I'm not normally here for calling out spelling errors, but in this specific context I find it telling that she correctly tags him and then straight after, in the same post, misspells his name. Makes me think she really hasn't done much checking. Oof.
Lolol that's fair because that would be like "aight get the same "lawyer" as Bic Lasagana gotcha".
However considering Brianna's behavior as of late, it *wouldn't* surprise me either, kind of telling when you have to make a "joke" involving *that* lawyer, in that way.
She's like level 100000000 trolling everyone. She's so good at it. She's literally making joke and it's flying so far over everyone it's amazing - even here in the comments, amazing skill.
Good idea: Not posting whatever the hell Wu just posted
Bad idea: Retaining the lawyer who famously defended infamous sex pest Vic Mignogna and lost so hard that his client had to pay even more in damages than what was originally ordered.
I almost think this is her attempting to make a bad joke about the drug charges and how "high" Nick is, but also, as a reply mentioned, this isn't really any stranger than other things Wu has done over the past several years, so who knows.
Israel is not human nation anymore.
It has become a nation of monsters, remorseless killing machines, unintelligent rule breakers, and fetishes I dislike such as scat with a burning passion become the norm of pornography.
Israel must be destroyed!
No matter the cost!
Oh man, there’s a deeply familiar name from @gregdoucette.bsky.social’s Threadnought. Of course a political grifter would engage a legal grifter as an attorney.
It's endlessly funny to me that the world only knows Nicky Rackets because of his recent crime spree, and not his thoroughly inept defamation law advice in the Vic Mignogna LOLsuit
that bloodstained flag sure is a choice detail. Wondering how many people actually feel Supported and Defended by the thrust of this one gentile's support for Israel
As an American, does every American above a certain tax bracket lose their fucking minds? Why an AI image? Why Princess Peach? Sure, support Israel if that's your thing, but why cheerlead an awful war? Why bow up to Nintendo? Why...any of this???
"she's just joking" some of you are total rubes. if I put my hands over my face I don't actually disappear! and she's trying to downplay the fact she's in the bag for a genocide with the weakest shell game ever! how can any of you be this gullible?
Total shitstain of a human for a lawyer aside - I don't think she quite realizes that Nintendo lawyers make Disney lawyers look like pre-schoolers, by comparison.
and convinced a sex pest anime voice actor to sue his sexual assault victims for defamation and lose. I cannot believe someone hired this lolyer unironically.
Nintendo, you should definitely go after her this is literally free money.
Pretty sure thats one of the worst lawyers that tried to defend Vic Mignogna and failed miserably showing and just wanted to steal money from Vic. Which is good because Vic deserves everything for being a POS. So hope Nintendo DOES sue her, it will be glorious
for the people saying she's joking, you have to understand hyperbole kind of falls apart if you start with "i love genocide" and then follow up with "I'm hiring that bad lawyer to defend me in court"
Yeah. Even if it's a joke, it's not an obvious one at all. She's done so much ridiculous nonsense, all of it completely seriously, that it's incredibly easy to believe that she would hire a terrible lawyer.
Phrasing it like “he’s higher than all their lawyers” like it’s a rank and they 1. Can’t hire more, but 2. Lawyers just outrank each other and the merits of the case mean nothing haha like that’s wild.
That "he's higher than all the lawyers on Nintendo's staff" sounds just like something Trump would say, tbh. (Also sounds like something that someone with delusions of grandeur would say, which... same thing, really.)
I am about 99% sure this is a joke (albeit a terrible one), based on the “highest lawyer” language and her reply downthread with the gif of bear cubs rolling in a white powdery substance
I can't even, I mean she HAD to be aware of Mignona vs Everybody and the Threadnought--even before Screech's domestic situation imploded he was a laughingstock outside of, like, KiwiFarms.
The twitter ai image thing was spitting out images most sites were blocking, so people were testing the extents of the prompts allowed.
This was from that initial batch a few months back, i think.
if i saw that i would just assume he made a video about her because that's what he does; he makes shitty misogynistic videos about women he perceives as easy targets
I read it and said "this *has* to be a joke. But, uh, so do some of her other comments that are serious, so maybe not? I'm gonna have to wait on this one."
