This is a fundamental belief on their side. That there are criminals, and there are good people, and both are rigid categories. This is why punishing the Jan 6th rioters is wrong, because even though they did crimes, they aren't criminals. Ditto Rittenhouse. Ditto Trump.
I dunno, I guess I just want the half of the US voting population about to vote for this guy to explain why they're suddenly OK with all the stuff their ancestors died to defeat.
America had a depressingly large pro-nazi contingent until Pearl Harbor made openly supporting them unpopular (and even then mostly for anti-Asian racist reasons than genuine objections to nazism, at least until the horrible extent of the holocaust became clear).
There is no such thing as a genetic predisposition to commit atrocities, and if such a ridiculous thing existed everyone would really be well-advised to cross the street to avoid people of obvious European heritage.
This is the corollary to Trump claiming he must be smart because his uncle was an MIT professor. I guarantee you he learned white supremacy, eugenics, and “race science” at Papa Fred’s knee.
He literally said the other day that the 1890s was when America was richest and vowed to take us back to gilded age “prosperity,” which included 90% of the population living in what today would be considered poverty and half of those in abject misery.
Not the first to say it, obviously, but it's really something the fuck else for anyone to look at Donald Trump and think, "this is the pinnacle of genetics."
trump: ‘get your torches ready. Apply now for late night parade permits. look for buildings with lots of windows. Make sure your gear is battle ready.’
If murder could be found in genes and and one race or another was predisposed to having them (both ludicrous concepts) then based on historical precedent I'd be most worried about other white people
Somebody should ask him if Hitler did anything wrong and if his answer is anywhere near Candace Owens „he shouldn’t have gone beyond Germany“ that should end his career… 🤪(*)
There is no alternative choice. Anything else is throwing your vote away. Now you can choose to throw your vote away or stay at home, or you can act like an adult, face up to realities even when they're unpleasant, and engage in harm-minimization.
But I'll repeat: part of being an adult means accepting realities that you don't like, and doing the best you can within them. Throwing a fit and packing your ball and going home helps nobody.
Trump hasn’t learned a single thing since 1975. That’s why he’s always banging on about reviving the steel industry by using protective tariffs; that was a big, mainstream issue in the ‘70s.
Any actual genes for “crime” are probably related to ADHD and impulse control deficits, which is really fucking rich coming from a guy who clearly falls on that spectrum.
The Venn diagram of people who believe in the disgraced pseudoscience of eugenics and overweight white American men with polo shirts tucked into bad jeans is a circle.
He's always been obsessed with eugenics. It's why he eats how he eats and lives how he lives; he honestly believes that your genes dictate everything so it doesn't matter how you live.
I love your stuff but... retweeting this nazi shit.. like idk can you put like some trump or project 2025 bit on there so anyone who knows for years that Mussolini -wannabe is fash can keep that out of the feed without missing interesting posting about stuff like gay manifesto or organising?
The linguistic pretzels they will twist themselves into to avoid saying, "Racist Nazi bullshit" is astonishing.
We know what they mean, but the insulting part is that they figure if they don't report they're Nazis, then that's journalistic integrity. As if that didn't happen in 1939.
The Alt-right has always flirted with eugenics. Nothing was done years ago when marginalized communities were sounding alarm bells, so now it's normalized.
A revolution is required.
It's not really flirting when you hit the point where you're in a multi-decade devoted relationship. More like "wedded to"
The alt-right is founded on eugenics. Just about everything else they believe comes as a consequence of their ideas about who is genetically superior/inferior to who
They haven't flirted with it, they *are* it. These are literally just the continuation of the people who flat-out spawned the Nazis in the first place.
Most of the younger generation of “alt-right” dweebs got their start talking about Bone Structure on MRA forums. It was only a hop, skip, and jump to earnestly believing in Superior Aryan Genes & passive-aggressive genocide against disabled and/or poor nonwhite people.
I don't really see that as any different: the whole "bone structure" garbage is straight-up Nazi/eugenics crap to begin with, so to me you're saying "they started talking like Nazis and became Nazis" and, uh, imma gonna go with "they were Nazis to begin with."
I’m talking about the sort of stuff you’d see in PUA, MRA, and incel circles. It’s usually veiled eugenicist stuff & fascist misogyny designed to get community members more comfortable with direct & outright nazi BS.
There’s a pipeline between “There’s An Innate Biological Reason Why The Hot Girls Who Are The Only Women You Ever Pay Attention To Don’t Immediately Throw Themselves At Your Feet” to “We Must Cleanse The Earth Of Our Inferiors And Institute A National Breeding Program To Preserve The West.”
Yeah, I think we're saying the same thing: this isn't a separate group "discovering" this crap, it's how this crap has spread since forever. It's the Nazi bar story.
I mean, c'mon, Trump's father was arrested at a KKK rally in the 20s and golly gee now his kid's spouting all of the garbage they did back then. What a koinkydink.
I actually think using language that's possibly more correct but less direct isn't helpful anymore. Nazis are bad. We still know this. It's still in movies. You punch the Nazi.
"eugenicist" and "white supremacist" doesn't have the same visceral punch, IMHO. They're Nazis.
The only real difference is that the Germans got it right and imprisoned Hitler after he led a failed insurrection, forcing him to write his manifesto in prison.
Trump and the GoP just opened the door for them to start being openly horrible again.
-He wants no immigration
-He loves tariffs
-& his favorite president is McKinley
Trump is truly running as if this is early 1900s.
Oh the poverty back was abject
Just traditional USA politics that inspired Hitler.
* guess what: it won’t
Anyone voting for these two in the uniparty are out their minds. You know that, right?
Yall did this. All of you.
But I'll repeat: part of being an adult means accepting realities that you don't like, and doing the best you can within them. Throwing a fit and packing your ball and going home helps nobody.
It’s like talking to a wall of abuse.
They were poor white trash (great grandad was a pimp, no?), who ran toward the best chance.
Who do you think you are, you POS.
He's ramping up the racism and xenophobia to keep hold of the racist and xenophobic voters because he knows he can't win without them
I know dogs aren't people and vice versa, but c'mon. A lot of us know that, based on science, people aren't genetically evil.
This is dehumanizing.
The linguistic pretzels they will twist themselves into to avoid saying, "Racist Nazi bullshit" is astonishing.
We know what they mean, but the insulting part is that they figure if they don't report they're Nazis, then that's journalistic integrity. As if that didn't happen in 1939.
A revolution is required.
The alt-right is founded on eugenics. Just about everything else they believe comes as a consequence of their ideas about who is genetically superior/inferior to who
They haven't flirted with it, they *are* it. These are literally just the continuation of the people who flat-out spawned the Nazis in the first place.
This racial genetics garbage is beyond toxic. Your genes don't make you a Nazi. He did that all by himself.
I need to adjust the language I use. They are white supremacists.
I actually think using language that's possibly more correct but less direct isn't helpful anymore. Nazis are bad. We still know this. It's still in movies. You punch the Nazi.
"eugenicist" and "white supremacist" doesn't have the same visceral punch, IMHO. They're Nazis.
Is the white pilgrims gene.
Race science tá se tornando mainstream na mídia e política americana já faz um bom tempo. É assustador.
Inflatable sex doll from Hell
sad thing is he would have been in the first wave of exterminations haha 'cause he such a LOSER