presidents that require immunity?
Nixon - Watergate et al, pardoned.
Regan - Iran-Contra et al, never charged
Bush - Iran-Contra et al co-conspirator, never charged
Bush II - Monitoring calls + Iraq, never charged.
I feel like we've had close to 45 presidents that were able to properly function without fear of indictment after their term(s) ended. Not sure what the complaint is about.
It's partly the same old victim whine, and partly him assuming that anyone would do what he would if he gets power again. He's expressed his intention to publish his perceived enemies more than once.
I was coming here to make the same point. Not one other US President has *needed* complete immunity, until Trump (OK, maybe Nixon, but we’ll never know).
Don’t do criminal stuff and you don’t need complete immunity.
Andrew Jackson was corrupt af, but HE didn't get prosecuted.
And Warren Harding conveniently died before his administration's scandals could've reached him in court.
FACT: Trump doesn't think anyone else should be President
FACT: Trump indicated a good President's pronouns could be him or her
CONCLUSION: Trump is non-binary.
So he's back on Twitter? That's good, in a way: his own tweets were always the best indictments against him. Somebody keep records, cuz I ain't going back there.
We have to live with the occasional embezzling cop with a side hustle doing murder for hire, otherwise we can't have strong and effective crime. Prevention.
What he’s ranting about makes zero sense. They have to follow rules and procedures set up by laws and precedent. That’s what makes us a stable and great country .
While it is fine to say Trump is crazy, it isn't like this isn't a long standing conservative viewpoint! He just shouts the shit they publish in journal/essay form.
At least I'm sure he and his fans would be intellectually consistent and apply this same logic to democratic presidents. Anyway, off to go buy a bridge!
Gerald Ford, for all his nice guy bona fides, really screwed America when he decided that it would be too painful to make a president who committed crimes pay for his actions.
If he gets total immunity, Biden should just seat 12 more Supreme Court Justices. Illegal, you say? Not under "the president can do whatever they want" clause of Trump V Everyone
Calling a horrific, deadly wartime situation a "genocide" doesn't make it so. The term is used too-casually, Against a Palestinian foe for whom "genocide" is existential. You didn't come to use this word on your own, but read it from someone else. Maybe you can find an accurate term.
I don't understand what you're saying, and not entirely sure you're talking to me, and not to the prior post. I acknowledge that I'm often a bit dense. That said, will you explain?
I responded to the person's Profile, which had the word in it. I've made a whole mess of this thing, for which I apologize. Now I slink away in a state of embarrassment.😐
Yeah, well, I Thought I did. Of course. But now I don't see the same post in place above mine. I don't know what I saw, or what has happened. I responded to a specific word; the word is not in the post above mine; so I suppose it's "never mind." 😐
[It turns out that I was responding to something in the original poster's Profile. You're correct: it in no way appears in the post I responded to. I'd like to say that I'll never make that mistake again, but I make too-many mistakes to risk saying that!😎]
If this is the case why doesn’t Biden just save Democracy using autocracy and have Trump drug into a basement somewhere and shot? Trump advocating for the old simpleminded response that doesn’t imagine someone *else having power.
He's also forgotten (or never knew) that the phrase "bad apple" comes from the saying "it only takes one bad apple to ruin the whole barrel". Though, to be fair, corrupting a phrase about corruption is very meta-Trump.
It’s funny how all other presidents are terrible and he has stated that he will prosecute opponents, simply because they are opponents. But he himself must have immunity to do illegal things.
I mean this is all qualified immunity - the idea that you can do anything in your duties as an officer of the state, so long as you believe it to be the correct thing to do. Christ a judge was let off the hook on qualified immunity for biting a defendant's nose. This country is beyond help.
"Any Mistake" oopsie, I just had a few thousand people deported who were born citizens. Uhoh, I just incited riot at the capital with my position of authority. Shuckie darn! Oh well, I have immunity, so I can destroy the country with no consequences to me! Totalitarianism FTW!
Funny enough, he likely meant "immunity for our party." He'd be more than giddy to see a Dem get taken down legally for doing even a third of what he's accused of.
Trump clearly does believe that the US President has total, unbridled power.
Oh, how he would love to be an omnipotent despot.
No wonder that he (and his MAGAts) see the Constitution merely as a hurdle to overcome, rather than, well, the constitution of the Union.
Well if you could still write it, perhaps with proper capitalization, punctuation, and paragraph breaks, that would be great. I can't read this without my brain zoning out. 😄
King Toad is doing some real "they'll put you in jail for misgendering someone" energy there.
He's honest to Gobbs suggesting stealing government documents or attempting to overturn an election or blackmailing foreign governments just deserves a "meh, these things will happen" 🤬
He'd be saying the exact opposite of Biden or Hillary were seeking such things. He's highlighting he has some rotten skeletons that he's trying to protect exposure of.
There's a piece waiting to be written about how the backlash to civilian control of police that started during the 70's or so (DIRTY HARRY is a good bookend here) is in fact one of the strongest and perhaps the most insidious manifestation of victimhood culture in the US.
"A culture of victimhood is one characterized by concern with status and sensitivity to slight combined with a heavy reliance on third parties. People are intolerant of insults, even if unintentional, and react by bringing them to the attention of authorities or to the public at large."
"Thin Blue Line" types, especially among police officers, imagine cops as the noble victims of criminals, defense lawyers, judges, elected officials, and the voting public.