Publicly announcing a preemptive retention of a lawyer for a thing you know you might get sued for, one of the worse ones at that, probably isn’t going to do her any favours if it goes to trial
I mean good luck to her (not really) since Nintendo is… like a billion dollar company with a long history of suing for- and winning- copyright cases lmao. And with her use of AI I’m sure it’ll make their case stronger. It’ll be like Disney suing cuz their brand values aren’t represented accurately.
Why would Nintendo sue her? Does she think she's important enough? Then again, Nintendo is very sue-happy, so I would be happy if they sued her ass to the ground.
Also, I doubt Nintendo wants their character to be associated with an ongoing genocide. It goes against their family-friendly brand image at the minimum.
They'd pick and choose which ones. If an account with 10 followers posts it, they won't care but if someone famous like Brianna Wu does it, they might go after her.
I think she's joking as Rekita famously failed in the defence of an anime voice actor, really I understand she's no longer in the in crowd but you have to remember she's a GenXer and for us irony is are La dolce vita
i... really don't know who to root for here. everyone involved in that clusterfuck is a gigantic piece of shit. zionists, briana, her lawyer and nintendo. fuck 'em all to hell.
and she even had the nerve to use AI to make her shitty image.
Oh man, LawTwitter is gonna have a field day with this one.
He's only "unparalleled" in the sense that no one can match this level of incompetence AND foolishness.
Nintendo's lawyers: You have brought shame to our Master's intellectual property, Ms. Wu. Furukawa-sama has instructed us to recover the face you have cost Princess Peach. [Drops tonto on the ground.] A court-appointed second will join us momentarily should you disgrace yourself further.
I think it is hilarious that she is attempting to form her own PAC while behaving like she does. Obviously she wrote (or helped write) the code of ethics that is posted on the PACs site. She can't make it a day without breaking her own rules.
How is she like literally the worst in every possible way. Like pick a lane to suck in. She sucks in too many ways, like how is it even possible to be this awful
Nick Rekieta also is part of a year long online harassment campaign against multiple people and ran defense for Vic Mignoga. He is one of the worst people out there. She really lost it...
Same guy who defended (personally, not legally) Vic Mignogna the homophobic serial anime sex pest and helped him crowdfund his suit. Brianna's in some stellar company.
However considering Brianna's behavior as of late, it *wouldn't* surprise me either, kind of telling when you have to make a "joke" involving *that* lawyer, in that way.
All I can feel is utter disgust.
Now blocked.
It may not be a funny joke, but treating it like she actually retained him is dumb.
But if that's too subtle for you, how about based on this?
People who do that are ALSO terrible people
Good idea: Not posting whatever the hell Wu just posted
Bad idea: Retaining the lawyer who famously defended infamous sex pest Vic Mignogna and lost so hard that his client had to pay even more in damages than what was originally ordered.
The end.
It has become a nation of monsters, remorseless killing machines, unintelligent rule breakers, and fetishes I dislike such as scat with a burning passion become the norm of pornography.
Israel must be destroyed!
No matter the cost!
also she's so dumb it might not be a joke.
Nintendo, you should definitely go after her this is literally free money.
Um, yes, Nick is powered by the best Colombian powders lmao
it doesn't excuse to proud copyright ai genocide support but like.
Though Kathryn is right, this does seem to have been a (poorly told) joke.
(Haven't a clue who she is and just wanted to joke about this dude)
This was from that initial batch a few months back, i think.
I honestly don't know anything about her other than that she apparently has some pretty shit opinions
Because to me, that sounds like something good teachers and children's entertainers do.
anyways, get rationed by this goofy art I foudn on tumblr
and she even had the nerve to use AI to make her shitty image.
He's only "unparalleled" in the sense that no one can match this level of incompetence AND foolishness.
Hoboy, she's in for a world of hurt.
Also, HIS CHILD IS DOING COCAINE? What the absolute fuck.
seeing people shoot themvelves in the feet, unprompted will never stop being weird to me
And some people, like Wu, have both.
I have faith.
And popcorn.
Like….you're right, but not the kinda right you want to be. 😏
Actually I hope she's telling the truth, Nintendo could send toddlers to argue their case and they'd beat Nick.
Same guy who defended (personally, not legally) Vic Mignogna the homophobic serial anime sex pest and helped him crowdfund his suit. Brianna's in some stellar company.