I just can’t fathom the thought process when you’re looking at a pile of 783 dildos and you think “You know what I really need at the store today? A dildo.”
Yeah! I *guess* it's to teach kids that "forty" and "40" represent the same thing, but it sure looks weird to those of us who learned that fact decades ago. :}
“The crime you see now, it's hard to even take its measure. It's not that I'm afraid of it. But, I don't want to push my chips forward and go out and meet something I don't understand. A man would have to put his soul at hazard. He'd have to say, "O.K., I'll be part of this world."”
This is still less unsettling the secret verse to Big Rock Candy Mountain, though I guess now that I think about it it’s very closely related to Diddy’s operation
I wonder if he had one of those secret agent armory rooms, but instead of racks of guns -dicks?
Or was his house just dicks everywhere?
Better than stepping on Legos I guess…
...how does one even store damn near a thousand dildos? Are we talking about lined up on shelves, or is this more of a "multiple color-coded tote bins" situation?
His sphincter control is impressive.
Which, I suppose it is.
apparently, there're even more left
And yes, I'm purposefully using the word "seizing" here.
- John Birmingham
Must be diminishing returns.
Ken, if you were his defense lawyer, what plausible use would you offer in court for that much baby oil?
Or was his house just dicks everywhere?
Better than stepping on Legos I guess…
The manufacturer?
to those lyrics.
It’s not a good thing