And this histrionic performance is directed at authorities whenever they try to rein in abuses by police officers.
So if we ask him or any of his cult if it’s ok for President Biden to have Trump ☠️ since it’s ok with all the immunity, they’ll say “yep, totally ok” ? 😆😂😆😂
Please, someone with access to them ask the question. 🤣
He's a con artist. I'm not convinced he didn't run in the first place to avoid prosecution for all his various crimes and now he's running again to try and stay out of jail.
Unfortunately, he's a con artist being used by the fascist right.
He’s just quoting William Henry Harrison, Calvin Coolidge , Jimmy Carter, etc. They all say that when they’re running, but then never actually become imperial fascists.
Really begging the question in his post isn't her--"great but slightly imperfect." IS that, actually, an accurate statement of the net effect law enforcement as it currently exists in America has for MOST people, paying MOST of these costs (financial or human) of these "slight imperfections"?
Has anyone told him that full immunity would mean Joe could have a group of thugs come dig up Ivana's casket , plant an IED at MAL , beat up them club members with a flagpole and Senate wouldn't be able to do zilch about it?
I don't think Habba is capable of telling him that.
Oh yes, laws, protections of the populace, and the rule of law is SO inconvenient! How can we allow bad actors to be hog-tied with such regulations! Can't we see that this is getting in his majesty's way? 😏
What’s fascinating about it is that Trump has complete comfort that even if Biden were given “complete & total immunity” even for events which “cross the line”, Biden wouldn’t actually use it against him or his supporters.
Our values are their tools. Trump's entire life is a net loss for humanity. It's rare that one individual can cause so much suffering in such a short amount of time.
I mean, by his logic, President Joe Biden could just have Donald Trump killed and he couldn't be tried for it. That's what he's arguing for. Granted, Biden would never do that, but Trump certainly would once back in office.
That made me think of King George's song in "Hamilton". So I went to YouTube to refresh my memory, and damn if it doesn't sound like him, except not as strident.
It's "impossible" for US Presidents to function without something that US Presidents functioned just fine without for over 200 years, and even the Kings of the UK haven't been considered to have for over 800 years.
Maybe it's just Trump who can't manage to obey the law.
I wonder what Alito and Thomas will say in order to side with Trump on this question. That should be interesting unless they just default to "because 'fuck the libs', that's why".
So not only does he believe (some) Presidents should be held criminally accountable but also for things they did not do.
People with authority in
public service should be held to a HIGHER level of responsibility.
Cops are allowed to carry guns: bad cops should be drummed out and bad departments restructured
The President isn't a king. He's just a guy doing a job. If he breaks the law, JAIL HIM.
(($; -)}™
*I often am
(($; -)}™
Nixon - Watergate et al, pardoned.
Regan - Iran-Contra et al, never charged
Bush - Iran-Contra et al co-conspirator, never charged
Bush II - Monitoring calls + Iraq, never charged.
Has #Trump just gone WOKE???
Don’t do criminal stuff and you don’t need complete immunity.
And Warren Harding conveniently died before his administration's scandals could've reached him in court.
FACT: Trump indicated a good President's pronouns could be him or her
CONCLUSION: Trump is non-binary.
We all have things we’re good at.
First time he's ever been vulnerable with his emotions, good for him!
Actually not that different from Dem establishment push for the garbage they dump on us.
Don't reject the 'good' for the 'perfect.'
If only any of this could even be vaguely described as 'good.'
(($; -)}™
(($; -)}™
I responded to the person's Profile, which had the word in it. I've made a whole mess of this thing, for which I apologize. Now I slink away in a state of embarrassment.😐
(($; -)}™
With apologies,
(($; -)}™
(($; -)}™
2024: Analysis is dead
"I checked and call bullshit" - Robespierre.
1. Revealing the underlying corruption that fuels minority control strategy of fascism
2. Revealing that concentrated capital is its source
3. Revealing the corporate media enabling complicity in the movement
With his level of interference and constants talks with Mike Johnson, how is his actions not seen as the infamous "deep state?'
Oh, how he would love to be an omnipotent despot.
No wonder that he (and his MAGAts) see the Constitution merely as a hurdle to overcome, rather than, well, the constitution of the Union.
He's honest to Gobbs suggesting stealing government documents or attempting to overturn an election or blackmailing foreign governments just deserves a "meh, these things will happen" 🤬
That's the topic.
And this histrionic performance is directed at authorities whenever they try to rein in abuses by police officers.
Please, someone with access to them ask the question. 🤣
He is unique among US presidents in the extent of his criminality and sociopathy, which is saying a lot.
Unfortunately, he's a con artist being used by the fascist right.
I feel like we’re experiencing what so many other countries went through when the CIA went in to prop up dictators to oppose socialism/communism.
Also, in his case, he wants that for criming outside the bounds of elected official. He'd r*pe left right and center then claim presidential immunity.
I don't think Habba is capable of telling him that.
He couldn’t possibly have written this.
Who is the prick lackey that polished his 💩 turd?
I am being told this was just an expansion for a video game and did not actually happen.
Maybe it's just Trump who can't manage to obey the law.
* The Great But Slightly Imperfect Gatsby
* Great But Slightly Imperfect Expectations
* It’s The Great But Slightly Imperfect Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
* The Great But Slightly Imperfect Imposter
* Make America Great But Slightly Imperfect Again